League of Legends General - /lolg/

Anivia edition

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>Ask Riot: Three refunds; 10 bans


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>Dreadnova Gangplank


[YouTube] Dreadnova Gangplank Gameplay Ability Video | League of Legends (embed)

>Warwick: The Wrath of Zaun


[YouTube] Warwick: The Wrath of Zaun | Champion Teaser – League of Legends (embed)

[YouTube] Voice - Warwick, The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun - English (embed)

>7.2 PBE Update


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Today we're watching AwesomeGamesDoneQuick

Come in and have some fun !

dead game

dead thread

Rengar vs nuWW

who's the better husband material?

gonna play 100 games as yasuo top/mid

wish me luck lolg :^)


xth for breast metal waifu


i want to look EXACTLY like leona!

Braum, Azir, Zed, Shen, or Taric.

getting shitty teammates 3 games in a row

get me out of this hell

Xth for Lux! Best girl!!!

Do people share games here? I was looking for advice on my mechanics and overall performance.
Also, where are replays even stored?

Is Viktor still one of the strongest late game AP champions?


He's up there though

>practice mode is literally what autistic skyrim players do all day


it's a shame there's so little of it

Why are pantheon feet so big?

Is anyone watching the TLR - ATN game?

This thread is being supervised by The Ball.

so he can stomp his lane

in the replay folder, duh

Hi, The Ball!

>Primary role
>Someone dodges
>Primary role
>Someone dodges
>Primary role
>Someone dodges

>Secondary role
>Nobody dodges


Kek how can you be angry about have to play more than one role. At least it didn't autofill you to ADC.

replays are stored in my documents -> league of legends -> replays
but without 3rd party software you can't watch other people's replays
iirc lsi (league summoner information) allows you to download and watch other people's replays
you can alternatively record the games with a built-in recorder when you view your replays and post clips

>Our Viktor goes 0/8 against a fucking mid Sona
> She fully stacks a Mejais and starts roaming killing everyone
>Team gives up because the fed Sona keeps killing people and if they some how lived the fucking shaco just popped up and killed them

I've never laughed so much while losing a ranked game in my life. How the fuck do you lose to a mid Sona with Viktor?

90% of ADCs still didn't realize whats their job is.
And since the majority of the playerbase still thinks that kills are more important than CS guess what happens.

In fact I think not even the ADC champions or players are the problem, but the awful itemization is. They are too expensive and majority of them doesn't give you an actual powerspike without another item, and they champion's kit doesn't synergize well with them.

Lets see what are your options when you play this role:
>Infinity edge
Nowhere as near good as it used to be, dogshit without another item, overpriced,yet nearly a must build
same as above, even more nerfed, terribly underpowered and even more expensive
>Essence reaver
needs IE and another AS too to work
not enough power for laning, works on MF and thats it.
>Death's dance
gee I surely would love to be killed by my own item, and I'm not a bruiser.

These are the major items what would give you a big AD boost, mostly built from BF sword.
All of them needs either Shiv or PD, yet both doesn't give you enough power early to be seen as an actual threat. Runaan is mediocre (those adcs who need to build this are even more underpowered) while Rapid cannon is pure trash.

And what do junglers build? A fucking knife and shit on you, which costs a LOT less, same applies for lethality items, they are dirt cheap compared to these. Not to mention the keystones. Fervor is nerfed for ranged, warlords is shit, deathfire works on a specific champs only.

wew these comps are amazing

Hello user.
The Ball was impatient... until you appreared.

It wishes you a nice day and best of luck on your games.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

what happened to being humble in victory

sure, here you go

what the hell tlr


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

british e-sports LUL

>that thresh on qt stream
lmao what

what kind of mad men would pick 4 (four) melee? otherwise i like the cut of their jib

sports endorsements for rookies who had big personalities but little to no proven performance

basically you can blame it all on ad agencies trying to find the next Micheal Jordan

>tfw no pictures of Doubleshitter to illustrate my point

can someone explain to me how the fuck does fiora passive procs? it seems so random

what the fuck are you saying to me right now

What the actual flying fuck are these team comps

Yeah. I mean I can see him compete with them. I think you also missed ryze too. Was wondering how the rylai nerfs affected his late game which I think should be relatively unchanged in damage. It's just the play style that changes. Haven't played much of league at all lately.

who remember this little gem


It's actually very predictable. fiora will get one of four procs that can get set into two alternating categories; front (north and east) and back (south and west). Every time you or an enemy champ walks off screen it will reset this and pick from the next category.

for example; you get a north facing passive on your opponent, if they walk away from you it will alternate to one of the two back passives.


Every ranked game I play has a high diamond or masters smurf on the enemy team

I'm just trying to get out of silver and three games in a row I end up seeing some fuckboy with godlike mechanics and aim

"I'm masters smurf don't feel bad"

If you fucking smurf and play ranked EVER you should kill yourself irl

each "vital" has 90 degree zone of proccing (you can see it better when she uses ult)
if fiora attacks you or uses q while in the vital zone, it procs, dealing bajillion of dmg

oh my god just now i've realized you have to hit the side of the body where the passive is point
this is why i've never do damage as fiora uh

why do you even care if you lose ?

I'm saying that we created a culture where it has become reasonable to be a cunt when you win. The more of a cunt you are, the more attention you attract, and the more likely you are to get rewarded with sponsorships and and ad money. Does that make sense?

wow what an awful learning opportunity

requesting wrassler guy comic before Braum was introduced

>watch imls
>don't get annoyed with his keyboard
>watch scarra
>watch qtpie
>that retarded fucking keyboard noise when he types and his typical 'fuck man' along with his mouth breathing on the mic

>tfw used to be masters but haven't played in like 8 months

>Come back and have to smurf to get my mechanics back in order because I don't want all my friends to see me in plat

There are times where smurfing is necessary desu

This one?

>Your botlane feeds 2v2 against a fucking Janna lane
>Your adc bitches about his support
>He has a russian club name

I need to destroy something

haha this game is so fun haha
i love playing against zyra support every other game

>how does le gutted robot man of wave clearing lose to le balanced mute of massive burst
gee boss

that's the one!
Thanks famalam.

Just pick brand support and kill her then

Yeah dude I would sure love to hit against a AA league pitcher or box against a professional or someone with half their life spent into it

What an amazing learning opportunity

That's not how it works you fucking mongoloid
I get to (sometimes) see high level gameplay of a champ i never play without seeing any of the other shit that goes into it like what they saw on the map and how they're pinging
It shows me less than I would get from watching a stream of something

Just play norms?

>has MALZ support
Once he hits 6, it's like a free kill whenever his ult is up.


Stop asking questions!

>against a fucking Janna
Janna lanes are hard tho

? no they arent

janna cant win a lane

jesus, my ping to na server is 350 atm. my ping to youtube is only 20 so i think na server is shitting the bed

Hard to kill doesn't mean you're allowed to feed your ass off

If you die 2v2 to a Janna lane you legitimately deserve to lose 200 MMR instantly

Unless the Janna is duoq with her ADC and they're top 30 challenger smurfs

i hope you're like this in-game

makes smurfing all the more enjoyable

It's not Janna's job to win a lane.
It's to spoon feed your ADC so they can. Do you even play this game above a silver level?

I tend not to give the smurfs the satisfaction, just tell them they're scum if they say "bro dont feel bad"

What really gets me going is when they say "dude diamond accounts sell for $250 lol"

Get a fucking job

This guy's webcomic is amazing. You guys should totally check it out.

>grinding through games as bard support
>play one game as fid support because I know we are going to lose
>first blood
>double kill
what is life, why did I bother even getting good at a fucking bell

So who's the next mage support down bot now that we got zyra brand velkoz malz?


his wall lets your ziggs adc do more damage

screencap this post

This picture gave me flash backs of those wheel skeletons from DS1 that just fucking wreck your shit if you try and block them.

emilia syndra skin when

>play ranked
>teammate picks Yasuo
What does it mean?

did you get the double kill or did the other team

you didn't lose because of zyra supp. you lost because of kalista adc.

Thats what they're based on, abbadon the author said he takes inspiration from bloodborne, dark souls and things like beserk.

lmao just got called a meta abuser for my malz support by someone playing cait


>have CLG flair
I see nothing wrong here

me want play new warwick BabyRage

40% of the community hates Yasuo because they think he's overpowered and a free win for his team

40% of the community hates Yasuo because they think he's underpowered and a free lose if for his team

10% of the community plays Yasuo and/or isn't completely retarded

Apdo literally has said Yasuo is the most overpowered piece of shit champ in the game. He actually knows what he's talking about

>10% of the community plays Yasuo
>only 10%


>isn't retarded

i'm ded

he's no fun to play against and yasuo players have a very high chance of being genuinely unpleasant people

thats mostly it

what other smooth sounding skins are there besides project yi and arcade riven

Then Apdo is in the 40% retarded part of the community :)

it's pretty funny how close this actually is to braum

tower range is really inconsistent


I think that he's overpowered and a free lose for my team.

What now?

>apdo is retarded

t. yasuo player

what's with all the varus adcs lately? is he the new ashe?