League of Legends general - /lolg/

Ziggs is gay, don't tell his boyfriend edition

old Current patch notes:


when were you when mordekaiser was kill

Friendly reminder to eat out your support!

Who is better Sona or Nami?

Xth for Leona

what champions piss you off?

Patch update when?

Consider this:

Should know better then fight the Hand of Noxus,

Breast waifu

Nami is better if your team is not retarded. If you are in blinds or solos I'd probably call Sona safer unless you know the ADC is good.

what if my support is brand
or velkoz

I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Bukkage. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest Girls. yall are pathetic lol

Then you eat out the enemy soraka


Lulu is the strongest! THE STRONGEST!

Rate the new jungle on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being the best

>Play adc
>Pushed into tower
>Support sets up caster minions for me to last hit
Is there a better feeling?

makes me want to stick a blastcone up my ass / 10

Yeah, not playing adc

I really like the plants

Raptors are unironically overtuned

what if my support is brand and the enemy is alistar

>engage into creeps with 0 fury and half hp
>against full HP Dario


Whats this about morde being kill?

Riot better not be trying to put him bot lane again.

Then you go to your mid, or to theirs. Continue until you find a cute girl

Then you quit being a fag, find a Soraka and plant your face in her asscheeks

I want to marry Trundle and bear his babies!

I want to massage Janna's ears!

Raptors are shit and you just farm the entire time now

What if I hate Soraka and would rather eat out Alistar?

Then nigga you gay

raptor mind

Listen me /lolg/, I'm a pussy.
I can't play squishy melee champions for shit. Every time I play Jax, Irelia, Riven etc all I can do is hug tower and build shitty, useless tank items because I get so scared of feeding.
How do I fix this? please help

Then you stop posting and kill yourself

xth for yordle butts

No! I want to eat out Alistar!

Early on make quick trades. You'll lose longer ones, so just harras your opponent low

Only blue unicorns can be eaten out past this point
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

keep that degeneracy away from us!

*male yordle butts

what about hecarim

That's a centaur, not a unicorn

What would they feel like

fuck the rules i'm gonna eat out a purple minotaur

How do I play Soraka?

Plants are meh.

Krugs take too long to split.

Raptors do too much damage.

It's too late, there's only horny blue unicorns around

you never asked Tristana if she was ok with having such lewd pictures drawn of herself. Tristana being a slut is a meme created by bandlebro to fuel his degeneracy.

yordles deserve respect!

The krugs alone increase your cs by a lot. CS in the jungle is insane right now.

would you eat out heca's puffy ponut?


>ADc goes smite
>red smotes the enemy adc
>wins every trade
>Can kill krugs/gromp whenever for an exp lead

shyvana jungle farm is as good if not better than solo lane farm right now

Do new golems give more xp/gold now, or is it the same just split up and it increases artificially the cs

How do I rumble jungle?

xth for breast metal waifu

Rumble getting sat on when?

About a 3. Raptors by themself practically force you to play an ad jungler, counterjungling is dead, blast cones are retarded and random, scrying plants give too much free vision and 50% of the drakes feel pointless to even contest.

I saw a teemo take smite recently for lain sustain/bloodrazer top lane

Light everything on fire. Turbo farm till six. Napalm the enemies post six

by who

>blast cones are retarded and random
There's nothing random about them though

more exp+gold now
Krug gives +200xp because hyuge krug+medium krug proc the tooth/nail boosting exp from the camp by 200 +60 gold from mini kruggles.



Either a yordle like Tristana or Lulu

Or someone much much bigger than him.

>checking out streams
>Lirik is playing LOL

I picked Maokai into Jayce top what do I do?

ribbon main here
q in, animation cancel, whack them with your sword. if they haven't responded to you yet, do it again.

if they try to actually do anything to you, hit them with your w and another q whack.

once you're out of spells and whacks, E out and wait a moment until you can do it all over again

then once you've killed them a few times, go into a teamfight with a Flash + W, E + R if you haven't already and slaughter everything in sight

holy fuck is guerilla trist worth it?
I have more respect for shortstacks than I do for real women.

the item itself doesn't boost lane sustain, but warriors/razor are crazy gold efficient. need a less farm dependent jungle so they can get out and kill camps with smite on cd.

>not ziggs or kled

You'll have to suffer like the rest of us user

He saw how much summit was pulling in doing it

That works too. I just love super arrogant angry shorties getting humiliated.

Okay, thanks

You weren't kidding

...those are...
friendly creeps...-_-

snare him under the turret when he inevitably pushes too far

>Tag your gore/pomegranates asswipe

at this point it's not even jinx

where are her ribs why are there breats

if you literally looked at your rage bar and auto'd 1-2 times before using dice or q you 100% would have killed him

in other words, get good

I just think I'm better with top rumble

Maybe I just need to jungle more, I never feel like I know what I'm doing.

He is better top. He's a big lane bully due to his constant flames

What are the best ADCs for low elo?
Mid game ADCs like Jhin or Ezreal or lategame ADCs like Jinx or Twitch?

visual update
its trash


>Free day

>Nothing to do, watch or play

Hit me up with something lads

Reminder that these types of players main support.
Reminder that autofilled supports are miles better than support mains.

>bronze five friend wants to play ranked flex
>join in
>pick kalista because I don't give a fuck
>playin while literally masturbating
>bronzies mad cause I'm not trying my hardest to make them get their victorious skin in the back of others


Is there art of this?

But I'm a support main and I was calling him a fucking retard

full AP malphite

one shot the enemy adc lategame

Spam the "you will lose" taunt whenever you gank

Tip that rabbadons

Why is my club name never allowed wtf?

What do i have to write there

it's because yordles are pure and do not want porn drawn of themselves. pick someone like mf, sona or even who would love to be drawn in that way, but tristana has more self respect than that. bandlebro has ruined tristana's reputation with his filth.

probably not
we need more yordle dudes sitting on eachother's faces

Vayne, Cait, Twitch

Ezreal is pretty good too



Probably already taken

Should i buy 5 snowdown chests, or 10 winter chests?

one of my cousins gave me a 25rp card from amazon so i got santa braum, but idk what to do with the rest