League of legends general /lolg/

woad ashe best skin

I want to marry Leona

xth for booty

Xth for Katarina
best girl

I love Lissandra!
Ashe a shit


xth for breast metal waifu


w-what is TF gonna do with janna?

best ad

who wants a skin??


Jhin though

>the guy (girl?) who did pic related is doing a month of Sona art

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2 on NA.

>All hidden behind a patreon wall

But what's in it for me?

gold card

>Irelia will never punish you by crushing your boner with her pure muscle rear after accidently feeling her ass

Besides Jinx, which League girls would be coalburners?

jhin is alright

I want to fill Ziggs with all my love!

>tfw to be the best Shen in the world I have to be at least dia 3

Holy hell, climbing plat again is the most abhorrent of experiences.

>champion has bullshit stats
>has incredible self-sustain
>has the strongest attack speed slow in the game after nasus
>has the best peel in the game
And yet he is not played. What gives?

The only one that fits in that category is Nunu.

good night


Yeah what happened to Nunu support?

good night

post them



link to the patreon I'll support for the month then repost here.

nasus doesnt even have the strongest attack speed slow


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets.

Does fiora have the most bullshit and overloaded kit in the game?

Girls who fuck black guys.

I want Vayne to kill me

Nah that's ekko

What fucking peel does Nunu have, he has literally no hard CC

that goes to camille now

isnt only the nude ones behind the paywall? i dont remember that janna one being hard to find

I don't actually understand this meme
is it just the absurdity of demanding something in return for playing a video game


did you do something evil?

I still don't know why there are "I win every trade" champs like Darius, Poppy and Fiora in the game.

They've only posted this one so far

Someone leaked the nude Janna (check Gelbooru), but there's a number of "preview" images that aren't available in full, nude or not nude.

Or it's in the Janna pic and I'm dumb....

I'm alt tabbing while I'm dead sorry.

>get pick/ban phase
>say "hey boys"
>mid laner says "I'm a girl lol"
>everyone else says they're a girl jokingly
>she then says "I have tits"
>realize it's going to be one of those gamur gurls
>tell her fantastic, no one cares
>"my husband cares"
>top laner starts showing he's a beta orbiter
>top laner goes afk because he is getting fucked by yi

She is Viktor. When can we fucking get rid of gamur gurls forever?

Lee sin

where fiora touched you user?

does anyone else find nude boring as fuck?
the non nude one is way more appealing to me

In one of the 4 vitals she can pop to deal max hp true damage, heal and move faster ;)

Have you tried not standing in his Q edge?
Have you tried champions who want to do short trades?

How about his "get the fuck away from me or die" big-ass AoE (AS)slow?

Camille really isn't that strong.

She gets beaten out handily by the S-Tier duelists like Jax/Fiora and once she's behind when she goes in she just dies.

Her Assassination potential is not nearly what it's hyped to be. Yeah you can't escape but her actual TTK is slower than most because of the time gate on her Q

All these fucking warwick jungles in ranked



>Bot picks Singed and goes Top even after Wukong already had it
>Wukong goes bot and we do okay at first
>Wukong dies and does nothing from then on but int, bitch, and make death threats at Singed
>Singed starts inting and bitching more at Wukong
>Other people start inting for god knows why
>They barely speak english

They were all Gold last season. How do clinical retards get above Bronze 4?

I usually prefer nude but I know what you mean. Quoth Kittan, "Its far better to conceal than to reveal"

oh i didnt knew that bit

yet i am pretty sure someone leaks the images eventually

i am the only one that prefers lewd/borderline nude art over full nudity?

The same thing happened when Poppy's rework was announced. People are stupid. I wish they'd wait to announce a rework until it goes live

this picture is incredibly arousing to me and I don't know why

is there more of the artist?

Poppy may be busted in other ways but she sure as shit can lose a trade. Literally every time I play Yorick into her and lvl 2 all in and she's chunked and can't even approach the wave.

Bad since it's interrupted very easily

Can i pump janna full of cummies?

>play dota 2 for first time in years
>pick support
>see the enemy carry on the edge of my screen
>he blinks on top of me, stuns me for five hours and kills me instantly
>this happened about fifty times

F. U. N.


Go play Yorick

I prefer them because I can shitpost them here, usually with my signature MATING PRESS.

Successful peel.
Any CC spent on interrupting Nunu is not spent on the carry.

user... I hate to break it to you... but Janna isn't real


>Play league as I have been doing for the last 6 years
>pick top
>see the enemy yasuo on the edge of my screen
>he blinks on top of me, knocks up me for five hours and kills me instantly
>this happened about fifty times

F. U. N.

just kill me now

nidalee is perfect and she deserved these buffs (and more)
and jayce is pretty disgusting in lane :(

Good morning lolgen
Time for work, going to the library, catching up on some streams, playing ro and other vidya, f-fuck you all:^)


How much would Janna charge for bareback?

By all laws janna shouldnt wear a top two sizes too small for her


$2.99 a minute

xth for gay marriage~

Pic unrelated
>be playing heca jg
>top gnar dives and gives first blood to garen at 1:20
>"jg, why you didn't gank?"
>I kill garen and resume farming
>every single time our gnar respawns he dives garen
>he literally feed garen for 15 minutes
>outlevels out entire team by 5
>he proceeded to fuck up mid and bot
>gnar spends the 6 remaining minutes flaming
>team surrenders
What do when git gud isn't enough?

>gamer girl

Every time.

Her boobs are actually a little bigger in her SG skin

Anyone have any of Dadonfuga's older Patreon stuff?

just to clarify, do you guys have a problem with any girl playing league, or just specifically the "gamur gurl" attention seeking sorts?

confess your sins

Gamur gurls and girls that happen to play games aren't the same thing. Gamur gurls are girls that play games solely for attention from men and betas.

>Normal girl playing games vs awful attention whore

Gee I dunno boss

missed you coffee user

>still no qt spider waifu champion


>get into game
>enemy laner in all chat starts bragging and claiming that its gonna be an easy win because "retards" like me counter ourselves in champ select
>tells my team to report me to counterpicking myself
>first blood kill him
>first 5 deaths in game was me killing him
>his jungler comes to gank and i kill them both
>he doesnt say a thing the rest of the match

He's the best!
Books are really fun!
Do you know when the other ezreal poster is coming back?
I read the manga he said everyone should read
I really liked it

It's time to take responsibility for your mistakes, /lolg/.

To the Bard in my previous game, i'm really sorry man, really really sorry, i shouldn't have missed that cocoon on a still Kat.

if you feel the need to specify your gender then you're literally just seeking attention
it's the same premise as if you were playing a game and someone just types "My parent's are millionaires", no one asked, no one gives a fuck, and the only people stupid enough to treat you differently because of that a retards that think they might get something from it.
Your gender doesn't matter when you play video games, but gurl gamers seem to think it's important that they label themselves as such

Vi used to ride with Ekko and friends too. She's definitely burnt some coal.

Riven would probably like a big aggressive black guy since she likes "strong guys." Plus she's a hobo. A black boyfriend taking care of her is an immediate improvement for her situation.

Taliyah canonically creams herself upon seeing Ekko so this should be obvious

Ahri is malesexual so she literally doesn't care.

Anyone have any other ideas?

I'm sorry that your mother didn't abort your miserable pathetic existence you shit fucking jungler

You're cute. I want to eat your poop. :3

Lux: Teenage girl from a rich household, wants a way to piss off daddy.

i am sorry for being the most fucking useless and cowardly irelia in all silver, i should hang myself for losing so much

Her titties are pretty hefty in her SG skin.

>All the champions I have bought are mid, only got zilean for supp and fiddle for jg
I just love mages. I'm thinking about buying ziggs next, is he gud?