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Previously, on /owg/:

game sucks

Jamison Fawkes!

>''I'm your new waifu now, user!''

this game is shit but i cant stop playing it

Well, it's high noon somewhere

There is literally nothing wrong with playing Torbjorn on attack.

I hope Widow was always a snooty bitch. When she's inevitably redeemed, she should still be smug. just on the good side.

>mfw got Sharkhog skin today

So many targets, so little time.

Can you tank your QP mmr? Tired of playing against top 500 people all the time.


>Battle.net isn't opening
>tried re-installing it
>can't connect to update manager
>20 instances of Battle.net file switcher are opened in task manager
>can't play a game I paid $40 for

who the hell thought always online drm outside of steam was a good idea?

>be me
>support main, decided to solo queue one day and went from 3180 to 2500
>sucks but whatever, not a comp shitter
>was playing on anubis with some people i stayed as a team with
>got a leaver right as we took first point
>didn't get second
>decided to have some fun, went junkrat mercy bastion rein sym



>tfw trapped in bronze for eternity because of attack hanzos and attack torbs on my team every fucking round

Please kill me


basically canon

>Blizz make official statement about Tracer sexual orientation
>hetero SFM still strong

all smiles

any more spray combo pics?


goodness gracious
that was better than i expected

why do people post young ana when granny ana is clearly superior?

That's because it takes her a year to tickle someone down with her gun

>Mei player constantly teabagging after killing people
>instead of making me mad it just makes me sad it will never actually happen IRL

I just can't do as good with Sombra on capture missions if compared to payload ones, especially on Illios, that map is pure hell with her

Hello Reinhardt.

I know this fucking feel

Why does nobody have a mic on comp
Why does nobody group up on comp
Why does everybody leave comp
Why is comp so fucking bad holy shit

Young Ana is a breeding machine.


Post webm

Because it's just a quick play with more rounds and shittier matchmaking. Turbo tryhards already got to grandmasters and quit, the only people left are trolls trolling trolls.

I don't understand how Blizzard made this game so fucking unfun. I booted the game up after a week and stopped after two games of normal and one game of Mystery. I sincerely think a retarded monkey could do a better job at making this game fun to play.

What does she mean by this?

What buffs does Blue need to be viable in comp? Even in Gold my team calls me a troll; I just want to play my waifu.

Why would the fact that she's lesbian change anything with the porn?

Are you retarded?

>Ana on Route 66
>on one of those little elevated bridges
>try to throw my grenade at my feet
>accidentally slam dunk it off the side, get tickled for 11 damage and die

nice nerf blizzard

Bodyshots do 200.
Headshots do 600 and ignore armor.

but old ana is experienced and motherly, young ana is just your average leaf-slurping whore

>No chest harness on Tracer
>Fucking whore not ready to alt+tab at a moment's notice

Good survivability
Armor packs
Turret for keeping back zone safe or safe guard it on objective for extra firepower in frontlines
Shotgun alt is a beast
Ult is pretty good for clearing out attackers and support

Stop playing widow on attack you waifu autist

So we can agree that Widowmaker will never be viable, and might as well be deleted from the game

>he thinks young Ana isn't ''experienced''

Sometimes I throw down turrets as distractions and immediately run around the corner to fuck them in the ass with hot molten metal spikes.

If you get good enough aim to land kills on enemy supports or people out of position then people will stop complaining.

widow and hanzo are better on attack than on defense
the whole "defense" section of heroes is fucked right now

how long until rank starts decaying? 7 days?


A week, yeah.

shrike Ana is best

Most of Tracer porn and shipping has always been lesbian

Isn't Mei pretty alright in basically any map and mode?

>On a winstreak
>Having a good time
>Next game
>3 stack all instalock DPS
>Diamond picks Torb
>Remaining guy, who seems to have played with 3 stack last game, just starts bitching about 3 stack immediately.

Seeing how the game was guaranteed to be pushing shit up a creek, I left, and it cost me 43 SR.

And honestly, it was worth it. No point getting stressed out, trying to carry as Ana, for a team that doesn't want to win.

I agree with that

Yes. Mei is one of the do-everything heroes like Soldier, Ana, Roadhog and Zarya

What skin do you think we'll get in the upcoming events (Chinese NY/Valentines Day)

>dudes in team chat who think they're funny

Well at least you're not raging but

People need to stop talking about balancing other characters until the Tanks are gutted. This game is has to be the most unbalanced pile of fucking shit I have ever had the displeasure of playing in it's current state. Fucking Destiny is a better balanced PvP shooter than this sorry excuse of a game. Do they have fucking literal retards working at Blizzard? How fucking hard is it to not overdue buffs and nerfs while taking into consideration the rest of the cast?

Blizzard make Bethesda look like fucking rocket scientists.

Already confirmed we won't have a valentines day event.

>Builds a turret and gives armor

>Builds turrets and gives a shield as an ult

>that happy trail

Jesus why do third worlders like their women so hairy?

When she was viable people cried and Blizz nerfed her to the ground, She'll never be deleted because of all the resources spent on her(in Alive, Infiltration and the museum shorts). Deal with it.

>some dude picks Hanzo
>no response
>still no response

Gamers are not your friends.

Huh, didn't know about that feature. Finally a use for that last mouse button.

She meant this

I hope she gets buffed back up to viability. Maybe a rework or something. Her mine and ult are pretty trash. And no sexy Christmas or Valentine's Day skin, wtf. Blizzard hates Amelie confirmed.

That sucks. I thought they would have an event to go along with the voice lines

Mercy main looking for HEALS TO GIVE OUT



>mercy main

Some people are weird and let official stuff mess with their headcannons and other shit.

Personally, Tracer will always be a snarky bitch that only uses her time powers to pull complex pranks on everyone around her

>get tilted and have to take a break from overwatch for a day
>finally hop on competitive
>what sounds like two twelve year old kids pick widowmaker and hanzo on attack
>tell them to switch
> they refuse
>after not moving the payload more than 5 feet halfway through the round I just start putting walls in front of them as mei until we lose and they start screaming into their mics

It actually ended up being the most fun I've ever had on this game. Totally worth losing some points

nerf pharah, holy shit

>get a group of 4 people
>one of them instalocks bastion every time
>pick widow because already know we've lost by that point
>amazing tears come flowing
>gold damage and eliminations

being gold rank is painful


learn to aim, holy shit

is she writing about herself getting ntred

emily a shit

She's not even the most attractive girl in ow, not to mention her personality and kit is garbage.

>theres a Mercy, Widow, and Dva version of this
>still no Sym or Pharah
The lack of brown appreciation is disappointing

i forgot how fucking awful blizzard is a balancing games and making them actually fun. they are quickly moving toward EA tier


I find that my love for yuri diminishes when a lesbian romance is canonized. I prefer to use my imagination sometimes.

It takes a bit of the sexiness away for me. I like it when the character is in the closet and sneaking around. Because that's what I do.

Seconding, I'm here for casual fun

>pick 76
>pharah is no unplayable

She just really likes writing about hatefucking, okay back off you don't know her

Climbing out of gold is hell on earth

what am i doing wrong?

Why do I always get paired up with people who have prestiged like a billion times when I'm lvl 80

>writing fanfiction about your girlfriend fucking an international terrorist and murderer

There's a line. She crossed it.

Nobody wants to see Widow buffed, except Widow mains. There is nothing as unfun to fight against as a good Widow, except maybe Symmetra.

Play Ana and S76(if you're a metaslave) or McCree and Widowmaker. Enjoy your free AUGH.

you did not pay sufficient tribute to the SR gods. they are fickle and cruel.

QP stops caring after a point.

Why do people say Soldier is in the meta?

People who unironically use meme arrows in match chat deserve to be euthanized

it's pretty easy if you're good
I played some comp while pretty drunk and tanked my rank from masters, took me a couple of days to get back

Quick play doesn't even try after you reach level 25