/dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter Online General (hYOOO, WHAT IS UP MY KNIGHTS?)

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If we have them then where do I find them?

>free amplifiers
>free deep-rooted cross

Anybody else feel obligated to start playing sader recently?


find what?

I'm a dumbass

the weapon avas

Elven Knight...

Any cute f.mage bug bug, ele, summy or witch want to be my fg?

>he doesn't have all the slayer modes unlocked

The lying gooks of small team made them event only when in other versions the very same avas can be bought from the cera shop.

Fucking unique experience


>dragon knight

I wonder if they'll be fun. I like how bouncy knight is but current classes don't look so engaging.

if god is carloso, shouldn't they be on the same side?

>tfw no dfo gf to party storm pass with

i want dragon knight to be mom with jetpacks

that's a gold farm

and she's chinese gross




/dfog/! /dfog/! I just had my first usable epic weapon drop! It's Black Iron Zanbato on my demon slayer, which could be fucking terrible for all I know, but it's something.

It's worthless on DS.

>not the legendary and fabled Light Sword Masamune

omgah (lol)

Ah, that takes me back to a year ago, when i got Wooyo's Rosary to drop on my Avenger. Fast forward to today and it's still the best fucking Avenger weapon I have thanks to the buffs it's received

>abnormal unauthorized third party program detected

Nipple please


Quit cheating faglord

Shit, even autohotkey doesn't trigger it.

Maybe you're worthless???? Huh???? What about that you fucking (worthless) faggot? I'm joking user you're probably right. Seems to have given me a pretty decent damage increase though, so it'll work until I get something better.

It's your fault for not believing in meme magic hard enough. Why, user? Why didn't you meme enough for me to get THE Light Sword Masamune?

All I did was use a bind cube, I've never cheated and never will.

Only boosts damage you deal in a 175px range which is exceptionally shit with how much range DS has. Only class that can really consider giving it decent use EK. I can guarantee a Giant Nugol Form would be a substantial upgrade.

They had said in an interview before Knight came out that Dragon Knight would be able to ride a Dragon and have different skills while riding and while not riding it. Paladin would be a physical offensive support character.

But this was two years ago they said these things, who knows if they've redesigned both subs seeing as they can redesign anything at a whim (see F. Priest).

>They're probably farming Frozenheart


>more mount meme bullshit
What a trash class

It's a Knight subclass, what do you expect?

EK was a good class once everyone realized pony is shit and not part of the build

I have a feeling they'll change it seeing as nobody uses EK's mount at all. But then again they made Mistress into a transformation class when transformation classes have had a history of being horribly balanced.

I'll never not be made that they changed fpriest

Fuck dark goth slut, I wanted that bubbly blonde gal.

Blame knight. If it wasn't for her, we would have gotten concept fpriest THEN.

At least you can get old F. Priest's hair for a F. Priest.

"What's that? You want her whole outfit? We already did that for old M. Priest, we shouldn't do it for F. Priest because different classes should be good at different things." :^)


they need to rework paladin at the very least otherwise she's just going to be redundant with f priest around

>call her hoplite/legionary
>plate armor and shield shenanigans
>walking nen guard on steroids for gimmick bypassing
>set of rushing skills usable while in guard

Nah, I think she should stay as an offensive physical support seeing as there's very little physical supports in the game. Most characters classified as supports deal magic damage including F. Crusader.



Is sending out alts to hunt for materials worth it in the long run? Do you get rare stuff from it? And how long should you have your alts search?

whats even the deal with f crusader, im hearing shes better than male crusader but i never got an answer as to what shes better at

is she more offensive or is she just better at buffs?

Send alts to Time Gate Requiem since there's a chance of getting tradeable legendaries from it. I usually send mine for 1 day.

Who cares about some slutty fsader, I want to know more about pure miko goodness

oh shit gabriel can sell dc's

>there's very little physical supports in the game
because they all get turned into ranger sooner or later


Her buffs scale off of INT rather than VIT/SPI (There's huge limitations to this and its been confirmed that you can't have both M. Sader and F. Sader buffs on at the same time) and she's not as SP tight as her male counterpart so she can actually both support and fight while M. Sader is stuck doing one or the other.

Cool. Thanks.

When are they gonna replace the dialogue portraits with ones that match your sub? Seems silly to always show your base class.

hopefully never

>he doesn't minigame with his guild

>need a goblin pin to get an account vault
But I hate setting pins

they wouldn't let me in [Airbears]

do they even pvps

Dunno, never heard of 'em

Goblin pad doesn't even do anything. If an attacker has your password to get ingame, they can just clear the pad through the website.

But user airbears is super dead from my experience.
Apparently I can just discard the goblin pin after I make the account vault and I dont need it anymore

>get my item to superior with a kaleido box
>still only 86%
Its it a realistic goal to try to get a full 100% on gear with the boxes? Or should I just settle with superior?

Runa's selling master boxes, ya donk

>still no bugs

Just aim for over 90%. You're ten times more likely to get that than exactly 100%.



Is there something that shows how much exp is required for gold 1? Im currently silver 3 and want to know if i can autism through before 17th



Fpriest and mom fighting over a bug when

Fpriest and mom double teaming a bug when

Never, her big brother will protect her

What element do you bugs use for evolution chaser?

>Nilvas Gracia

Never have a "IT'S GO TIME" scene mad me so angry. You get into the boss room and dude is taking a fucking knee in front of a shrine and completely ignores that you're in the room. Not to mention the speech was dramatic and epic as fuck and gives you them "oh shit it's going down" vibes. When he transformed into a beast I thought Rules of Natures was going to play. All that edge and dramatic shit just to get obliterated in a second.


>half the time when going teana/apostle my chasers disappear
>half the time they don't


Play a real class and you won't have those problems

>Scenario dungeon bosses
>ever lasting more than a second

Silly bugbug

>implying he wouldn't be in line
I use neutral with gracia, since you don't really need to max light chaser for pve.
It's a bug. It gets fixed soon, don't worry. Battle groove should work, too!

How do you neutral evolution tracer?

Considering by that time you had already killed a few apostles and one of the greatest threats to a technological empire, I was surprised Nilvas didn't die from you just breathing on him.

When you're in the element selection wheel, just use the skill again and it will be neutral. All forms of neutral chaser take on element, by the way. You should always turn off evo chaser when in apostiltize.

Yeah I figured that out in training/googling

It seems weird that evo chaser and apostle chaser don't mix

Are we getting avatars in the same rotation as KR?

Every post I've found just lumps it together as 'king/slayer', how much gold am I losing out on while wageslaving in Grandine king instead of slayer?

A fair bit. You having trouble unlocking slayer, user?

Didn't want to waste the extra time on ungeared alts if there wasn't a significant difference. Thank you.

To illustrate this, I've played since beta and never gotten 100% from a normal kaleido ever.



I wish I got the box head avatar before it went away :(

I wish I got the thief-ass avatar before the event went away DDD:

All this time i thought soldoros was unbeatable, i was having such a hard time on him, then i drop my fire weapon which was barely dong any damage and switch it out for a light weapon and i kill this guy 7 hits, wow.

I wish that cosmetic avatars weren't fucking untradaeble so I could use that set on a thief that isn't fucking dead.

Balance is key.


It would be nice if avatars were at least account bound but apparently we can't have that either.

bugmage is bestmage, jealous eles, malemales and frumpy witches can go die

>new cera item
>it makes 1 (one) avatar item transferable to your account vault

just fucking hire me already, nipple

>pretty happy with progress on souls toward a savior weapon
>remember double phase 2 drops ends in a week


Don't delete, gib sauce.

The op has tags, use 'em