Who in your opinion is the most viscious leader in human history?

Who in your opinion is the most viscious leader in human history?

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Kind of stuck between Stalin and Hitler.

But I'll be contrarian and go for Pol Pot

>disrespecting Lord of beasts on the earth and fishes in the sea

Baron von Ungern-Sternberg.

The things he did in Mongolia after defeating the Chinese make Pol Pot seem tame.

And conqueror of the British Empire.

[spoiler]In Africa[/spoiler]

Mao Zepingpong

Amin is a good choice for being a pure brute.

Ghengis Khan was simultaneously vicious and brilliant, the scale of his wrath for all to see.

The Chinese are a fun people.

Zhang Xianzhong

Making overpriced school uniforms mandatory, arresting grade schoolers who disobey and observing their execution is viciously dickish, anyway.

>Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.

>Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.

>Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.


Dude was crazy man.

Holy shit, just read his full bio. While pretty fanatical and tyrannical, he was red pilled as fuck.

Pol Pot isn't contrarian. It's correct. Stalin and Hitler at least attempted to achieve goals whereas Pol Pot just killed random people.

Honorable mention: Timur

>red pilled

Pol Pot literally and unequivocally did nothing wrong

Like what?

Movie adaptation when?

>Wow! What a monster!
>but he's german so i guess that makes him pretty cool

Stalin and its not even close. At least Hitler was nice to some people who fell in line with his ideas of the aryan race.

Stalin let his own son die in a German POW camp, and threw his wife, his own daughter in law into prison for it

Stalin had his secretaries wife arrested on some bullshit charges of being a traitor, left her in prison, and then had her killed in the giant prison massacre in the prelude to he battle of Moscow. Then he told his secretary, "Dont worry, you can always get another wife"

The guy was a complete and utter psychopath.

You have obviously never looked into Pol Pot

>You wear glasses?
>That means you want to read books
>Up against the wall with you
>"nothing wrong"

The moment you fund it, user.

In general. And Uganda in particular.

Commodus didn't kill very many people but he would always do it himself. He loved to fight in the Colosseum of Rome as a gladiator, but he would always have the fights rigged in his favor. Most of his opponents were just rand schmoes grabbed off the streets and thrown into the area for him to kill. In many cases, his opponents were sick or wounded. They never had a chance.

>Amin is a good choice for being a pure brute.
The thing is, Amin was a lot more than that. There's a lot of people who still remember him fondly.

Here's the thing to understanding Amins rule: He was in on the joke. He knew the titles, the uniforms, etc. were ridiculous and that was the point. He tapped into the 'democratic' spirit in Uganda. Obviously not for real reforms, but for letting the people have the emotional satisfaction.

I hate making this comparison, but I think it's a good one: In leadership style, in source of popularity, Amin was like the Donald Trump of Uganda. The people in power think the way he dresses, acts, and talks is ridiculous, and this pisses them off more than any actual policies. And they think everyone must be idiots to be willing to follow him, and just try to shame everyone until they come around and support them again. He was from an isolated tribe, and when he converted to Islam, that made him from an even more isolated group. The only other politicians in Uganda were 'Very Serious' persons. The British colonial officials, the Ugandan Monarchy, and Milton Obote, who was western educated and got his position by demonstrating he could act like just as much of a stiff necked foreign overlord.

And Amin came along, and presented himself as the Ugandan every man, who was able, unlike anyone else to play the clown. He thumbed his nose at the British and Obote, and for a while, everyone enjoyed this vicarious victory.

The problem was, Amin's popularity depended on him besting foes. And in doing so, he had to keep seeking out foes. And eventually that lead to foes who weren't fucking around.

Mao was just retarded, not actively evil.

Sufficiently advanced retardation is indistinguishable from evil.


Some one get Mel Gibson on this shit

We even have the perfect casting.

Holy shit i was thinking the exact same thing

I just read this guy's Wikipedia biography, and nearly every alleged instance of sadistic violence is cited by a single book, "The Bloody White Baron" by James Palmer. Suspicious, no?

The kings of Assyria



most likely anti-Mongolian propaganda because the historian lives in China