I've got an idea...

I've got an idea. Majority of our workforce is centered in useless services (don't create wealth) while only a fraction are in industry and farming (creates wealth), which makes sense considering automatization.

So is unemployment a big issue? Why don't just work in factories/fields in shifts (eg. Some people work for one month and then another shift is taking their place) so everyone could benefit from automatization by working less and receiving more. Instead of forcing people to take useless job or die from starvation.

Is this idea retarded?

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Get out communist, go back to Belarus

Please make good arguments instead of >fuck u commie muh freedom and hamburgers


Give some examples of what you think a "useless job" is

Restaurants, tourism etc.

Your premise that all those jobs are useless is retarded, to start

see Those fill a demand. Name a job that doesnt.

But they don't create anything! They create nothing, the chair that you are sitting on right now, the bed that you sleep in, or even the computer that you use write here was created in factory.

>All services are useless

Youre literally retarded OP

People pay for services you absolute retard. This isn't the industrial revolution

>the chair that you are sitting on right now, the bed that you sleep in, or even the computer that you use write here was created in factory.
All of those things will be gone and forgotten in 20 years. So they're nothing also.

They're a passing experience. Just like eating at a restaurant or touring the Louvre.

But what about ending a rat race? What about freedom?

OP confirmed shitposting troll

Still retarded, but for different reasons

You think those sectors don't create wealth?

They don't create *goods* but goods =/= wealth and that was true even when that retarded tag the communist manifesto was being drunkenly scrawled.

Go on, name another "useless job". I could do with a laugh.

> Services don't create wealth
> 40% of company profits in US come from Financial Services

So do you think teachers, doctors, and soldiers all do meaningless jobs and they shouldn't be paid?

You commies are so hung up on tangible goods that its almost endearing.


Don't forget the unsung heroes of the service industry, America's hard working hookers.

If you don't consider them providing value then you, sir, are objectively wrong.

This was actually an idea of some early communist writer, to have everyone work in shifts of different jobs so they wouldn't get bored.
It's a retarded idea.

You're just getting at a crude version of the dichotomy between "productive" and "unproductive" labour from classical political economy:

Services don't continue to circulate as commodities so they're "unproductive" expenditures (but still necessary to maintain a functioning economy).
Most of the global workforce today is not centred in the service sector... you just don't see that most people still work in industry and farming from your vantage point in the first world. The first world mainly realizes the profits by purchasing commodities produced in the second/third world. In the process of doing all this purchasing you end up with a bigger service sector obviously.

If you want to understand why the idea of work-sharing causes so much butthurt amongst economists read this:

Finance doesn't generate "wealth" itself... it ideally arranges and rearranges capital in a fashion to theoretically put capital at work making things we actually desire and takes some income for doing this service for society

>the US has wealth and has a big financial sector
>therefore a big financial sector makes more wealth
That's just tautological thinking... a big financial sector could just be a largly unnecessary conventionalized overhead expense for conducting most business in America sucking talent away from other sectors

>Any good or service that provides happiness or is otherwise simply desirable is "useless" and thus does not count as "wealth"
Not even Karl Marx as this retarded. Fuck off.

> Being this retarded