After studying history, what can you say is the biggest obstacle to world peace?

After studying history, what can you say is the biggest obstacle to world peace?


this. Also nationalism


people not minding their own business



first post best post


Lack of empathy towards you fellow man.

geopolitical interests.

There is enough resources on earth for all however billion people to live in comfort and plenty, were it efficiently distributed to them.



we all know world peace is bs, and the only possible means of achieving it is by creating a world government ruled by a few elites.

German unification.

This- logistics. So many people, needs, ideas. Humans by and large wants peace with one another. The resources and technology exist to make it possible, but 7 billion people aren't close to having the social/political skills to make it happen.

ayoo halten ,
so dass du sagen, dass wir KONINGE und SCHEISSEN?


I disagree. If it wasn't nationalism being used as a casus belli it would be replaced by something else.



It's not that we can't distribute goods equally to everyone, it's just not profitable.


Islam and social justice warriors

Santa Claus


Control of Jerusalem.


Could this be a reason to kill off or at least sterilize a lot of people. The less people the more chance for world peace because people because the likelihood to agree goes up?


>, what can you say is the biggest obstacle to world peace?

Abrahamic religions.


>b-but le *tips fedora*

No one can look at the middle east and honestly say religion doesn't impede peace.

In the modern world: the availability of nuclear weapons being limited to military superpowers rather than all democratic countries.

In preindustrial times: the scarceness of resouces (duh)

Yeah, surely the Middle East isn't one of the hottest spots on Earth for the imperial countries to play proxy wars.

It would be peaceful if everyone just converted to Wahhabism you racist sexist islamophobic shitlord

Yeah but then you've got a means justifying the ends problem. I'm not sure many people will volunteer for sterilization. If you force them, it's just violence for the sake of peace. Which has been down countless times already and failed.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

lack of nationalism

Tired pseudo-argument

resources are still scarce

He is technically correct.

remarkably answered by no argument at all from you.

this thread contains a lot of horseshit but one of the most pertinent would be identities (and religions aren't the only part of it). If it wasn't for religions, they would've found something else in the ME, but you have to be retarded not to see that religious identities are being used by groups of interests (states, corporations etc) to fuel the war, and are pretty rarely the one starting reason.

How would more nationalism lead to increased world peace? Wouldn't increased nationalism lead to MORE border conflicts and land grabs?

Religion. It's quite clear.

Except that foreign influence cannot explain the amount of conflict and backwardness in the mid east. Anyone with intellectual honesty recognizes this.

The experts invariably think the status quo is the only realist option

>No one can look at the middle east and honestly say religion doesn't impede peace.
The middle east has always been like that. The only difference now is that a non pan-arab state got planted in the middle of it, while the eternal anglo also promised palestinians the same spot.

Who are those experts? Poster on a Belgian beer contesting forum?

The divine reality of violence, and it being the sole moral good.

>What was the 20th century


People are stupid, violent, and panicky animals that, for all the advances in philosophy and thought, would cheerfully hang an outsider by the neck for having an extra thumb ten days after a world blackout.

The human race must be exterminated.

Had already been studied and established. Diversity+proximity=war

Most peaceful areas are places where people are separated


Nationalism is nothing but large scale tribalism which is inherently divisive and confrontational, promoting the concept of us versus them.

Peace on earth isn't going to come until an extraterrestrial threat creates a paradigm shift in the way "us" is viewed in the context of "them"

It would stop conflicts within nations especially with the failed multiculturism experiment in western nations.

Replacing conflicts within nations with conflicts between nations isn't creating world peace.

Proximity between nations.

If white people are Minorties in their own countries, world peace will never be achieved since its white nations who are pushing this lets all get along bullshit.

Communism/socialism is also large-scale tribalism.

The real answer to achieving world peace is radical individualism and free-market capitalism on a global scale.

Privatization of nukes?
What can go wrong?

When did I say anything about communism/socislism?

Nice strawman.

>its white nations who are pushing this lets all get along bullshit.
Because they don't want other nations to threaten the current world order which favors white nations.

No because modern white people are a bunch of ethno masochists who would happily be replaced by brown people in their own nations to avoid being called racist. Whites people believe if they cease to exist, oppression ends and world peace is inevitable

You need to spend less time on /pol/. It's poisoning your world view.

There isn't a single nation on the planet promoting the extinction of white people.

Not extinction. Just hated minority status. Several EU politicians admit this. Hillary's Vice President states white people need to become a minority. Current immigration trends suggest this. All so politicians can have a reliable base for their shit policies since brown people vote tribally. Welcome to Brazil 2.0


When robots run the world we'll become extinct, or the few of us left for whatever reason will have so little power we couldn't wage war on the front lawn.


This meme must stop.
Resources aren't scarce; it's poor logistics that make it difficult to feed everyone.

That's funny, because no one else plays proxy wars in MENA as hard as Saudi Arabia and Iran do


the human mind, and our strive for egoism.

Conflicts of interest

>biden literally saying in front of a camera that whites will become a minority by 2050 and that that's a good thing
>bruh you're just paranoid oh brb gotta prep the bull

>brown people vote tribally.

What- everyone votes for their own self interest of what they think is best for the nation.

They vote in the basis of "republicans are for white people, democrats are for me"

They don't care about the nation because the majority of it is white.

Wolrd Peace is not desirable.



We are not meant for peace, and we should not have it for extended periods of time.

This right here

Subtle marxposting

Today? The
>muh national interests
crowd that make it impossible for nations to intervene in defense of common goods like human rights.

Wtf? Downloads are the main driver for world peace these days

Eh, religion isn't necessarily. It's people too stupid to realise that religion is a personal thing and are easily swayed by anyone who ends every command with "God wants it"


People's prejudice is due to human imperfection. We can only truly be saved if we're alone or controlled by a machine god.

Covetousness, which is the beginning of idolatry.

The inability to be content. But I think we'll figure all this out eventually, it just sucks that it's going to take some radical repercussions for people to learn this lesson.

James 4:2-3
2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures***(King James Version uses 'lusts' instead of 'pleasures')

The whole world is engulfed in this, fighting for the resources of poorer and less educated nations, all for domination of the globe, all for power and maximum leverage on the potential global financial market.

We do some strange things to ourselves man lol..

>People's prejudice is due to human imperfection. We can only truly be saved if we're alone or controlled by a machine god.
or if we alter what it means to be human at the most fundamental levels


Long term peace is incompatible with the principles of biological life. It's the flip side of strife and neither is inherently more desirable than the other. Too much strife brings death and destruction, too much peace brings decay, stagnation and boredom

You guys are all way more insightful than me, but I just wanted to say I'm really feeling shitty about profiting from this in any way. It's not white guilt or privilege or any of that dumb fucking bullshit. I really have been looking away and focusing on the wrong things. I'm sorry.

I want peace, or death.

tl;dr money

Human nature.


The Jews

Class based society

giving people freedom

I wanted to post this myself.

So I'm going to.

People are why there is no world peace. There will never be world peace, unless there is a post-scarcity and post-currency and post-pride and post-anger and post-jealous civilization.
Good luck with that if you plan to do anything besides turn humans into robots.

I'd say tribalistic behaviors and identities that create in-group out-group mentalities.

