I want to make "Veeky Forums for normies", with a fancy mobile client, authorization...

I want to make "Veeky Forums for normies", with a fancy mobile client, authorization, no porn or other type of explicit content, etc.

Any advice? How to make it get popular?

how about create a better idea.... oh wait you can't because you depend on other existing things to make a business out of it. you have no creativity and think that your "GREAT IDEA" will give you an escape from your wagecuck job... loser...

No, my idea will give me power over a community.

Money doesn't really matter.

you have no idea... you are latching on others for an idea you didn't create.. nice try bro maybe next time.

and if your idea would give you power over a community it shouldn't have an issue being popular. ;)

I want to make a good implementation.


>I want to make a horrible shitty version of Veeky Forums without anything that makes Veeky Forums good.
>how do I make it popular
You don't. You'd have a better time making something like reddit.
Don't think I can't see through you, filthy jew.
>make Veeky Forums for normies
>introduce them to Veeky Forums
>flood this place with even more cancer.

thank you for elaborating to this idiot.

Create a community where popular posts are seen by more people while nonpopular posts are deleted.

I thought you meant like a filtering app for Veeky Forums to keep it safe for work. Your idea is stupid its called reddit.

he has no idea... he has no creativity... he's a wannabe. Asking people on Veeky Forums for advice. His idea is so shit not even the idiots on this site would steal it... lol

So a shitty reddit

habbo hotel?

you're already using it

>all these people saying Reddit
Nah on Reddit you still have literally all the same shit Veeky Forums has topic wise, this guy wants to make a butchered forum.

Why don't Veeky Forums devs make something like Veeky Forums Live, allow anons to stream shit, like /pol/ can stream their trump rallies and meme the fuck about while doing so, /po/ can stream their faggy ass hobby, and Veeky Forums can do martin shkreli type of streams (finance advice, crypto news and advice) etc, there can also be like a feature where other anons can join a live chat type of thing and have an open discussion... the autism will be fucking unbearable but still.

Because bandwidth

>implying content flow cant be regulated
And besides, they can just increase their server capacity or whatever

it will cost a fuck ton but thats hiros problem

>create thread with link to stream

Done. How hard was that?


It's called Reddit


we don't need more sites offering safe spaces

This is the stupidest fucking idea I've heard, and I'm on Veeky Forums to start with!!

"Veeky Forums for normies".
It's apt that the only word I can find to describe this concept, oxymoron, already has the word "moron" in it. Take away the explicit content, the controversy from Veeky Forums and what do you have?
No one would go there. Shit, even plebbit has NSFW subs. But reddit is a totally different kettle of fish. Instead you have no value proposition. no community you can coalesce around. You don't even have a business model or source of revenue (you DON'T want to mimic Veeky Forums's business model, put it that way)

>Any advice?
Think of a different idea
>How to make it get popular?
Pay people to use it. Literally the only way you could.

We have yik yak for that.

>Download Chanu android app from f-droid.
>Disable NSFW boards

It's called Reddit
It's called Facebook

Which country do you live in, OP? I've been up to this lately, I hired a programmer but he fucked off (didn't pay him though).

I'm thinking about making it available to people in my country, that will help grow it.

I'm pretty sure OP means a platform which works in the same way Veeky Forums does (no registration, anonymity, free speech) but doesn't market itself to be for basement dwelling neckbeard neets.

Your inferring a lot there. But also I fail to see how anonymity is an attraction to the average person, I mean we've already seen countless websites and even facebook pages based around "confessions").
The only thing you've brought up is the no registration element... but I'd be interested to see if that makes a sizable difference when there's already so many different services it would be competing against.

Quite frankly there's no need that it serves, it COULD, but it's not obvious. I think OP is working ass backwards: start with the behavior or problem to be solved, then identity the demo/user, then find the relevant platform.

>I fail to see how anonymity is an attraction to the average person
Jodel, Whisper, etc. If it isn't already popular, we might as well make it.

I like the idea, but user and Normie's don't really mix. Look at all the normie kingdoms online. They build communities by censoring and filtering unpopular ideas and people so that only the conformers are left. At that point the remaining Normie's all get along fairly well and form the basis for a solid community.

So if a normie community is based mainly on forced conformity, an user community is built on strife and trolling. You have to enjoy the fight a bit to want to be here, otherwise why not go to Reddit where the people who make it hard (assholes and non conformists) are banned?

Veeky Forums for normies is reddit.

and reddit sucks.