Spend life building an empire

>spend life building an empire

what's the point?

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there is no point.
to this or any other thing you might choose to do.

what's the point of your life, fuccboi?

You can say this about anything...

To have the ability in your lifetime to make or crash markets with a word.

Thats why I say the only market or action a company should be invested in is complete destruction of the human race or eternal life. No other kind of company will ever have a point or purpose and can be boiled down to you just wasting time. No matter how much you try to justify your profession.

But isn't the point to create wealthy heirs of your bloodlines along with a dash of reptilian genetics striving for perpetual power and control for all of time?

Sure some get caught up in empire building and forget to procreate or perhaps even get cucked but that is the general theme I believe.

greed is a funny thing, it's like having an intestinal worm, the more you try to feed your greed all you do is get hungrier

That worm, people usually call it pride. There is no point to any of it, it's a compulsion.

buffet has kids and they aren't getting shit. he's just an old narcissist

Do you really feel comfortable giving your hard work to people and generations who could care less about you after your children. Time will forget you eventually.

This isn't an actual rebuttal.

To worship God


>spend your entire life doing nothing
what's the point?

Autismo likes investing. It's about the chase not the catch for him. That's why he lives so spartan.

what's the point

>>spend life building an empire
>what's the point?
The point is building the empire you dummy. It is the building the empire which is rewarding, not the having of an empire. Much like dancing, wherein the point is not to wind up at some specific point on the dancefloor, but rather to have danced.

if i had known that i would have just fucked a hooker and od'd at 21.

sounds like a non-sequitur to me but nobody's stopping you dude.

im mocking you and your sophomoric philosophy.


The meaning of life is life itself.

There is no point to anything on the lowest abstraction levels. Even God.
>go to heaven
>expirence external pleasure
>have all questions answered about everything
>1,000,000x better than heroin and sex and never get used to it, always feels the best always
What the point? You can even go a step further and say that life definitely has a point, and God will tell you that point when you get to heaven, and it will feel so meaningful and you will truly and honestly be fulfilled, self-actualized, and everything is very very meaningful. Even in this super duper meaningful heaven, EVEN THEN, you can still ask "what is the point of things being meaningful?".

When you let that python crawl around your mind long enough, you will realize that "meaning" and "point" have to exist in a certain abstract framework that allows such things to even be possible. For example: in the abstract context of Atoms, you can ask "what is the point?", and there is no point, at the base level we are all just a collection of personality-less atoms. "Point" or "meaningfulness" are concepts that just do not exist on this abstraction level. Just like the economy doesn't exist at this level. The economy is an abstract thing, but if you go down all the way you will find nothing but atoms. Atoms, but no economy. Now, if you are in the abstract context of human life, meaningfulness can actually be applied in this framework. Asking "what is the point of this universe filled with atoms" is like asking "what is the electric field of the economy?". The point to life is life, period, because "point" doesn't exist outside of life. What does this mean for you? The only meaning you can hope for in life is to help others and enjoy yourself. And because the prisoners dilemma effect, the best way to enjoy yourself is to help others and the best way to help others is to enjoy yourself. Lucky for us, right? This is called the reciprocal altruism principle.

>in other news: user on anime forum outsmarts God with a long winded tweet

Well you didn't do a very good job since your reply didn't seem to be directly or indirectly consequent to what I wrote; what i wrote doesn't seem to imply your reaction is valid at all.

it was not meant to amuse you, or enlighten you.

its no surprise to me it went over your head.

>it was not meant to amuse you, or enlighten you.
That's not what I said.
What I said was it doesn't seem like a legitimate criticism, even as an ironic exposition of the shortcomings of my position by taking it to an absurd conclusion.

But it's cool I know you're just trolling and this is basically "I was just pretending to be retarded lolololol"

>spend entire life building empire
>singularity happens
>upload brain into a drone and fly around town looking at cleavage of qt3.14s

You lack imagination.

This isn't an actual rebuttal.

its not .
its "your to retarded to realize everyone around you is picking on you for being retarded because they know your too retarded to notice"

Not and argument :')

i dont have arguments .
i just tell it like it is.
if you dont like it , thats your problem.

To spend billions on your funeral of course,

its so you build a legacy and achieve some sort of continuance after you die. same reason people have kids. all effort in life is motivated by fear of death and passing along your genes/memes. pic related

It's just a game for him. You play vidya, he buys and sells companies.

Same thing.

>build empire 14 years
>unlimited bitches, traveling, and food
>3 years of best cocaine, parties etc
>kids loaded and dads a legend
>kid leaves off legacy

>do nothing
>career, wife, kid
>middle class
>kids turn to drugs

OP didn't have an actual question.


ya i did


>bored. Like ice cream. Buy dairy queen.
>like my undies. Hrmmm.... fruit of the loom is low. Buy it.
>grandpa can I have a lambo and a doctorates and a high paying job? Sure user.

>donate to hundreds of churches and charities

>do literally wtf ever u want all day every day.

Once people learn to do this it's like having a hobby that pays. It's fun to them. Probably would even pay to do it


>spend life building someone elses empire
living the dream

>1 life
>born 11/10

Kill me now famalam

Fuck bitches get money.
No really, I'm sick of being poor.

What's the point of doing anything? We all die.
I'm better up trying to improve my standing than doing nothing.

Why not commit suicide?

That's actually a good question you shouldn't be thinking about.

I want to have like 1,000 children so i have a pretty good reason for the big bux

What's the point?

Underrated. Nihilism is just a defense mechanism or denial by stupid and weak people.


>believe youve achieved some sort of continuance
erm, no

>Nihilism is just a defense mechanism or denial by stupid and weak people.
you're wrong but there's no point in disagreeing with you.

Rly makes u think

You mean G-d

Nuh-uh. I'm getting berried in the family crypt in an ornately carved marble casket. No dirt hole for me.

>Veeky Forums - History & Humanities

Grandchildren would still care because if you interacted with them

Why would you worship someone who only likes you if you worship them?

>spend your whole life a poorcel

Whats the point?

the challenge of creation in limited time.