/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

we were supposed to go back to being /dbdg/ from /sgg /several threads ago so i'm gonna do it now edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>What is Friday the 13th?
a upcoming slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one

>Official Wikis and sites

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.3.1d)

How to dupe perks (You might get banned for this maybe I don't know)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck haddonfield and fuck lampkin lane

They're the same map you dingus

>4 people load in instantly
>they all have tool boxes
>burn 2 grandma's cook books and 2 fuming signs.




I don't want to go to bed mad. Why are these people so dumb? I hate this fucking money making joke of a game.

>People think meyers isn't p2w when he doesn't even have a normal terror radius until EW3.

Use spine chill or premonition.

>spin chill or preminition against EW1 myers

>getting caught by a EW1 Myers

>Moving goalposts because you didn't know that SP or prem don't work against EW1 meyers.

I'll give your rank 20 ass one last (you).

Keep denying that your broken killer is broken, that'll never make it not true.

>tfw ace's bloody jacket doesn't look anything like this

>nurse on coldwind farm
just farm my killer senpai, give me goddamn shadowborn entity. ironic that it just gave me bloodhound after prestiging but still no luck.
i guess bloodhound can atleast help me find the fucks after failing a blink

so fucking small, terrible design


>infinite loading screen
>infinite loading screen
>infinite loading screen

Man, there is no need for post-game trash talk. It's just classless.

He didn't even say anything.
Though posting a game that one sided is just as bad.

He's one of the weakest killers on the high rank. His ability can be countered just by using bloody camera.
Also, since so many people use SB, so even if MM spooked survivor, then survivor will use SB, gaining invincibility to the hit and running away. Basically, MM starts with impaired chasing potential, and wastes a lot of time build EW2.
While other killers would already start pressure survivors by chasing and hitting them, MM does nothing.

Its all in the mindgames, user.

Its almost adorable the amount of survivors who completely drop spaghetti when they don't have a pallet...

I'm not accusing Poptartz. I'm just saying in general. Be an adult and take your victory with some manners.

My favorite is when they drop a pallet as billy and I cut through it like butter

Lore wise how much time do survivors spend at the campfire? How big is it? One of the survivors makes tinctures from nearby plants so maybe the clearing plus a tree or two?

>Trapper hooks someone
>walk toward it
>Steady heartbeat, he's camping, leave to work on gens.
>other two get downed because they ran into traps trying to go for the unhook

which killer is the freest rank 1

Myers because you can have the worst game in the world and still get a fuckton of bloodpoints.

>Have a laggy connection (be BR, Slav, or Gook)
>Pick trapper
>Rocket to rank 1.

Dedicated servers literally never.

>tfw hundreds of hours playing killer as a BR connecting to the US and nobody has ever complained about lag from my part

meanwhile when I play killer on 30 Mb down/ 7 Mb up connection half the time the survivors are running in place

Well I'm sure my BR powers of laggy internet had to be transferred to somebody else.

Holy shit this was the most bullshit thing ever
The CD on his attack was so low he was able to pick me up before I even finished the animation for getting downed.

>sabo squads

why do they care about insidious when they are SWF

Because SWF have this mentality that the killer will just let them all escape.

It really seems that 9/10 times they just CANT work on gens, they must unhook

no i mean why do they care about insidious if it does literally nothing against SWF

i want to have a 3 way kiss with meg and jenny

i literally just told you. unhooking is more important so they'll camp around the hook even though they know your camping instead of getting gens

but why male models?


fucking starbreeze

literally too jew to host servers

Good fucking lord.


What's the difference between the green flashlight and the yellow flashlight?

Read item description

I could've touched her moldy ass she was so close.

Is that a sexual harassment?

no, that's my name

fucking link the last thread in the OP you piece of shit

Your name is moldy ass?

this. i need to read through it still

no you fucking don't

Hey, Terrador. You seem cool. If you're European, add me and you can join our rank ~20 survivor crew.
We're a bunch of no good survivor shitters who focus on having fun. Not much try-harding or salt going on.

I would have asked you in Discord, but I don't see any Terradors around there.

I'm feelin facecampy.

>two last survivors remain
>hook the Ace, he's got a full struggle bar to go through
>leave him completely
>last guy didn't save anyways
>hatch plays!

promoting solo play since 1999

What the hell do you even talk about in Discord?


If you don't leave the hooked person immediately or ignore that they got unhooked right as you left and go back to smack their ass you are considered a camper?


>mentions sprint burst, self heal, iron will that could've been used instead of DS
>can literally run sprint burst, self heal, iron will and DS

warped minds

How come when a survivor follows the killer to the hook and then hides until killer leaves the terror radius isnt considered camping but when killer decides to check the area and finds that person trying to go for instant save is?

Devour Hope should just be a regular perk desu. Would solve the whole camping problem.

It's not but survivors will call it camping anyway? As billy I usually fly away then come back hoping to catch a survivor who tries to rush the unhook. If they keep their head down I just go away

the free noed after 3 unhooks is too much though, I would probably roll it even if it had 1 mori at 3 unhooks, and full team mori at 5

Would be nice if it werent tied to a totem.

>3 tokens increased movement speed
>4 tokens Ivory mori
>5 tokens noed

It's hard to say whether her tinctures are gathered beforehand or in "real-time", since all of the maps except Haddonfield have a fair amount of plant growth (Autohaven Wreckers is debateable).

Wots this?

none of that will happen though, as they're trying to push the TOTEM MECHANIC meme to make the games more interesting

More skins for twitch streamers.


Also, now I know why wraith's design felt so familiar - it reminded me of sand wraith from prince of persia

This is the first time I've hit Rank 1 earlier than the 12th. The first time I hit 1 was an hour before the reset. the other two times were no more than 24 hours before. Which is strange because I feel like I've played a lot less.

Buffalo Chicken Pizza to celebrate

>we were supposed to go back to being /dbdg/ from /sgg /several threads ago so i'm gonna do it now edition
Are you fucking retarded or something?

>Has supreme autism about the general name
>leaves the other games's information in the OP as though we were still a collective general
I'd imagine that he is.

>though we were still a collective general
We still are tho just cause the beta ended doesn't mean the games not worth talking about in here

>missing the point.



Iron Grasp is a rare perk or i'm just very unlucky not getting it still?

Ace's prestige gear is literally the worst in the game. I wish I didn't waste the time getting.
All brown perks are actually very rare, much much rarer than "ultra rare" perks.
Its pretty stupid.

Yeah well stop saboing every hook then

What's his prestige gear why is it worse

Its bloody, same as everyone else, it just looks awful

Killer breakdowns

>The Wraith
+ While cloaked he is the fast killer bar none
+ lunge is slightly longer than other killers (minues EW3 Shape and Hag)
- Has no tools beyond finding survivors quickly to do anything
- most vulnerable to buffed flash lights unless using specific addons.

>The Hillbilly
+ Instant downs makes you the most threatening killer from the start
+ Pallet game is much weaker against Billy with Enduring and chainsaw destruction
+High mobility
-Chainsaw noises alert survivors to you exact intentions letting them either hide so you can't find them running in or dodge your sprint
-Flick removal further raised his already higher than most skill cap

>The Trapper
+ Traps alert him to where survivors are due to disarming noise / trapping victim, and help him have multiple presences across the map
+ Easiest killer to get sacrifices with as so much time is burned on hooks to disarm traps before saves can be made
+ Hinders the survivors juke game with well placed traps
- Traps found on map alert players to the fact you're a trapper immediately so they can instantly play accordingly.
- Saboteur can remove your ability completely making you a worse wraith if the game goes on long enough

>The Nurse
+ Negates the juke game completely with the ability to blink over walls and pallets
-Highest skill cap of any killer, long time to learn (rewarding if you do).
-Slowest killer

>The Shape
+Best stealther in the game in EW1 as his terror radius can not be heard until he's already in attack range
+Most threating killer with instant downs and longest lunge range in the game in EW3
-as slow as the nurse in EW1
-Even at EW3, he is still as easily juked and dodged as the Wraith.

>The Hag
+Longest base lunge in the game
+Well placed traps allow you to control the game more than other killers
-Second slowest killer
-Low profile and fov makes her much easier to hide against than other killers
-her signature perks can be completely negated

How long until the devs give in to the survivor complaining and implement a mechanic that prevents/discourages camping or patrolling near hooks?

100% correct.

Can I get a strategy breakdown for countering each killer?


I love it.

Never, thankfully.
They fully understand that camping is a tactic that killers can use.
When camping, the killer fully gives up his entire map control for one sac. This can allow survivors to get 1-4 gens for basically free depending on how they play.

Ironically, the same people who benefit the most from camping, SWF groups, are the same ones who complain the most about it. They don't want to let their buddies die so they swarm and don't get gens, which actually turns the killers gamble into a good play.

iron will in a nutshell, anytime a killer injures a survvior and then loses sight range of him, they rely 100% on scratch marks and moans

The trick I've found that works is to injure them and see if they moan.

If they moan:
>Can take time to play around pallet town
>Going slow and listen for moaning
>Patience is key

If they don't:
>focus on not losing sight of them for more than a few seconds
>try to avoid breaking pallets and losing sight of them
>if they keep juking you might be better to just break away and check the gens because there's a good chance they'll get away

Pretty low rank though so I'm guessing none of this applies when they all have it

The descriptors "common, "rare" etc. don't actually indicate the perk's rarity, but just what levels they'll show up at. For whatever reason, you graduate from "commnon" to "very rare" perks fairly early, so you've effectively only got a few levels to nab a common perk - and some early bloodwebs don't have perks at all. This is only aggravated by the fact that, as you prestige, you'll get "rarer" perks earlier.

As a result, the "common" perks end up being the rarest at all - if you aren't lucky enough to grab them early, then you won't see them again until you've gone through several level 50 bloodwebs and have taken literally everything else.

Would bloodhound be useful if your high level and everyone's running iron will?

Most high-rank players don't use Iron Will, because they're voice-chatting with their SWF groups and their tactics rely on being as noticeable as possible.

They never all have it. I'm usually the only one that has it in my games, and the most other people I've seen with it was just one other person. The meta is too easy to play other perks for most people.

But yes you do have a good plan of action here. I'm not much of a killer so I'm not entirely sure, but I know as the Iron Will user killers taking time to break pallets does make losing them easier and is what makes it possible to lose them in just a single pallet.

Absolutely. Although it might be better to just use sloppy butcher. Depends if you have a tough time seeing blood at it's normal brightness. I personally have no problem SEEING the blood so making it easier to see wouldn't really help but making it happen more frequently would be better for me.

The biggest thing that would fuck kaz over though is whispers.
Not enough people run stealth though to make using sloppy butcher, bloodhound, whispers, or spies though.