Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/


>What's new?
Zul'jin (the Warcraft version, not the WoW version) to be released in a couple of weeks

>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Where do I find you Odin-without-Master-Assassin-talenting faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Current weekly brawl:

>Latest patch notes:

>Official site, general news:

>Hero rankings, various statistics, talent calculator:

>For new players:

>Tips and other useful resources:

Other urls found in this thread:


>Current weekly brawl
brawl in the OP is outdated, for whoever makes the next thread be sure to rectify this

So a shitty Abathur clone.

Since Dota 2 is unironically turning into HoTS I decided to pick up this game, is this F2P or do i have to pay for it?

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

Free to play, but you need to unlock heroes either by paying ingame currency or real-life money.

It's the LoL type of f2p.

You get one or two to start with, and some weekly poorfag handout rotations that go away if you don't own them. And 90% of the cosmetics are cash-only Basically like how Dota 2 has no free drops. All heroes are grindable with in-game gold though. Eventually.

Don't bother grinding heroes past lv 5 unless you're a maining autist.

Actually lvl 9 is where the money is at.

Yeah, but that's a sizable amount of time and effort, especially if you aren't stimmed.

>rip afk training u will be missed

is the queue for ranked always so long

How do I git gud as Kerrigan? Even when I land the combo, she seems to be able to do fuck all else to finish anyone off. I always get bursted down.

Also, I got placed in silver 2. How do I carry games?

Most of my queues between Silver and Diamond were 1-3 minutes.
Placements were 8-10.

Full-length brawls should favor heroes the player has that are at least level 5.

Play with your team

How's the current snow brawl? Some OP heroes/strategies?

An easy way to carry games in lower leagues is waveclear and making sure lanes aren't going unsoaked. Make sure you still show up for objectives and stuff, though.

finally....I can have my revengeance
*dives behind u*
pssst...nothing personel....kid

>OP heroes/strategies?
A team that actually manages to coordinate

Tracer is fucking BROKEN on that Brawl.

You can use the small snowballs to knock people through your gates and into towers, over terrain, into your team. Snowball also have next to no CD and you can fight around towers and spam murder people with them, especially the big ones. Big ones also do tons of siege damage.

Never pick Murky, he dies in one ball most of the time.


Don't play her. Too finicky.

>how carry

PvE until you have the mechanics to PvP.

>soak lanes
>clear minions
>siege structures
>try to avoid dying
>show up to objective, win/lose it then get back to lanes

Also, a few of the small things.

>focus on you
>don't argue with people, especially in-game
>try to avoid learning/playing too many heroes at once
>keep busy; try to always be doing something
>play easy heroes until you get a feel for things

>last pick locks leoric when we have literally 0 cc
>we lose because we have literally 0 cc
>"sigh these teams -.-"
>"nobody asked me if i was ok tanking -.-"

Why are Abathur players such self-important niggers?

Just the nature of team-reliant Heroes, which Abathur has a reputation for being.

Because they think they're accomplishing something, when in reality, the rest of the team ahs to carry the Abathur the majority of the time.

Because they pay the most attention to what other people are doing and see you face checking bushes like an idiot and getting raped

While accomplishing absolutely nothing themselves.

That's why people pick Abathur even in "pro" games? To do nothing?

>queue for snow brawl
>estimated wait time 72 seconds
>time in queue 310 seconds

anyone wanna queue with me to do the nexus event?

I want to get the genji skin for overwatch; I'm level 40 tho.


Does he or does he not just sit there like a shit worm 99% of the time and accomplish nothing. No soaking, no sieging, nothing.

He gets on the MVP listing for being a welfare nigger.

The thing is, they have a team that will pick and play around them. Any other time outside of an environment like that, and Abathur is going to be nearly useless unless his teammates are going to be willing to step up and do something.

He "does nothing" in the sense that he essentially demands shit from your team otherwise he'll just be dead weight. A lot like Gazlowe and Nova to some extent, really. So he ends up being a detriment more often than not.

>smurf placements, start off in low silver
>first pick hovering zeratul
>somebody questions it
>the pros always pick or ban him and hes s tier right now
>ends the game with the most deaths and less hero damage than the support

And there's a reason Abathur has had one of, if not the lowest winrate for such a long period of time.




World of difference between a 5-stack pro team and a bunch of pubs.

>what ten grandmaster players on coms do has anything to do with my silver solo queue


>he is in silver
No wonder you hate Abathur

>win one placement
>lose next three

oh well there's always next season

No, I'm bouncing between high diamond and master because I'm shit.

Just like Abathur.


>hurr durr abathur is bad

>five quick match wins at an unspecified mmr

guys look he's viable

new to game, but does ranked mmr determine quick match mmr as well?



Hahahahaha. This game doesn't even use a proper MMR system. It goes by your team's overall average MMR. Which means (Not saying this DID happen, but that it COULD have happened) that the guy could have played against 1-2 good players, 3-4 bad players, or 4 good players and one bad which brought them down horribly, or his team was better than HE was, so they were fine on their own while he was free to do Abathur things, etc. Etc.

Yes, trips

I know QM MMR has an effect on HL MMR placements and what ranked you're placed at and whatnot, but I'm not unsure about the other way around.

>GM here
I havent' seen an abathur in my last 20 games. Not even on Cursed Hollow which is a decent map for him.

I think it's the other way around, not sure though.

>play 20-30 quick matches
>win slightly more than half
>placements, go 6-4
>diamond 3, 500 points

And another season of everything below Master meaning next to nothing.

>game doesn't have a proper mmr system

True. Bumped into a top 10 GM duo-queued with another GM on some level 28 vulture account. Quick Match is a bit of a coinflip.

I also won eight games in a row just farming up seasoned Marksman stacks on Jimmy.

Did he at least go Tomb

Murky buffs when

Where the FUCK is Durotan????

In my bed ;)

why? is he tired?


fuck that dumb fish

does blizzaed even have any decent cat characters?

You're in that big ass cat vs dog thread, aren't you?

Maybe we'll eventually get a Feral Druid.

Is that THE worst Master skin the game? They just add so many unnecessary spikes its crazy.
They shouldve just made him his Frozen Throne counterpart, with the angry looking glaives and his wings.

Yeah, and it definitely seems like one of the more popular ones. Sort if wish there were statistics to show the popularity of skins/mounts and their tints.

Worst master imo goes to Diablo and Leoric. Diablo does not need a bunch of lame ass looking spikes and pads, and Leoric's majestic face and crown being covered up is a big fuck up.

>finished eating dinner with the family
>opened gifts
>started playing as Auriel for the first time
>haven't enjoyed playing support until now

I really like Auriel. Is she good in the meta?

hey you god damn degenerate it's the 24th it's not christmas yet

Yes, she's S tier. Main only very good with a ranged Assassin on the team and countered against long range poke assassins/comps.

It's the first night of Hanukkah what are you talking about?

Cool thanks. Been trying out different builds with her.

Auriel is fucking great. I think right now the only "meh" supports are Uther, and Li Li. Auriel is one of the top support picks though, she's great.

I'd say maybe a little too great, the whole not having to rely on mana thing is fucked up. But maybe that's just me.

>tfw 3-0 in placements right now
>severe anxiety about playing more because those 3 games were great and I don't want to be disappointed.

>not knocking out as many games as u can til u lose 1

lmao you are fucking stupid

0-4 placement matches. Fuck this game's community of cucks and plebs.

I'm so desperate for a pvp game, I'm even starting to enjoy this drivel...

>when you play hots and wow arena so much you forget what fun feels like

It's fun user. Blizzard Smash Bros.

meh, it'll pass the time until the next For Honor beta

There's always Memewatch.

can't aim

gotta play something where you don't shoot

>gotta play something where you don't have to aim
There's always Memewatch.

is he op yes or no be honest


>master assassin + odin + stim

is this what war feels like

you really have no idea how bad my aim is

I have 2.2k mmr on Overwatch

Mei, Winston, Symmetra, Torb.

Hold you horses there buddy.
Do NOT even start comparing SR to MMR.

>get back into the game because of him
>expect vanilla nostalgia
>all his stuff is based on cataclysm
>drop him like he's hot

No but he's secretly more of a specialist than an assassin. Treat him as such.

this is what it feels like
pure ecstasy

Only character of those I like is Torb, but playing the same hero all the time gets tiring and he's pretty shit on attack. I die often enough that I'm not gonna play a hero that doesn't appeal to me aesthetically. Plus there's always the sound effects and >chinese accent and >indian accent are a pretty big turnoff

I don't even care enough for you to explain me the difference


Memes aside, yes. Molten Core and Lava Wave give him the best defense potential in the game; he can completely nullify some map objectives because of that. Even Sulfuras Smash is still insane. He's like a better Thrall.

Anybody who says he isn't OP just isn't taking Heroic Difficulty.

This. He's also fucking more of a ranged Assassin than a melee. Q gives fuckall for healing unless specced into it, and even then it won't save you against all the burst in this game, so you generally just poke with your Meteor and give people your E until you can do anything.

UNLESS you spec for his W, then you just... do the same thing, but more effectively because your poke is now extremely great. They need to sort their shit out, and stop making melee assassins that need ranged capabilities to be viable.

He tends to be very weak in the early game as he's a big, glowing target that everyone wants a piece of. Expect to be focused down more than your healer.
If you stick with it, he has many viable builds, but I recommend the regen talent at level 4 since that leads to a 25% damage reduction.
Late game Rag is an absolute beast, especially once you hit 20 and can get Heroic Difficulty.

When should you switch to beast form as Greymane? I feel like I spend the vast majority of every match just shooting at range, and then using my E or ult for the last bit of damage to secure a kill, but I'm not sure if that's how he's mean to be played.

To get the last hit. If you dive in too soon you're asking to die.

I love any and all parodies of this scene
And yet, it is how the entirety of Warcraft started creating villains and its struggle war as a whole

>Heroic Difficulty
Why does everyone love this talent?
The only reason I took it was the 50 second cooldown, which is insane on small maps.
Now at 70 seconds it doesn't feel all that meaningful since the damage increase was negligible, since you already pack enough punch to snipe low health heroes running away and anyone caught in your q is pretty much at the mercy of your team.

It's basically the exclamation point on your victory. You can turn back a hard push from your enemies, or hop into one of the enemy keeps and help finish the core. It's a game-finisher.

Submerge isn't good and the ult talents are shit.

Heroic Difficulty makes Ragnaros a true raid boss and will secure crucial teamfights and objectives, which the other talents at 20 won't.

>I'm afk at fountain
lost it

>iceblock that heals you for +60% isn't good

>it's 40%
>it still isn't

cum misha

Submerge IS good, it's just more of an emergency pick for specific situations, USUALLY when you've built all Q or all E, you'll be in a real vulnerable spot trying to utilize those builds, and sometimes you really just need that stasis heal. Generally, Lava Wave's second charge is great in pretty much any situation but only if you feel you really need to ease up some pressure for your team, but otherwise, yeah, Heroic Difficulty is prrrooobably the more useful of them all.

They really did great with Rag's talents, they're nice and diverse. It's just his base numbers I have an issue with. Meteor is too good while I feel like Q and E builds are lacking in comparison.