League of Legends General - /lolg/

best one edition :3!
lulu who


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Bronze IV almost V help me...
adc main i think

play skarner jungle


Spam Tristana. Low elo players like to jack off, so when late game comes you shit on everyone.

best bfs~

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Looking to climb out of Bronze playing ADC, preferably with skills that'll translate over?

Have you tried Miss Fortune?

she went 2/16 that game


Why does Lulu exist?

There are literally tons and tons of guide on youtube, google, etc available to you

If you are beyond bronze 1 in 2017, you should go check yourself if you are maybe mentally retarded

nice, pretty clean

>dude dabs all chat lmao

spoiled it

pander to manchildren


Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

>cuts out the moment before the tower killed him

hit that boy clean

Why not Kog?

tower didn't kill me
lee did

>Lose a fuckload of games in a row in ranked
>Getting put with people who intentionally feed, trolls, and general children
>Take a break for a day

>Game after game with players on my team who are absolutely miles ahead of me in skill
>Enemy teams are so bad that I barely even have to try, they just let me kill them
>Heaps of intentional feeders on enemy teams

Does anyone else feel like this game is rigged, and that matches are decided before they start?

>*weeping quietly*

cass and eve are riot-provided accounts and did great last game but they asked this jungle main to swap because one of them got autofilled to adc

matches are decided before they start because of random chance and not because muh rigged

GuroSmutAnon, if you're here, a few questions:

a) will you gift me skins on EUW?
b) do you have an email address I can send stuff to?
c) how much would you want a 3 page story about Elise catching you and eating you?

>Q minion that's low
>chunk enemy ADC for half their health
>land CC on enemy ADC
>pretty R
>they flash
>die anyways

Then just show up to a team fight, wait for people to stack up a little then press R.

She's like the Annie/Garen or ADCs.

I need some /lolg/ help for this wonderful game we play called League of Legends.

I'm hungry, what would you guys recommend from wendy's

yes, yes
It's painful


Whoops. Meant to say the Annie/Malphite of ADCs.
Don't eat fast food, friend.

so when you reach master you have to play with riot employees because there's a dearth of people who want to play that much leegolejinz?


Dave's double, Source, Am Fat.

>shovel knight
what a fgood fucking name for someone playing yorick

Hey man I'm bronze 3 and only play Ori

You're going to make it

the fact that you'd do this for a stranger to literally beat his meat to is an indication you have a problem user.

and him giving people things is a meme, you'll be tossed aside like a truckstop whore


Er, doesn't provided account just mean they were given an account with all the stuff unlocked?

By Riot accounts I meant the accounts with 0 games that Riot gives to pro players, not Riot employees.

I didn't check myself their accounts, but in both games my teammates said "who are you, I see Riot gave you the account"

The mmr actually punishes you for doing well, you are not just bad at this game, I promise.

Ask Wendys Twitter but watch out they might roast you.

Alright, I am actually really disgusted with how this general has been lately, and here's why. First of all I absolutely hate all of you because you not only don't know how to play the game, you have shit characters for mains. From the very moment I step onto this general, I can already see all the Lulu posting and everything that is cancer.
Lulu is a disgustingly weak champion the likes of which hasn't been seen in LoL since the early says of fricking rework Sivir, and you want to know why? Because she has low damage, a weak shield and a knockup that is NOT ON DEMAND! Why pick Lulu when even Aatrox has a more reliable knockup? I really hate all swimming in Lulu and honestly, these threads has been NOTHING BUT lately. It's a wonder you can even function properly in the world because honestly, who takes Lulu seriously but you autists on this general?
I'm sick and TIRED of this hell and I demand you to stop repeating the same memes over and over incessantly because it's honestly NOT FUNNY! What's so hard to understand? Nobody likes Lulu because she is weak! Argh, pick Sona instead, she is basically Lulu but better!

I suggest you stop right now because this obsession brings nothing good to this general and it shows!

Best snowball items for khaxiz? I was 10/1 last game, but started falling off late. Not sure what to do

don't eat shit, being fat is disgusting

sword of occult

>The transcendent godlike warrior of Mount Targon is actually a jumping, and stick brandishing mongoloid with a braindead warwick-tier kit

Pantheon rework when?

why do you keep posting this it isn't funny

Too soon user too soon

He can't gift you skins on EUW because he's on NA. I don't think you want his email address. He's very busy and I think he would prefer a Leona story, as that is his main.


The thing is, I am a pretty average player. Gold last season, Silver 3 currently this season, but I feel like a lot of games are literally unwinnable. I had a match where a duo queue on my team fed on purpose and started calling my team "women" as they repeatedly died. What are you meant to do in a situation like that? Then, today, those kinds of people are on the enemy team.

Who cares about the Aspect everyone hates?


how does luluposter keep going

its been nonstop every thread every day every hour i dont understand

im super autistic and this is completely foreign to me


>implying I don't already have the fiction written up for my own personal gratification.

Do what you love, it'll never feel like work.

You're not gonna like to hear this, mate, but stop playing ADC.

It's not even that it's the hardest role (which it isn't) - it's that, at the moment, it's the second least influential role (after support) in the game, and requires a decent amount of skill to stay alive and prosper in.

If you really want to climb, try out mid and jungle, as they've in the best positions to roam and exert lane pressure.

This quotes makes me want to play him even more desu

i think i play tristana badly

the only time i played mf i played her ap mid, we won also i dont have her

i only play kog ap, i think he was heavily nerfed as an ad

thanks bro

my op gg br.op.gg/summoner/userName=Miojento

you mean i can get paid to just sit around and play league with people who are good at the game? where do i sign up?

He just loves Lulu.

Playing top lane makes me nervous. I have apanic attac kevery game.

>im super autistic and this is completely foreign to me

there are levels to this autism game my nigga

there are more than two lulu posters user
a lot of it's ironic shitposting too

it's a weekend, i'm sure it's all 13 year olds who have the day off from school. try to take a break from league on the weekends/holidays.

>Still forgetting about edge of the night

jesus christ that poppy and leona where confused af

>entire enemy team jerking off in midlane while i'm at their inhib tower as kayle
>don't even have baron or anything
>we can waveclear for days with runaan's caitlyn, mf and ahri
>instead they fall over and die
gg kayle

Breast waifu!

build wall


>war is totally easy guys
>retards can excel in it

i dislike panth as much as the next guy but you have to be fairly competent to excel at warfare

I'm gonna put a baby in your waifu!


No wonder I'm bronze. 200 at 30 is my maximum.


>tfw you only play during nights since you're a NEET

>tfw only good players online at the time

That's why we play Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums at night

You can play during the night with a job too

Just go to sleep after you get home and wake up at 2-3 am

what about karthus top

If you're NEET you can play during the day. I'm NEET and I wake up at 11 am. You have the freedom to make any schedule.

>mid picks cait

>Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
>good players
t. someone who regularly joins vg games


sure i am afraid of those 25 quinn players in the world

Night time is literally the only time when this game can be truly enjoyable. Teenagers ruin multiplayer games.

Is it possible to carry games as Thresh? I can get good engages but they're reliant on follow ups.

reminder that the ADC is literally a useless champion and you can't carry as ADC

it is when you play like a diamond play or better

We need more people like you.
Because you are positive towards others.

And also an Orianna player

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

late xth for breast metal waifu

>cs was shit
>still got an S

>three chests
>zero keys

>adcs in 2017 lul XD

t. some autistic adc main who goes alone without vision and gets oneshoted by any assassin/mage fed as fuck

Please kys yourselves

16 keys
0 boxes

>have a shit ton of keys because you are an OTP
I know your pain.

Don't you mean I'm running out of things to say when I reply to you?

>you will never ask Sona to come over and listen to a new black metal demo you found with only 8 listens on bandcamp, only to find out she was the 4th listen and you are actually more false than her
Why even live

what runes/masteries do you run on malz spport? also, where can i go to find more info about it?

thought this was emma watson from the thumb

Emma wishes she was as cute as early 90's Varg

how do you not get bored playing the same champs over and over?


This new season is off with a blast. Feelsbadman, losing after keeping 4 tards in the game for an hour.

what a cute lulu [/spoiler]from that angle[/spoiler]