League of Lego /lolg/

Lulu is cutest and sweetest girl edition!

Old threda:

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is Poppy so darn cute?

Daily reminder that traditional supports are outdated and being replaced by high burst mages.

I got it from /wsg/ a while back in one of their "odd gifs" generals
this one as well
lower quality but you know, cant all be gold
I had a lot more but these are all that survived

why is guardian angel a core third item on Kled right now?

>tfw win a late game teamfight

and your team gets no objectives

>ga third item

I'm pretty sure that build logic that came from the LCS. Not that Kled was played, but top
laners would get their two core items + boots, the got GA because they were going to be splitting, diving, targeting carries. You know, dangerous shit.

Chilly Mitten, Sunfire, GA -Ekko Poppy
Hydra, Cleaver, GA- Fiora, Olaf i guess

I.might have to try Cleaver, Muramana, GA on Urgot

xth for breast waifu


third xth for ONE MOREGRAVE

fourth xth for HEAVY AND METAL

fifth xth for THE MIGHT OF LOKFAR

Who counters Gangplank?

who is the most win-lane dependent champion?

I know that losing lane puts every champ behind, but who is literally useless if they don't crush lane?



Hey, I played Karthus yesterday. I just saw I had pentakill karthus owned for some reason, even though I dont recall ever buying that skin

Holy fucking shit that skin is so based, new voicelines, new jokes, new ult voicelines

That skin is amazing.


I wanna cuddle Jinx

Pantheon I think.

>Irelia lost lane hard to tank Katarina
Its time to stop

Damn right

was this ur jungler?

delusional lulufag edition more like LMAO

It's on op.gg, actually. Both on most frequent core build and highest win% core build


I want this crab to be a champion

Pantheon is pretty much the one.

If you go to champion.gg and see how the champs winrate chances based on gamelenght these champs have downward slopes like pantheon. He for example wins 56% of the games that are less than 25 mins but manages only a 47% winrate in games lasting over 35 mins

Best eyes.
Best smile.
Best wife!

Why is Sona disqualified from contests?

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

shit thread i'm going back to d2g

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Post webms! This is what happens in bronze

I realized a few of the mistakes I did such as not picking up the buckler after i stunned Vi, and maybe ulting Vi might have been a mistake but I still got a double kill.

>join a game
>waiting for it to start
>lights out because storm
>lights come back one minute after
>two minutes to log in
>Team already surrender and everyone reports me
Fucking A. Can't you fags wait for at least five minutes? Why Riot allows this?

>top hovers Yas
>enemy team bans him
>he dodges
Good times

if you are in bronze your mistakes are irrelevant

you are plain garbage


If you were in ranked, you diserve that

they cant wait for 5 minutes because remake is only available at 3 and only once.

>trade with top lane who wants to jungle Naut
>Naut gets banned
>He goes back top vayne
>Vayne gets banned
I could not stop laughing

the team with better jungler wins
welcome to season7

>whine about losing games because of afks
>get remake implemented
>whine whine when teams don't wait for you and instead remake and report you


I love it when the enemy team bans the yas on my team
I dont look like an asshole and I also dont lost 20 lp

I was in silver in last season I just fucked up my placements this season and got placed in bronze IV, I climbed to bronze II and I feel like I will get to Silver in 10 to 20 games depending on my luck.

Well kat is pretty hard to beat when ahead and I can see any not-irelia-main just getting kited and bursted by a kat
Could just rush like wits end and kat can't touch her though

Do you want someone to duo with?

are you me?

Reminder that Vladfag is cybering with a Veeky Forums mod

>banning paying passposters because of a text post

She already won one

On the subject of Sona, is there any greater feeling than building AP, bringing Ignite, and turning into the world's mos infuriating lane bully?

Unironically slap yourself for being stupid.

I'm fine with solo, I want to get where I need to be by myself and feel like I accomplished something.

That's weird reasoning, but alright no worries. I miss playing this game with people and all my friends have stopped.
I'll play with anyone so long as they let me go top.

You can add me if you want, I am the poppy in that webm, we could duo if I change my mind.

Are you gonna be playing today? I'm in a seaonal lay off right now and besides when my gf is home I'm online and playing.
I gotta be honest I don't want to add someone that feels he MIGHT want to play with me, so I'll leave the decision to you. IGN's Chawko Milk

are you me as well?

I can play if you want a support main to duo with :^)

when the poor bastard can't even clear a camp without getting gangbanged

Like I said, as long as I get to top. I'm over the fear of adding people from here. Go nuts

Back the heck off, she's mine!

Lmao nice

why are there so many luluposters

i feel like tristana is the only yordle they tried to make look cute

>getting styled on by a full ap amumu


Because lulu is the most autistic hipster champ in the game, so the autists and hipsters all flock to it.


Was this your jungler?

lulu was first, they only made tristana/poppy cute later.

I don't get why people even like her, her hat looks like a poop emoji and all she does is stuff her face with bad food but "because magic" she isn't a lardass.


Clearing a huge wave with Ryze's Q and E is pretty close though imo

I just told you why people like her, autistic pedophiles whose brains have long rotted away.

You have to have some severe brain dmg to look at a purple eastern island statue and think yeah thats cute.

>mid hovers yasuo
>I ban it
>he insta-bans what I hovered

>picking ryze

literally get in your car and drive off the nearest cliff you degenerate fuckstain

>sona gets ignite and tries to be some shitty ap caster near me


is it too early for a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

good way to get 2 bans out

yeah, so you hover something you dont give a shit about
these are the basics of climbing
that and tactical dodging

you heard me

if you play ryze you are actually subhuman

I didnt even see that he hovered him, I just always ban yasuo. He then picked katarina, gotta get "le epic outplay" moments :^)

You are the jungler?

>alistar gets to dive a turret for free as soon as he hits 6
>all you have to do as a jungler is watch for your alistar hitting 6 soon, walk down there, and be ready to take advantage of the FREE dive
>the only counterplay to this is for the enemy botlane to back off, which leads to all sorts of famr/xp advantages
>this can also potentially directly lead to dragons and first tower money
Nice game lolbabs.

If you're having trouble climbing as a jungler, just duo with an alistar and collect your free advantage bot lane at level 6.

Lulu is cute and adorable!

>warwick gets to secure a kill for free as soon as he hits 6
>all you have to do as a jungler is to watch for your warwick hitting 6 soon, walk down there, and be ready to take advantage of the FREE kill
>the only counterplay to this is for the enemy botlane to back off, which leads to all sorts of famr/xp advantages
>this can also potentially directly lead to dragons with teleport and first tower money

you're meant to only ban yasuo if theyre on your team though


ww is otherwise bad though. he does 1 thing. Alistar is a generally ok/good support in addition to his dive at level 6.

You also don't have to be playing a particular jungler, you can play whoever you want and just be with an alistar. As opposed to having to play specifically WW.

>second item GA
nice DPS lolbabs

>hating on Ryze
This is a new one

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

jesus that build

i got it cause they would kill me in one hit

ww is bad against a lot of the popular supports. Any hard cc negates ww's 1 strength. Stuff like Janna Q and Leona Q etc etc all just make him into a bad champion.

Enemy has no hard cc and can channel his ult: ww is an amazing champion
Enemy does have hard cc and ww either has to sit on his ult or get it interrupted: ww is a bad champion.

Maybe it's just me and my shitty low Eli, but it feels like junglers gank a lot less now.

Anyone else notice this?

>it all comes down to the better jungler

do some damage or deal no damage so you live 5 seconds longer?

tough call m8

not that that game was salvageable, but it most certainly doesn't get better from a ga

>low *elo*

Holy shit FUCK autocorrect

It's the adc role problem. You will be getting one shot by at least 3/5 if not 5/5 of all enemy champs in every game regardless of circumstances. You can't fix that by buying defense, you will just end up cripling your dps and being as good as dead without them even having to kill you.
Position better and let mid carry is the strategy of the season.

doesn't matter ranked or normal, remake is always justified when it is possible

they didn't get a loss because you were afk and let the enemy laner get an advantage on you, that's assuming you even returned, so you got your loss for playing with internet problems and they went free and saved a lot of time

Lulu = C U T E

thats not a good way to make friends

>someone adds me
>try and be cool, make smalltalk while my kettle boils cuz i dont wanna queue without my hot chocolate
>deletes me
Well then

>buying guardian as an early item

Huge mistake, garudain angel should be a last item, not your second or third. Don't do that again.

ADCs should be pure DPS. If you find yourself dying a lot, then you need to play smarter and practice your positioning in team fights.

stop being a dick then :^)

seems legit.

I want all lulufags to stop spamming their waifu worship Except the swimming in guy

they didn't add you for smalltalk

>camomille mains

>half health ADC
>taken out by an AP ult

Yes that's pretty legit and a common occurrence really.

>level 15, being playing support and jungler mostly
>bought yorick cause he looks dope
>want to go top because there's nowhere else to go with yorick
>matchmaking calls three fucking times to accept the match because people keep refusing it (what the fuck are they doing?)
>one second in and people already screaming and fighting for top an mid
>the other guy instalocks adc
>three fucking games with this exact pattern, one after another
God, I just want to play fucking Yorick.