Will it damage my car if I run pure water in the cooling system without any antifreeze for about a week?

will it damage my car if I run pure water in the cooling system without any antifreeze for about a week?

Where I live the lowest the temp will go to the next month is 5 degrees so the water freezing and fucking shit up isnt a concern but will some rusting or corrosion possible happen in a weeks time from running without antifreeze?

use distilled water faggot
>that gif
beastiality is not allowed outside of /trash/ kthx

generic auto store coolant is dirt cheap, like 15 bucks.

why the hell would you run straight water if you have temperatures that are near freezing. A lot of the additives are for water pump lubrication aswell, don't run straight water lol.

its only for like a week because im getting some work done to my car that involves draining the coolant in about a week

my car is a vw and uses expensive special coolant so i dont want to put it in now only to have it fucking drained in a week

Doesn't blacked just hire gay black men and give them viagra?

or should i just put some cheap green colant then drain it off later?

Really? Source? That would be hilarious

Sadly I've heard of this too. So they don't get excited quickly so they can drag on the filming.

No it won't fuck anything up, just make goddamn sure it never goes below freezing during the night. it may be 5 degrees in the morning, but if it was -1 for the whole night and then the car sits in shade until you pick it up, water will still be frozen and at that point you will fuck a lot of shit up.

Corrosion and deposits won't happen in a week, so don't worry about that. Use distilled water if you are really that worried about deposits.

Since I assume your cooling system is empty right now, you can throw some cheap antifreeze in there, you will be flushing that stuff anyway once you work on it next week

Water is the best possible coolant you can use. Use de-mineralised water and the risk of increased corrosion is small. The only risk you run is it freezing and popping casting plugs.

I run 90% water in my RX7 during the summer and switch to 60/40 for the winter.

Middle one's hot, but her pussy is too big and meaty.
She's probably anorexic, and it would look normal if she wasn't. Kind of like how fat people who lose a ton of weight still have giant heads.

>We're looking for gay black men to give free Viagra to and have sex with women
>Are you gay?

>Are you gay?
>yeah whatever
>Cool because we're shooting Fuccboi Decimation III: The Gapening before the chick flick

Why do people think deionised, distilled or deminerallised water (it's all the same shit) is any less likely to cause rusting than straight tap water? Also buying all that special water will cost more than the actual glycol OP is trying to put off buying.

Do you even know what corrosion is you fucking spas?

Also demineralised water costs about £1 for 2L here. It's stypidly cheap.

>use distilled water faggot
Distilled water is the most corrosive moron.

>distilled water won't corrode shit
You're an idiot.

unless it freezes you'll be fine

Troll. Plus that's not what he said, tap water has minerals and other stuff in it that can encourage things like electrolysis which will cause corrosion long term. Distilled water is only hydrogen's and oxygens essentially, so while it will still allow corrosion to happen it's not helping it along as much

>will it damage my car if I run pure water in the cooling system without any antifreeze for about a week?

There are generic antifreeze products compatible with all colors of branded antifreeze. That's because the specialty additives are deliberately not included with that antifreeze so that it can remain compatible.

You don't want regular water in there because antifreeze also fights galvanic corrosion as well as the type of accelerated metal corrosion (aka rust) that forms when you have both high heat and water with metal. Galvanic corrosion results when you have both aluminum and iron touching the same water. Galvanic corrosion occurs with or without the engine running, but a running engine's heat will accelerate corrosion.


Racist and dumb. Why am I not surprised.

ITT: idiots that think one week with water will cause all kinds of destruction to metal components

what's this film about?

You understand that after a day or two it will pull minerals out of the system because water is a solvent right?