Will there ever be a proper sports car made new under $10k again...

Will there ever be a proper sports car made new under $10k again? I get the feeling there's a huge underserved market for RWD cars that get 400+ hp with IRS that weigh under 2000lb - if any auto manufacturer could put a car like that together they'd make an absolute killing.

I don't really understand why prices keep going up over time but the cars don't get any better.

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If we have some kind of hyper-inflation and a new currency gets introduced, like turning in $100 in old dollars for new TrumpBucks. Boom, 10K cars are back.

When was the last $10k sports car? Early 90s? Granted that's probably near $20k in today's money. So I don't know when but to be more accurate the price we're looking for is higher than $10k

Which is something I don't get - computers have gotten super super cheap in the last 20 years, where a supercomputer from the 90s would be a cheapo disposable laptop these days. Why haven't cars followed the same pricing? A car with 150 horsepower nowadays should be less than $2000 if it was $20k back then

Will there ever be a proper hamberger made for $.15 again? I get the feeling there's a huge underserved market for a 3lb burger with a gluten free bun, fried egg and chili on top. If a fast food place coould put a burger like that together they'd make an absolute killing.

Safety and emissions, it's fucking gay mate

This is why Veeky Forums will never be relevant to any market research.

Must be nice living in your own bubble eh OP?

Not all of us are homeschooled assburgers who've never worked a day in their lives

>Moore's law but with horsepower
Holy shit we'd have sextillions of horsepower by now

Lmao retard

1993 ( $6,000 ) == 2016 ( $10,000)
1993 ( $10,000 ) == 2016 ( $16,700 )

Know that at $25k, the 2016 Miata is cheaper than the original 1990 one at $14k due to inflation.

Consider how many parts go into making a car. Manufacturers spend nearly $1,000 per car buying gov't-mandated ABS modules (pic related) from 3rd party manufacturers... $10k for a decent sporty car is just asking too much for too little.

You can't even get a proper hamburger at $5 at McDonald's you fat fuck

The cheapest new car in America being sold is a Nissan piece of shit for 12k.

Fuck off nyukka.

>new under $10k
Are there any new cars at all going for under $10k, let alone sports cars?

Lol, following moores law would be insane
>Intel CEO Brian Krzanich explained that if a 1971 Volkswagen Beetle had advanced at the pace of Moore’s law over the past 34 years, today “You would be able to go with that car 300,000 miles per hour. You would get two million miles per gallon of gas, and all that for the mere cost of four cents.”

The price of computers is driven by manufacturing technology, the price of cars is driven by material and labor costs.

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You could probably talk a base fiesta, spark, or versa OTD for $10k


>400+hp with IRS that weigh under 2000lb
There is thing called safety standards. That's why the even the Miata is 2350lbs.

A kit car maker might be able to, provided they were getting LSxs at cost price, and all the sunk costs had been met.
It would probably be shitty as fuck though.