I was driving today and I saw a spider cross my windshield. It was a small, whiteish Brown Recluse...

I was driving today and I saw a spider cross my windshield. It was a small, whiteish Brown Recluse, a baby probably so its mother and silbings should be lurking somewhere in my car.

What the fuck can I do? Will leaving the car in the sun with the heater at full blast work? Clean the interior thoroughly? Just burn the entire damn car?


Australian here with some advice

Forget about it. Never ever think about it! EVER!
Just. Forget. It.

Don't park under trees

I don't have anywhere to park other than under trees. I also have to fight against shitbirds and they corrosive poop getting all over my car. Also, since it's the middle of summer here it just takes half a day for bird poop to solidify and almost permanently adhere to the paint.

Drive it up north until the temperature gets to -5 then leave it there for like a day.


>park it in the cold
>chase after the fuckers

>t. not my first rodeo

For spiders to live and grow in your car, they need food such as inspects living in the carpet and seats. Those creatures probably eat skin flakes and crumbs or the smaller insects such as mites that eat who knows what.

So you need to vacuum the carpets fairly well to removing clinging tiny mites and inspects. Bigger things like baby roaches would hide in the seats and be inaccessible to your vacuum. But you can put down rubber mats and that denies access to the carpet forest that they hide and grow in. It also means you can more quickly vacuum in the future.

One of those bug foggers?

Buy some weed and hotbox that shit

Throw a bug bomb in your car. Make sure the fan is on and recirculating. Afterwords air your car out thoroughly and everything will be dead. Or you can just stay in the car and die because you're the type of faggot that makes up stories on an anonymous Taiwanese horse trading website.

Nah. This would just get the spoder high and hungry. Hungry brown recluse spoder = dead user.

why do you like tay so much? There are better looking women out there.

Can confirm that getting spiders high is a bad idea, every time I blow smoke into the faces of the wolf spiders around here they just want to sit around and chill.

You should keep a cat in your car, OP.

>Living below the arctic circle
Your own fault

>getting high with wolf spiders

Can we hang out n shit

Are you a spider?


But then you have a cat in your car...

What you should do, user, is release a bunch of squirrels and lizards into your car and if none die of spoder death, then you should be fine.


It's -5 of freezing fucking degrees right now. How do I keep out buges when it gets warm again? Turn on recirculation when parking the car so the vents are shut off? I need it hermetically sealed, I'll lay down a windscreen heatshield so my plastic dash doesn't melt away when I do this.

>The brown recluse spider is resilient and can tolerate up to six months of extreme drought and scarcity or absence of food.

Thank god that I live in a civilized part of the world.

They say when you think about them you let them in. I agree don't think about it.

burn the car

Bad idea, m8. As a fellow man from the land of Oz, do what we all do.

Hang 5 black ice air fresheners from your mirror, play "Gas Gas Gas" at full volume, and ignite the Fresh™ vapors that build up

Nightmare fuel incoming.

oh, that spoider again.


flipping that shit over is never a good idea.

either there's a huge ass spider behind it or a MLP sticker.


this is the only acceptable answer. make sure you sing too, and use the magnificent black ice aresol spray for maximum Fresh™

underrated post

The only thing scarier than seeing a deadly spider is losing track of said deadly spider.

you could try an ozone generator

But then you have bug corpses in your car

>9000 hours in paint