In medieval times and before was fat actually considered attractive or just seen as a benefit for the relationship?

In medieval times and before was fat actually considered attractive or just seen as a benefit for the relationship?

As in was it attractive in the sense of "damn I wanna get me a pizza dat ass"
Or was it seen as "you are fat and therefor must have money which could benefit me and my family"

Propaganda from fat feminists based on Ruben's habbit of being a chubby chaser.

Me left from right-most.

In some asian cultures being fat was considered to be a sign of wealth/goodness, some cultures exaggerating this to the point of force feeding their women to make them as fat as possible

I would eat that....then again I haven't had in-n-out in about 8 years so, yeah.

Doubtful it's all bullshit peddled by English Teachers studying Chaucer.

The Wife of Bath has had several husbands and conned them off their fortune. She's fat and gap toothed. Thus we can assume these were attractive traits of the time.

"Fat" as in "plump" like pic related was also considered attractive but so were fit bodies, as women were expected to exercise too. Landwhales weren't considered attractive. Men were usually mocked to social death for obesity all the way until the 19th century or thereabout.

fat was never attractive, materialistic wealth is attractive. if ur fat it means uve consumed it. bitches want to know u got it and u can protect it (and her)

Keep in mind that being "fat" in medieval times was just being slightly chubby (in modern terms)

What cultures did this?

Only one African culture has been known to do this.
Male attraction to fat, voluptuousness, curvy figure is probably a leftover from the hunter gatherer times when having some extra meant you were healthy, and had good genes for survival and childbirth. Being obese or too fat however is not a sign of health or obesity. Note that the social status argument does not apply to males at all, as males show significant lack of interest in their mates social status.

Women however are a different case.

>Being obese or too fat however is not a sign of health or obesity
Had a stroke there or something. health or fertility*

Being fat mostly meant you were from a class that didn't toil and had manual labor to expend it.

Many men are attracted to overweight women. This is not a new phenomenon.

Now very few women not among the upper class were overweight back then due to a scarcity of fatty foods. Few peasants went bungry, but water and potato soup won't make anyone fat if they're physical laborers 7 days a week.

Yes and no. On the one hand, Veeky Forums women have always been considered quite attractive (like that even needs to be said) but a little bit of chub was a sign of social status and when you consider that many portraits of nobles were painted more-or-less as advertisements for marriage or as status symbols it's not surprising that many "idealized" women are a bit chubby. Plus, if anyone was going to get fat it would probably be someone wealthy enough to have a portrait painted of them.

Most men in hunter-gatherer societies today prefer women with BMIs much higher than the Western ideal, some even bordering on obese. Women with more fat stored up are more fertile, they can maintain their pregnancy even if the village goes through some tough times a couple months in. Industrialization is correlated with lower BMI preference

Yeah, looking at that and going "wow, fat is considered attractive" is like looking at gold diggers with sugar daddies and going "wow, being a decrepit old fuck was very attractive in the early 21st century".

are you the same blind user from r9k or did you just rename your pic after seeing that screencap?

So... it's all a social construct?

nah nigga youre wrong

Actually, obesity is connected to pregnancy complications and increased death at birth, you epic memer.

>Women with more fat stored up are more fertile

This is demonstrably false.

I think there's just a substantial minority of the population throughout human history with a fat fetish. They helped skew the issue quite a bit.

A bit of both. Fat then wasn't like fat now. Fat then was having thick hips and ample fat that could be burned up when nursing babies. A good survival trait when you live like an animal and don't know when the next meal is gonna come, invading army, plague, etc, that may force you to flee and move.

Fat now is just being obese because you sit on your ass all day and don't do shit. There's a difference between the "thicc" shit people like based on traits useful for reproduction and being a fat fuck.

t. fat fuck.