League of Legends general - /lolg/

OT: sweetest girl edition!

Other urls found in this thread:


lulu is trash

Things to listen to while playing soloq:

S Tier:
>Baneposting videos

A Tier:
>Armstrong's boss fight

B Tier:
>Actual music


She ragequit shortly after

I keep a playlist containing Sabaton, Avenged Sevenfold and, yes, the MGR soundtrack.


>drops my love letter to your waifu on the ground

h-hey! don't touch that!

How come baneposting isn't dead yet? Not that i have the problem with it, but there are tons of memes that become stale very quickly, and this one has been going for quite a while now.

>Listening to this whilst playing Jhin in my High Noon skin

Is there anything more fitting?

It is eternal and has ascended far beyond the petty memes below

it has a certain je ne sais quoi

AIn't nothing better than this

why would you take a webm from some other person last night and claim you made a fiora rage quit. Are you that hungry for(you)s?


That's so unfitting for Jhin?


It's a big meme

well I'm still mad from the day where somebody posted my favourite screenshot and pretended to me (Me)

Any Eve mains here who can give me general tips & tricks?
Currently running:
>25 AP
>9 Armor
>8 AD

I usually start Talisman/3 red pots but I get pretty low in the jungle. Is machete a better option? As for upgrades, I usually go blue smite but I've seen people go red. Thoughts?

Lulu is my STAR!

Use Q as you go past raptors / wolves and you'll regen health easily

Not sure about doing that as eve, the range is short, raptors are ranged, and both raptors and wolves are fast

I know it's absolutely FREE to do it with a Gragas Q because it has long range and slows the monsters like hell

In case somebody doesn't jungle often enough to understand what health regen we're talking about here, it's Talisman

Thats what I love about stupid people who play "carry" toplaners like Fiora thinking they can solo win the game. You can make them ragequit so easily, love it.

how do I play Camille in the late game? i feel like she doesn't have the burst of an assassin because her nuke takes 1.5s to charge, nor the survivability of a full tank to survive getting bursted down after your ult

It works, I do it all the time. Go into a custom and give it a go.

I used to use Eve all the time but with the reduced jungle exp and her already weak clear, I've been trying to transition to something else.

*melts your heart*

>flex """""""""matchmaking""""""""""

melts me like cheese on meatball subs

Vlad is for loving and hugging.

I got a Rioter to promise to hug him from me.

>no way to see elo of every player in the game until after champ select so you can't dodge auto losses


more edits pls :3

>playing flex queue for ANY PURPOSE

Instead of MATING PRESS can we LUNCH together instead?

(your region).op.gg/multi



I wish nothing but the worst in life to whoever at Riot decided this was a good idea.

aww cmon, you're no fun ;_;

Well, I need to see the opponents, too

>unironically falling for a noob trap
>not buying useful items instead

>tfw no adc gf

>noob trap
You do realize that Redemption into Locket into Ruby Sightstone is unbelievably broken, right?

name ONE (1) champion more fertile than shyvana

protip:you cant

Found a bug near dragon. While taking dragon I accidentally squashed it.

He danced on my dead body so I had to make him pay.

Send help

>useless item
Bruuuuuh xDxD

Nami :3

>achievement tab grayed out for three years
>magma map
>we like every champ to be viable in any spot and go ap or ad
>journal of justice and lore based game
>riot sponsored lore changing tournaments (they had only one match of this)

someone is remaking dawngate in full and is showing great promise
almost everything is working so far, good god

only downside is its unity

>real posts

>Memers spamming "adc" Ziggs
>Watch them cry when they have to face a Morg supp

Sona is a FAT BITCH

whats your one regret

I wanna cuddle Jinx, tell her how much I love her and let her know that she'll always be the best! I love my promo winning 2x4!


Do you miss me user?
I miss you

being born

stomping popular champions with almost never played ones always feels great

Best teeth.
Best belly.
Best rat.

>trying to leave league
we can't have that :^)


>Didn't get demoted this time

Jokes on you I always win

M-My 150 LPs are goooone ;_;

>queue for jungle
>get mid
>tell my team I can't mid
>they tell me to go anyways
>I go TF, relatively safe pick, against ahri
>I get double flash ganked and killed at level 3
>Lee promptly turret dives ahri and gives her another kill
>only comes back to my lane to take cs
>dodge every skillshot from ahri, she kills me purely with her ult, w, and ignite shes that fed
>team flaming me
>say lee screwed me over by stealing at least 50 cs
>"it's not your cs, it's everyone's CS"
>both our nexus turrets are down, they have all inhib turrets
>/mute all
>win the game


I feel like /mute all is lowkey hacking

Cant tell the difference desu.

Fat in the right places!

>Best rat

Any words of advice for someone who played S3 (or whenever they added Jinx) through S5 (or whenever they added Ekko), stopped playing, and now wants to get back into it?
Is the meta drastically different (I mained Cho top)?

uuuhhh lolbabs?

>dodge every skillshot from ahri, she kills me purely with her ult, w, and ignite shes that fed
>that fed
>2 kills

Maybe you should build some MR and not be a retard.

shitty game saving webm coming through

> words of advice

git gud

At this point, what e-sports isn't dying?

Finally we can stop calling it a sport and go back to calling it a manchild hobby

Did you know Darius hates Vladimir because Darius blames Vladimir for what happened to Sion?

Quas always mutes his team, even when they compliment him. and he hovers around rank 1-3

what champ beats kass 6? I feel like I can bully him around pre 6 but once he hits 6 he starts to 3 shot me, esp with ignite

>he actually gives a shit about the lore

lmao nerd

I don't give a fuck about Darius, Vladimir, or Sion.

sry i dont follow league of retcon lore

ww when

Fits Aurelion Sol so well.

Someone get me the source


Old Sion = good Sion

And that's why you cancel your R animation, folks.

old sion wasn't very fun to play against
especially when dfg did 50% of your fucking hp

QUIZ TIME, /lolg/!

You have been autofilled into support.
The enemy has picked Cait and Brand.
Your ADC, in response, has picked Vayne.

What do you do?

Sion support.

play janna and hope to survive the lane

>AP Ez is still allowed
when are they gutting differed playstyles again


Play a hard carry like Veigar and pretend it's a 1v2

pick lux and feed brand?

How do i get to masters from gold?
mind numbing grind with the attempt to improve?

is this new lore?

The heart is the strongest muscle

Wait nevermind we win lane no matter what

Oh wow.

A Yasuo spamming QM1WEM1REM1WQM1REWQEREWQ in a clusterfuck of minions.

So impressive.

>game is slow in off season of pro scene


How are you seeing those stats? o.o Any link to where I can get this?