League of legends general /lolg/

Perfection Edition

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I want to MATING PRESS Nidalee!!! :3

>poppy has almost no counter

what is trundle, garen, darius, renekton that isnt retarded, tank ekko

You say comfy but I think you meant "dull", as in dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises.

Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

xth for breast metal wiafu

i was quoting certain professional Leguol Legendos player

hmmmmm focussssss

>counter her in lane
>maybe get a 20-30 cs lead, tops
>she gets to 2 items and kills your team


Which one of you can say is part of the diamond league?

>Reading books in 2017

you're probably a fat SJW.

how do i get good at skillshot electricity man

>be garen
>finish black cleaver
>halved armor
>buy sorc boots because she does no damage to me anyway
>drop her to 30% hp then execute her time and time again


Perfect mix of breast, big and fertility

>Ayn Rand
Into the trash it goes.

>no westing game

>get destroyed by their ziggs bot because no mr

He's all skillshots. How do you think you get better with him, cunt?

>Play jungle instead of ADC
>Get just as ahead as I do when I play ADC
>I'm not oneshot by basically everything and deal more damage than if I was ADC

hmmm.... lolbabs?

just practice your mechanics and exercise your game knowledge bro :)


That glimmer of hope you see? That's me.

>play role that can actually carry
>it's better than the worst role in the game


its pasta you goober

>It's ANOTHER Bot Lane feedings their asses while our jungler is useless the entire game and the enemy jungler is a Hecarim who builds tank and solo carries his entire team episode

Do i just get the rope already or do i just buy Zilean and Sion and become a support main?

only glimmer of hope I see is the karma support, not my shit silver taric

buy sion and drag your adc to the nexus

>mfw people tell me support is for cucks

1. acquire 4800 IP™
2. open store tab
3. select champions
4. check the mage tab and sort by alphabetical (descending)
5. click on Xerath™
6. agree to purchase him with your League of Legends™ Influence Points™
7. click the Play button
8. select Xerath™ in lobby
9. ????

But user supporting can't carry me out of low elo

>get fed as MF
>destroy botturret early
>get back and rotate top to take the next turret out
>our toplane literally loses his shit because i took some minions and got the tower
>proceeds to afk run around doing nothing the whole game to teach me a lesson

Some people should get euthanized.

right because there aren't support only players past whatever it is you consider to be low elo

hm..... yes......

I love the mentality of fucking morons.

who's the better jungler and ganker zac or hecarim?

Fuck it then,what's the best rune page set up for Sion?

how does it feel to know that none of your petty little champs dont even come close to the power of xerath? he can just transform anyone to dust by pointing a finger haha stay inferior cucks

i wonder if girls masturbate to zac

except if his opponents have a brain they can dodge his entire kit.

I mean I guess he's good in bronze or if you're scripting so more power to you.

Hello there,
I am requesting some guro smut
Will gift for it
please reply if you are interested
thank you

I'll go ask



girls masturbate to skinny wimpy guys like ezreal and varus while guys masturbate to big strong men like zac and braum

just kidding you should probably play other roles
it's not about whether or not a support main can carry himself out of low elo, they obviously can and a lot of support mains have
problem is it takes a special kind of person to be able to withstand so many shit games with trash teams, games where you, as a support, have next to 0 control over

other roles also obviously have these games, even mid laners (which is arguably the most influential role in the game) have these games that are out of their control, but generally, they can at least have some level of fun playing, might get a few kills here and there, where as a support, you really can't do anything


will gift what
who am I supposed to write about


I have fucked Lulu. She moaned, telling me to call her a worthless cock hungry slut while she came multiple times. She begged for me to exploit both her useless holes for whatever I wanted.

spellthief over dorans? interesting

Has anyone updated this?

>ramage0118 is allowed to exist

No, i just wanted more gold

Syndra is fucking cancer but Naut and I locked her the fuck down that last fight

Go for Plat now or get G5 in Flex for those rewards?

what rewards

>will gift what
>who am I supposed to write about
Fiora, Elise, Leona, Lissandra, Leblanc,Kayle, Diana, Camille really any of those would do

Post in a pastebin or something,so you avoid any bans or shitflinging

make it a good length too, and make sure to proof read it

zac because you can come over odd angles and you can die for free

I was under the impression Flex queue is giving different end of season skins than soloq.


10 bans

Don't you get the same rewards regardless of the queue?

go for plat. Flex you'll be facing diamond teams

Why are some of the coolest champions nerfed into the ground?

I wanna fug that Lamb


>For the hyper-competitive lone wolf (and one trusted compadre), Solo/Duo Queue is back. For those who want a competitive group experience, we're morphing DQ into the Flex Queue. Play in both to get extra rewards.

What the fuck am I looking at. This niggas art is fuckin retarded.

man i rly liked that vid tho

Riven and Ahri.

They seem fine to me, senpai.

NA Veeky Forums VS Veeky Forums WHERE

It's here.

why would I be facing diamonds?

>in pro-play

I want to remove Yasuo from the rift NOW

>and then you woke up, realizing you're still a worthless failure unworthy of the purest angel and should probably just end your pathetic existence quietly and quickly.

you tell me :3

>headhunter nidalee
>1 orange essence from being able to activate

Is Riven even viable in low elo (as a low elo player, not a smurf) Champion.gg says her winrate is below 50%. But that's in high elo.

Ahri is cool, Riven not so much tho.
Nida is one of the coolest champions in a sexual way, i have to agree.


Why would you remove the most fair and balance champion??? ??

>10 bans

>Evil Garen.
>More generic samurai than Yi.

warwick's voice sounds so stupid

I really hope they re-cast him when he's reworked

I want to dance with Orianna.

I want to go swimming with Lulu.

Yeah but for low elo I'd focus on game knowledge first, mechanics later. Riven is very mechanically intensive. You might think you know the game but you don't.

are you able to use an ability and then an auto attack
are you able to animation cancel
do you have the ability to read
do you have a passing knowledge of which walls she can hop over
are you playing against a melee toplaner

if you answered yes to two or more of these questions

Darius is a more realistic Garen.

Yasuo is a ronin, not a samurai.


Which Vlad skin has the best splash

fak yu

What the fuck is this pick and ban order? Can't they just do it all at once?

i don't like your attitude :3

apples are food, not fruit

fak me? you can try...

*my thumb pushes up my katana*

>A rōnin (浪人?)[1] was a samurai with no lord or master during the feudal period (1185–1868) of Japan.
>A rōnin was a samurai.

mixed setup is a lot better. It avoids the
>just ban 10 ADC's and practice a meme pick
Moreover you get more strategy in the game when you can see part of the enemy comp and then ban.

*outplays you with 1000AP ONESHOT karthus ult*

>I really hope they re-cast him when he's reworked
they will user, he's getting a Sion/Poppy/Yorick tier level of rework

it's pretty fun, makes for more adaptive bans

*bans yasuo*

>A rōnin was a samurai

yeah I guess it does make sense. With this setup if you see Wombo potential you can shut it down if they didn't pick it already. It give's a lot of counter ban play with counter picking.

>title of every nb3 video