How do valets work? how do they find you after to give back your keys

How do valets work? how do they find you after to give back your keys

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They keep your keys. Most places give you a ticket so they know which car is yours.

>using a valet

t. guy that just gave some random dude outside an IHOP claiming to be a valet his car

Part-time I'd imagine.

>using a valet
Valet parking is necessary by some clubs attended by celebrities or controversial people. It insures guests cannot be either assaulted in the parking lot or waylaid by paparazzi in the lot. It also prevents visitors from physically accessing a celebritys' car in a parking lot. Valet parking also insures that parking spots remain available for certain guests that have a reservation at a set time.

The more advanced car alarms have valet mode options to support the various types of valet services.

I've never seen anything like this outside of movies, so bear with me.
If you arrive in front, get out of the car and give the keys to the valet (who then drives it to the parking lot), when you get out, how do they know which car is yours?

Do they remember? Do you tell them yourself?
An user mentioned a ticket system. How would that work?

>how would that work?
>make and model possibly year plus color
>keys have a little note attached to them with a number that corresponds with your ticket number
Is how it worked at my job

You get a ticket stub with a corresponding ticket placed in the car or with the keys in the valet booth/podium. Different places have different systems for organization. My hotel is fuckhueg so we use a computerized organization system that has your name, spot number the car is parked in, pics of the car, etc. Other places organize by hand.

Typically, you request the car by showing your stub and ID at the booth. A runner either sees your request in the computer's queue or gets the keys/ticket from the booth guy and goes to get your car. He brings it up, matches your ticket stub to the one he has, and you get your car and leave.

It all boils down to matching your ticket stub to the one we keep though.

So after you hive your keys to the valet you go waiting inside until they give you the ticket, so once you get out you can give it to the valet and he knows which car to get?

No. They have a ticket in hand, they tear it in half and give you. Then they take your car and park it and attach the other half to your keys.

>ticket system

Its like a raffle, ever been to a raffle?
>go to valet
>give them your keys
>get ticket
>valet parks car
>give valet ticket
>he drives around a car

You don't actually get your car back, they just give you one of the parked cars.
Like a raffle.

Damn she looks good.

Ah, I understand now, thank you.
So the movies where it's all sleek and seamless where you just give the keys and they do everything, were all a lie?

Yes. Unless you're someone that they know enough to not need your information. Some places will actually write your last name down on their slip, then hand you the other half. Some just give you half, they keep half and that's it.


Ah ok, thank you

goddamn rachel weisz is hot as fugg

I used to be a valet ask me anything. Btw everyone with cool ass custom cars never valet shame i never got to. Lol sumtimes they will tip just to park in the v.i.p. tho ao thats dope. Most of my customers were bmw drivers im kinda sick of them. They all look the same and get boring and are a dime a dozen.

He gon fixdat!

they have this big board where they hang the keys, and the spots on the board, you know what, fuck it.