/ksg/- Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3246

Don't forget the lessons the game is supposed to teach you, you idiot Edition.

Previous thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version): pastebin.com/weL41ehu
Chess Play/Ladder Info and more: pastebin.com/ST2512G8
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/jUpSAYZE
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo
Katawa Shoujo Lite: newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881
KS Interactive Shrink: writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1858014-Katawa-Shoujo-shrink

Now I want to see La Vida Es Bella

'It's a Wonderful Life'?

is the Hanako one supposed to be about how 27:36 has unnamed songs which is supposed to represent "wow it's fucking nothing" without reusing the same image?

because that would be inaccurate, Hanako's route was worse than nothing.

Good boy! Whoda good boy? Whoooodagoooboooooiii

>abstract out of your ass hard enough
Is that not the nature of memes?

I would gladly provide some PNG Lillys for you. You need but to ask.

it's an older meme, sir, but it checks out

Nth for a happy Hana!

Facebook's yet to get on it, that's some points. But the overall time is just too long. I gotta make a call, here.

'Hana' would be very sad at how you treat other people.
You seem to express happiness, yet you're a massive asshole. This might leave some people confused, so I'm just going to clarify it here.

Sorry I'm tardy, old bean. I was just enjoying a rather tasty watercress sandwich.

No worries.
I lack the Brit cred to continue this particular scheme.
Enjoy the Lillys, all the same.

1.You don't need to be unhappy to be an asshole
2. It's possible to be nice to everyone but one cringy fag
3. That cringy fag is you


I want her to ingest me and take me places.

Shhh, Shizune is sleeping.

Yuuko doesn't get enough love.

Misha NO

>Playing loudly to try and wake up the deaf chick
Bravo Misha


yeah... wait what?
A parade of elephants playing the mexican hat dance wouldn't rouse her.

Misha's got some serious man hands.


>infant face with giant man hands
>Mrs Doubtfire boobs

The faces look like creepy FFXIII rejects.

You're actually rather asshole-ish to most people you're not pandering to.

>2. It's possible to be nice to everyone but one cringy fag
You have no clue what being nice means.
You're not allowed to choose!


>insults me for making a vibrating shoop
>makes one that doesn't even have as much effort put into it

>tfw no one will ever ask for a request from me

>injest me
My man.
I wanna get lost in her parfait until she's too hungry to notice.

How about you fucking zipp it bud.

my request is hanako cumming

I'm going to start running, any advice?

G'morning, doods!
How are we all today?
What fun and interesting things do we all have planned?

Actually do research and get a decent running shoes. Don't be a bitch. If you're heavy, have off days so you don't injure yourself. Don't be a bitch.

>pandering to people
That's some nice projecting you got there

N-nonsense, Misha is SEXY.

Okay it's arguably one of my worst KS cards but no bully

Can I finish my set or is this a bad day?
Y'all are usually a lot more welcoming


>Y'all are usually a lot more welcoming
People give you praise for this crap?

I mean in general, amongst yourselves.
Thread is pretty recent and the mood is kinda pissy

I wouldn't need to do that. I'm actually kind. I have no qualms.
You must be thinking of yourself. Must be troublesome, knowing what you really are.

>Not just running barefoot

Just remember no matter how bad you think it is, it was better than what we could come up with.


>the mood is kinda pissy
They're 'just messing with you', I'm sure.
I agree, people here are dicks, and it's not fucking funny. I'm rather sick of it.
I like your 3d Mishas, friend. Feel free to keep going.

10/10 joke.

So, are you actually feeling cheery today or is your introduction the typical facade?

Just finished emi's arc. I feel dirty for not having played this game before.

Which one should I try once I replay it? I have read that Rin's arc is....weird. Which one is the longest?

Think about it... Running barefoot means you can run at any time, you don't need shoes or anything.

It's pretty warm where I live, I might run naked.

That's a shame.
Well, moment's gone I guess but I might as well post the last two since I made them


Funny dreams were had.

I'm off!
Please stay excellent to each other!
Va11-halla > Katawa Shoujo

Ahhhh mannnnn, I never thought about it like before, woooooooooooow. I can go anywhere anytime if i choose to be completely unprepared. Raaaaaaadical duuuuude.

Go random, choose some other choices in the Act1 and see what you end up with. All the routes have something to offer, I don't think I could recommend just one.
>Which one is the longest?
Probably Shizune's. Or maybe it just feels that way. I'm not really sure, to be honest.

Cool stuff. Thanks!
Hope your day's going well.

I don't know, we'll see how annoyed I get.

>Which one should I try once I replay it?
Which ever you like. Was there a particular girl you were aiming for before you ended up with Emi?

>Which one is the longest?
They're all roughly the same length

Any updates as of late?
I went by /hgg/ a while ago but all the links were ded.

>Which one is the longest?
That would be Rin's arc.

Rin's character is pretty weird, but her arc is more moody and complicated than anything else.

If you enjoyed Emi's arc, I'd recommend Lilly's. It's of a pretty similar theme. Lilly's and Emi's arcs are both more or less the feel-good stories of the bunch.

Damn right.

Forgot my pic.


Funny dreams were had.

I'm off!
Please stay excellent to each other!

Double awkward now

I think you have the wrong user. I didn't make fun of your vibrating shoop. And yes, zero effort went into misha intensifies.
These CG Mishas are funny, we're just taking a piss.

God. Just stop.

We have content standards here. If you didn't put an excessive amount of effort into it, or happen to be a personality here, it's shit.
I don't make the rules.

Okay what the actual fuck have I been image-banned or something

Idol update, new personality and idol stuff.
Also more SM.
Mods are still going strong.

I didn't fuck up, it's a conspiracy.

I wouldn't do that around here.

Thanks. I might play a bit random and either try to aim for lilly or Rin , as I feel intrigued.

Please don't use abbreviations. My brain doesn't have enough neurons for that.


>content standards
>a hastily drawn fat lilly every single day

Seriously, who has personality?
>plz don't say tripfags

More like once a week

I have more personality than you can handle, nerd.

That is seriously dope, dude.

Not many people here. Not a good one, anyhow.

That would be the personality thing. You should know, dick.

Okay, like who?

Is shitposting a kind of personality?

Who are you even mad at now? Unless you're a fat fetishist, which is okay if you're willing to admit it. YKIOK

Lilly is the only way, once you go lilly the rest become obselete

Best girl in the game.

Good morn friends, how goes everyones monday

I'm not sure, future boy
>I'm still stuck in sunday, like a chump.

U wot m8

Slowpokes make time go faster

Feels good man.


This kind of S&M.

more plz

Oh... oh my...
I think I need to go get the updates...



All this needs is man hands Misha for the quadrafecta.

Crapawa Shitjo is not a game.

I think it's funny how Suriko requesting this image compared to the hanako ones being retarded shit like futa and threeway with his precious lilly, really exemplifies how he feels for the characters.
Actually no it's not funny, there can't have been any doubt in anyone's minds after seeing how badly Hanako's route was ruined.

can't find the emu war image, so here's this instead

Youre not a game

I don't hate Hanako.

Idol stuff is also neat.
We have a working screen for... extremely limited and contextual purposes.

I think I might just end up doing a fresh install.


>can't hear nor see
literally a plant

Is it moral to let her live?

Helen Keller 2.0 when

KS finally has a final boss now.