Why did many african americans convert to islam in the 1960's?

Why did many african americans convert to islam in the 1960's?

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they dum n shiet

Kill whitey mentality. Christianity was seen as the white mans religion and Islam the black mans. Ironically Muslims oppressed and enslaved Africans in a much more brutal way

Because African Americans have a true counterculture: It is literally defined by its opposition to dominant "white" culture.

Converting to a religion that expressly buts heads with mainstream Christianity is definitely within the paradigm.

Leave one shitty religion to enter another. Grass is much greener mentality.

>Ironically Muslims oppressed and enslaved Africans in a much more brutal way

Muslims is not a concrete group so I suspect you mean Arab in which that case it's around sameish.

So Veeky Forums pagans are just copying Black Muslims 40 years too late?

There aren't many blacks in the Middle East because all their slaves died. They are also still enslaving Africans to this day and refer to them as slaves or raisin heads

what a odd yet inconspicuous question user

all i can say is: not that many

Every counterculture does the same bullshit

wait a thought it read how many converted...

im goddamn illiterate

Because they're fucking ignorant imbeciles.

>fuck bitch ass cracka name cuh I aint havin no massa slave name knowumsayin foo
>finna get me one of dem mooslim names fo sho Jesus a pussy ass white boi we wuz caliphs n shiet nigga

Doesn't make my point irrelevant but nice whataboutism.

They still have a notable black populations because contrary to the commonly though of belief that every black was castrated isn't true. For ones working with the Haram yes but many Blacks were working in physical labour and many had families in the Arab world as well as a lot of rebellions from time to time.

This. Islam is still very small in the African-American community but peopel liek blowing certian things otu of proportion as some sort of alarmist thing.


The king of Saudi Arabia's great grandfather was black. That's where the word Saud comes from, As Swad.

>Asking a bunch of idiot white supremacists about this.

Now we wait.

Same reason why Christianity is "popular" among certain groups on Veeky Forums suddenly over the last few years. Its the edgy and cool way to rebel against those around you


Those black populations are slaves.

Christians stopped enslaving Africans and gave them equal rights in their nations. Muslims to this day are vile towards them

>Christianity is a way to rebel

Most of us were brought up Christian, dumbass. Meanwhile islam didn't really exist in black America until it became a fashion trend.

Hey jesus is also one of our prophets also it probably was because they saw that under islam black people had their own states like in western africa while christianity was seen as the white man's religion.

>You're parents were LARPERS


>everyone who's not an atheist is a LARPer


>until it became a fashion trend.
Like how Christianity is suddenly popular here because its edgy to be christian on the internet now

Liberation theology

Why are you using Muslim as a replacement word for Arab?

Lol There was Muslim slaves brought to the Americas. It was small but still there.

>suddenly popular

What did he mean by this? European countries + America have been Christian for hundreds of years. If anything it's atheism that's becoming "suddenly popular".

>there was slaves

Nice grammar DeAngelo

>african americans

More like Christianity is becoming popular when the alternative is becoming more and more openly satanic, and suddenly you realize all those silly preachers you remember making fun of for warning about Satan weren't so silly after all.

Why are you trying to conflate Muslims with Arabs? Boko haram isn't Arab and they are ensslaving and killing as well. When I say Muslim I mean Muslims. Not Arabs.

Avoiding the point of a post to nitpick grammar?

>Only believing in 2 options

>Why are you trying to conflate Christian with White? LRA isn't White and they are ensslaving and killing as well. When I say Christian I mean Christians. Not Whites.

Edited that for you Gentlesir.

You seem to really hate Arabs. Why?

t. LaTranquille D'Brickashawn Abdulrahman Jackson

You seem to really hate people following the true faith of Abrahimic monotheism.


This. Also the spread of the Nation of Islam, which is rooted in black nationalism and black superiority.

I don't hate anyone. I believe everyone has a right to self determination(that includes Europeans in their native western lands and Africans). I just don't like it when they invade other people and enslave them. Muslims are pushing their religion on everyone and have been since its inception. Most violent religion on earth

T- Billy Joe Jaxxen Ne'veah Chickensworth

Youre talking as if christians didn't do the same thing.


You post is pretty lulzworthy.

>includes Europeans in their native western land

>I want to genocide all non-whites (Trump MAGA 2016), why do people hate me so much?????????

Look at a map of Islam in 1500 and look at a map of it now.
Now compare a map of Christianity in 1500 to now.

((((Most violant religion)))

Lol Wut?

t. Traneequa DaHandra Mylanta Alopecia Williams III

I wondered to what extent blacks are Muslims.

Pew polling places the number of Muslims that are black at about 23%:


Pew polling also estimates that there are about 3.3 million Muslims in the United States:


Doing the math, this means that there are about 759,000 black muslims in the USA.

The CDC estimates that there are about 45 million blacks in the USA: cdc.gov/minorityhealth/populations/REMP/black.html

And so we can conclude that roughly 1.7% of blacks in the USA are Muslims TODAY.

Now, Kettani has estimates from 1950 and 1960 about how many people in the USA were Muslim, and he estimates 0.13% for both 1950 and 1960. I can't find any demographic breakdowns of Muslims, but we can discern that the MAX proportion of blacks that were Muslims (if all of those Muslims were black) was about 1%. ijesd.org/papers/26-D435.pdf

This is already interesting because it shows that if there was a bump from the black Muslim movements in the 1960s in particular, that it was either really, really small or (more likely) that it was a 1960s specific fad that died down. The interesting data point is the spike in 1970 in Kettani's data, which might be do to a huge number of blacks converting but seems more likely to be due to the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. Does anybody have either demographic breakdowns of Muslims in the 1960s in the USA or the country breakdowns of immigration from about 1966 to 1970?

What a bizarre response to that post! I don't think that there was one thing even relevant to what was being said!

>dat pic


Because white Christians were the ones holding the dog leashes and firehoses.

Also Islam puts a focus on the larger community of Muslims looking out for each other.

What about Dr. King though? Come on now.

Dr. King was the leader of the civil rights movement in part because his words were based in his understanding of scripture and his ability as an orator.

The vast majority of American blacks were, and remain, Christian. Afro-American Islam gained prominence in the national mind because of Elijah Mohammad and Malcolm X. The only times you hear about it nowadays is when someone mentions them, or mentions Farrakhan. Hell, the black population is more devoutly Christian than the white one nowadays.

>All the spectators are wearing yarmulkes


Very very few. I've only ever met a handful of African American Muslims in the states that I've lives (California, Oregon, Georgia, Alabama, and Washington).

They make up an increadibly small portion of the US population.

>same thing

wowee, expert on arabic coming through watch out everyone

Are the crystal gems

>They are also still enslaving Africans to this day and refer to them as slaves or raisin heads
What the FUCK are you talking about? Also black slaves didn't die out, they got bred out, but there still are pure blacks left in many Arab states.