League of Legends General - lolg

very nice edition


xth for Ezreal!

Im a real skreet nigga bitch i am not one of these niggas bangin on wax

>no qt spider waifu champion



Is it true she doesn't wipe her butt after pooping?

I'll gladly use my tongue to clean her

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1 on NA.



Functional, and stylish~

>not even qt

Pretty gay.

-I think Lissandra's ult should be a skillshot or have some sort of delay. Ranged single target CC is not fair.
-Tanks should have a way to not be quickly killed by a fed ADC. Maybe damage reduction items to counter "health percentage damage"
-Blinds need a rework
-the best performing teammate should not have a loss in their history just because their team was playing poorly. They should get something like a loss forgiveness if they were clearly paying way better than their teammates.
- Courage Of the Colossus needs a serious nerf.

>literally scat

fuck outta here, rampage101

>-the best performing teammate should not have a loss in their history just because their team was playing poorly. They should get something like a loss forgiveness if they were clearly paying way better than their teammates.
lmao dude what

>bait of moderate quality


He's the best!!
a-anyone want to play fighting games with me?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets.

Streaming @ /masterstylelol

Nope, although I almost picked akali that game

Not Ryze, either.

I was sitting on a kindlegem and went fuck it and got a protobelt instead of a SV. just more adventures on my way out of gold I guess

whats this im hearing about a mordy rework

wasn't that taylor art just for funsies

Just started Flex Queue. Is there a reason why we get an Ashe that rushes Guardian Angel before her Zeal item, and they get a Diamond Yasuo who buttfucks our Garen to hell and back?

>jungle veigar
>triforce/ER teemo
>thunderlords garen
>dft plant

what am i looking at here

How do I get good at CSing?

be sure your attack will be the last hit on each minion

Zyra is for ______________

U practice scrub

20 cs = one kill

Diamond 3 imo the game really us about farming

>tfw you get your bloodrazor/botrk/rageblade on Jax
>they surrender before you get to try it out
>every time


Just go into a custom without opposing bots if you'd prefer to have as few distractions as possible.

>It's a "i get tired of getting bootyblasted as ADC so i switch to top/jg and get autofilled to ADC plus having to go against Poppy"
subscribe to my blog anytime
I love season premieres.

Thinking about cuddling while going to sleep.

Hit the creeps when their HP is less than or equal to your post-mitigation damage.

I forgot to change my Brand support mastery, but i'm not sure what the other shit was about.

is xerath good? i play fightin games and usually play a dhalsim/sin/athena,king style so xearth seems to fit that to a teeth.

any good "getting killed by leona" greentext?


Starting up a successful weed farm.

Jinx is for ______________

fuck off

>Leona goes for tank runes and masteries
>Leona builds tank support items
>Leona still gets the first 3 kills somehow

>Enemy Lee gets fed
>Builds a Hydra
>We literally can't outdamage his sustain
>He starts teleporting around the map oneshotting everyone

Jesus fucking Christ I understand why people have been bitching about him so much now.

xth for breast metal waifu

>Leona brings ignite

>tfw karthus and nasus got fed
>they're on the same team
>they're not on your team

shes shit, you're taste a shit

Good morning lolgen
Time for work, helping the family a bit, getting the car fixed, watching some stream, playing legolegends and other vidya, f-fuck you all:^)

i want to be Trundle's buttslave!

does trundle want to be the little girl?
Is that why he has titties?

>went from B5 to B1 without much trouble
>suddenly hit a wall
>can't seem to win
>winrate on my main goes from 100% to 63%
>go from B1 92 LP to B2 23 LP
I want to fucking cry

>shes shit
>you're taste a shit

Can you get in trouble if you started watching tutorials on Youtube and reading guides to learn how to play better and started being more mindful of everything in game so you start playing better and have more than 10 wins in a row, all with S rank?

Someone doesn't want to get accused of being boosted.

No! He's a manly man and would never be the little girl. He's got big titties because he work out a lot

What's the hole in the chair for?

it's a dip for ur butt

who care if someone accuse you of being boosted? you know you haven't been so whatever.
and no you can't get in trouble for that, that's not boosting, that's just gitting gud.

those look like fat guy titties, and we all know how masculine those amorphous blobs are. I guess trundle does want to be a little girl. Really makes you think.

No, you don't have anything to worry about.

actually on the full picture i asked for him to be fat so yeah, those are big chubby moobs :3c

>play normals to learn how to play champs
>Against an enemy Katarina one game as Lissandra
>get ganked early twice and die but think nothing of it cause I'm just trying to figure out everything
>Katarina spam laughs and types "?" throughout the entire game but I don't say anything
>end up winning the game because I'm getting used to playing her and bot lane is carrying
>Tell Katarina to git gud before game ends
>"y-you're legit bad....it was a 2v5....you're [currently] silver...the game doesn't mean anything"
>look him up and he's Plat with no ranked games yet

Why the fuck do people (mostly Plats) feel the need act like an ass and then proceed to pull rank, the game you played in and their team to justify themselves when they lose? Like Plats are legit ass-mad that they lose to someone lower than them

Is this an acceptable Shaco build?

Didn't mean to quote

people tend to be insecure about laurels that they've earned dishonestly. people also tend to project their insecurities on to others.

really makes you think about this place.

ye or naw?

I'm just not feeling Lulu support for some reason.

lulu support is great but only with adcs that need attack speed like Vayne, Twitch, Jinx and Kog
It's shit with champions like MF, Lucian and Jhin

This general wouldn't lie about their "badness" in league though right? I mean, I don't because I don't want people to hate me

Keep Invaderdinger.

because they think it somewhat means something that they're highly ranked as a player of a korean stock market simulator.

all the ranking system is used for is to find opponents of a similar skill level. that is how the elo system works. people think it makes their dick bigger or their social standing better or something, it's weird.

>eyes feel weird
>suddenly they get really teary
>tears feel like they're made of acid

Where you from, whatchu got?

You need to blink, dumbass.
Stop hard staring at a screen for 80 hours a day.

>that bot lane


He has god-tier thighs

For morgana do I build support or mage in low elo? Like should I build her like zyra instead of rushing a redemption? Obviously both after sightstone.

I don't like Karma support because I feel useless if I can't hit my Q. Feel like all I do is wait for the enemy to engage so I can W and shield carry.

>heh i did amazing that game cant wait to get my first S towards rank 6 mastery


>Rek'Sai in B

She doesn't even have thighs.

>tfw any late-game scaling hyper carry gets fed and literally 1v5s your team before 20 minutes

>Join flex
>Do really well
>Get invite to play with the stack that was on my team
>int feed the next game
>all the salt
>rinse and repeat

Does your team already do a lot of damage?
-go for support items

Are you getting fed?
-go for damage items

Either way you need Zhonya's and some item to help you peel/bait with.

>on the west coast
>ping NA servers
>steady 235 ping
>ping EUW servers
>steady 160 ping
>normally have a ping of 70


>What's your champ
>What was your kill count
>What was your CS
>What was your death count
>How many assists

I want to have UNPROTECTED __SEX__ with Janna!


>go 10/1/4
>get a quad kill in the game

Sometimes I wonder about this grading system, like how exactly does it work?

>get home from a long day of work
>its nidalee edition

spot on job friends

You probably had subpar farm.

post glitches or unusual things that can happen that aren't suppose to happen

I want to be janna's personal toilet

it wasnt AMAZING but i got way less deaths than everyone

my cs is low because i was laning vs camille who seems pretty cancer considering im a purely skillshot champion

>mages slowly taking over bot lane
riot can't even rig their meta right

>play adc incredibly well
>nothing matters because supports control everything and nami just held on to exhaust to cuck my ult
why do people play this shitty role

>34 minute game
>not having more than 200 cs

Your assists/kills are also kind of low for a 30+ minute game.

>Just got to level 30
>Still no 16 champs
That's what I get for buying champ fragments.
So anyways I just crafted Diana, is she good?

>play zyra support
>most damages
>most kills
>more money than the adc with only 10 cs
nice game lolbabes

Remember triple marksmen comps with quinn top, corki mid, and lucian bot?

As a result of this new development I tried Jhin mid (it sort of worked)

Starting a cozy fire and roasting marshmallows on,

a bot lane can be two mid laners user.
that's it, two mid laners with no support and no adc.

>playing flex as support
>do really well
>my team crushes
>get invited back to play with the people I was just with
>hey we should all join skype

I didn't ask for this.

hello is anybody here cute and looking for an e-BF on NA?

i really should learn to farm better shouldnt i