Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #960: Yogurt Reeko Edition

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JP: HonoUmi ChalFes
EN: Kotori MedFes

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>Song of the Day:
Ruteshi Kisuki Shiteru

Other urls found in this thread:

for australia


anyone else gonna drop a few jeigarbombs when daydream warrior is released tomorrow???


user it already got released

Reminder that Riko is pure and does not fuck dogs.

oh fuck

Was this in the anime?

I would eat the yoghurt out of Riko's panties

eyes rolling back chopped heads


Umi is love.

What happened to your OP, kiddo?

Not meme/shitty enough.


Rate my wife

Who does she voice?



brain melting voice /10

hang on

hang on

this is my wife??????

Rate my wife's sister

Looks exactly like my ex girlfriend. 2/10

taller and ten years younger than your big sis /10

Over 9000

Who's ready for sunshine's duets next year after they release BD6?

Why does she look like an ugly drunk slag now?



Won't happen

I've been getting nothing but fucking bronzes for the last 10 medleys. I have 17 three song medleys left to 62.5k, but I want at least one ticket for god's sake. Should I switch to one song per medley instead?

this thread is for shitposting, if you want to discuss the game go to

Both look like shitposting threads senpai

What difficulty?

>I don't like this OP so it's shot
What a fucking baby. I'm getting tired of you morons always crying about the OP.

EX. Can only manage C combos though, sometimes B.

>play on Normal without comboing because Bluestacks
>still get 2 tickets
I suppose I'm just that lucky

So are not getting those 9 promo URs on EN?

Why would we ever get them? Those were a JP exclusive special event.

It's not even my thread newshit, I'm just sick of what you retards have turned this general into.

3 songs on EX is your best shot for Gold Rewards.

I never said it was your thread, but based on your persecution complex I'm going to assume it is. If you don't want shit posting and just want to discuss the game then go to Reddit or Discord you whiny fuck.

But the only time I saw a gold reward was 5 days ago. And it was a fucking Yazawa.

Fuck you.

i hope not my member list is too full and i don't want to be overflowing with more useless promo cards

>getting this upset over an OP
Yes, because an Umi Christmas OP is going to curb shitposting. Just look at all those JAV and Ruby pussy comments in the other OP. Just admit that you're mad because nobody chose your OP.

>tfw don't want to throw away card, not even the R
>have to expand the list every few days
It hurts my progress but at least I got to keep my raibus.

Buy Loveca to expand your member slots

But I'm poor.

Just sell drugs or one of your kidneys. People will buy anything these days, it's so easy to make money.

how to access them?

Her JAVs out?

You just get a knife and cut one of them out and stitch the wound. Apply alcohol to the wound so that you don't get an infection and die.

Drugs can be a bit more tricky, You just have to fly over to Columbia, buy cocaine for incredibly cheap, sneak it back into your countries borders, sell it for 20x what you paid. You can turn 1000 into 20000.

Cumming inside Ruby-chan~~

Alcohol and age will do that to you.

Why are women so inferior? A 9/10 girl looks instantly disgusting the moment she hits 30.

I don't understand how someone can actually enjoy drinking beer. It tastes like shit. Drinking beer to loosen up and get a little tipsy is cool and all, but I will never understand people who drink while eating food.

no thanks, it's impractical and doesn't pay
i just wanna earn money right now on pc

You lazy cunt. Just get a job at the Huffington Post or some other gimmicky clickbait "journalist" website.

nu-male/smelly frenchman detected


5 cute facts about maki:

- She's a girl!
- She's a tomato!
- I love her!!!!!
- Maki!!!!!!!!!!!



Reposting from the other thread.

oh no my bikini fell off >_

>This is the best Aqours song ever

Is Yoshiko suppose to be a tough girl or a childish girl? I can't believe she's the centre in waku waku week.

What happens when the countdown hits 0?

>Either risk dying or custody
Being a poorfag is fine.

No, it has conan so it's already shit

childish. She spazzes out and messes around like the dumb chuuni she is alot of the time, but when she's working on idolshit with her raibus she can be serious.

la~ la la~la la~la~lala~
koi no meiro...
yuri no meiro...

Cumming inside Ucchi~~!

Goddamn she is OLD, you'd think it was Shuka or something, just add mouth moles and pig nose.

But she's bossy, isn't she?

*remorselessly assassinates you*


What gives you that impression?

Only in the bedroom with Lily.

What's the appeal of konan anyway?

But muh drama cd!

Yoshiko is loyal to her senpais.

Crack dumbposter

better do it quickly she'll become barren in a few years

Can't believe this bitch was arrogant enough to state that she wants a man with 100k salary.


Strong barbarian that doesn't afraid of anything.

what are some american christmas pop songs you always listen to every year?
or just christmas songs from your country.
youtube is very, very localised

ucchi really said that?

Your child will get fetal alcohol syndrome anyway.

nigga where you been

Yeah. It's one thing for women to want strong, charming men but to just want one with a high salary is shameful.

t. SJW

Gold diggers are Gold diggers.

How was I defending gold diggers? My post advocated for conservative values.

She just wants someone in the same income bracket as her, no male gold diggers.

I HIGHLY doubt Ucchi makes anywhere near 100k.

oh, then ucchi's salary under 10 million yen? sounds unbelievable but i know seiyuu industry is hard to survive and get enough money even if she becomes popular
selling my kidney is not enough anyway

Nah, Ucchi will choose the man that she likes. She's just making a joke about that money.

I have no idea how much she makes but she's definitely filthy rich.

Oh really? I didn't know you were close enough to Ucchi to know if she was joking or not. Amazing. Do you have any stories about your illustrious friendship?