Why do you like fixing vehicles Veeky Forums? Do you actually enjoy yourself when you have work to do?

Why do you like fixing vehicles Veeky Forums? Do you actually enjoy yourself when you have work to do?

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My back doesn't hurt when it's work I want to do.

i don't. i just hate paying hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for someone else to do it.

I built a lifelong friendship learning how to do, so that's it if I had to think of something.

I like working on my car, but I'm awful and usually make things work.


fucking hate working on them

mechanic was like my dream career from 6-17 but damnin hell fuck it all

only car I liked working on was a freinds Dodge and that was because I could literally sit in the engine bay

I like working on my car but sometimes (all the time) it's a pain in the ass. Still beats paying a mechanic

Ten years ago, sure

Now my projects sit in piles and I enjoy demoing shitboxes way more than fixing my actually semi nice cars.

generally, until i start stripping bolts
generally, when i dont read up properly, i end up taking half the car apart before realizing i could have saved myself a lot of time and effort, then i put half the car back together and do the job the right way.

Sounds like you just need someone else there to keep the motivation alive on the project. Maybe get a buddy to hang around while you piece it together. If you feel like getting back into it that is.

Wrenching on cars (now big trucks) all day fror a living really kills the motivation.

Someday I'll get all the protects done, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

I fucking hate working on cars but it's worth it when it's done.

Been wrenching for over a year and still haven't stripped a bolt yet. Guess I'm just lucky

I can understand that, it would feel like work and not a hobby. I'm in an office all day, so any time that I'm getting my hands dirty is considered "me" time.

Don't talk it into existence......Trust me

That's why I'm not gonna be a mechanic. Feel like it'd ruin it for me

Ya, after a decade of turning wrenches I've really grown sour.

Maybe someday I'll get a nice comfy office job.

It's not something that I really love doing, but god damn if fixing something isn't satisfying as hell. Plus it's nice to be able to know how to use a wrench. The less I have to pay a mechanic the better.


I've always liked tinkering with stuff, and I like learning how to new things, and also knowing that the work I've done is solid and that I can depend on the car that I keep in working order by myself

Also saves me a damn lot of money

Mostly this. It will forever be the main reason I do my own work. Sometimes I do enjoy the work. But the more trying the jobs get, the less I enjoy it. Though a good portion of the time, I feel good about having done it myself once I'm done.

Dont make your hobby your profession.
You'll hate your job and your hobby.

I don't enjoy the actual work, but when I finish a job and lower the car back onto its wheels, I have a massive feeling of personal pride and self-worth because I solved a problem myself instead of paying someone else to do it. It makes me feel capable and manly in a fucked up world that no longer values those things, and I've got proof of my manliness because the car didn't work before and now it does. When my numale and tranny coworkers bitch about their shitboxes breaking down and having to dish out hundreds for repairs, I know with 100% certainty I'm superior to them and I'm living my life correctly.

I havent worked on my car yet, dad fixed shit for me or he drove to mechanics. Why would I prefer doing all fixes by myself in the future is to know exactly how it was repaired. I mean, fuck if he changes something really hard to see or reach ill feel insecure. Probably responsibility, if Ill break shit, Ill know it was my fault. Also money economy, since yuropoor, but who knows maybe ill get job with above average wage.

it distracts me from wanting to kill myself

I enjoy things being done correctly, perhaps if I lived in a culture that valued that I could find a mechanic that doesn't have a 3 month waiting list. I also drive old saabs.. so there is that problem to.

I live in the rust belt and have this issue where i only buy japenese cars from the 90s that havent been garage kept.

I like working on cars because I like the pride I feel for doing it myself. I feel like less of a man letting another man work on my car.

These are very wise words. The exception is if you can go into business for yourself.

Love working on cars in my freetime. The problem solving and the relaxed nature of just wrenching or hunting down electrical faults really fun, and the end product is always something you can enjoy.

Fucking hate working as a mechanic at a dealership. All the time pressure, not allowed to do actual fixing, just changing of parts, getting shit pay.