You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this man

You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this man.

I am not the US government, I invest to earn money, not to lose money.

Damodoran says 140% overvalued.

Man is white, nowadays to get anywhere you gotta be black and get support from #BLM and LGBT communities.

Two good reasons:
Don't have the cash
Don't recognise who it is.

>Don't recognise who it is.

No wonder he doesn't have cash

lack of personal funds

Because anything shilled on Veeky Forums isn't worth investing in.

Well I found out using Tineye that it's Elon Musk, but that takes more than ten seconds.

he looks like my cousin who works in a grocery store.

because memestocks arent worth it. You need to invest into something normies are buying not hyping up and not doing anything about it.

Tesla is unsustainable as a business enterprise
Also, green energy is about to get the shaft so Solar City is fucked
He's sunk

isn't he propped up by gov't money?

obama money?

He doesn't own PayPal anymore.

Tesla is a meme with open source patents. Large car producers will rip off anything he makes that is actually mass produce-able.

SpaceX isn't really something you profit on. It's a money pit.

Solar City doesn't mass produce their own solar panels. They are just an installation company.

Because elon cares about the future not your stock returns

musk doesn't care about making money anymore he's trying to make his dent on humanity with his anus

stocks will tank thats the time to buy


He's trying to change the world. I'm at the stage in my life where I'm attempting to make money so that I may, one day, do the same.

>investing in a person rather than an idea from said person


I get much greater returns investing in myself and my business.


wtf you can just image search from the post menu you autistic dip