Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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i like this patch :D

dota 2 college classes now

He's actually been playing for quite a while but it was never on stream or in public.

le menes

>hating on Race Wars 2

>calibrated in sub 3k
Might aswell never play again because playing this low usually always gives you low skill pudge that never hits or a feeding PA

sometimes i imagine what it would've been like if we had a dota class in highschool. i would've carried all the qts to victory and been popular.


calibration is based off your unranked mmr, so it does not matter

if you're so much better you should easily climb out. stop crying

you bastard supports, you need to pull every wave and jungle with that wave by killing jungle camps

I am not better, i am average.
But there us usually always one totally useless person in your team

How does a support get exp and gold if your 4k carry says "stop pulling"?

purge has no idea bout that shit

that literally doesn't change at any bracket . welcome to dota 2.

Now watch him in 10 minutes to not be able to apply anything he learned because these hour long lessons where purge just dumps shitty info is useless

But hey maybe there's a chance he'll retain that there's 0.2 seconds to right click

wouldn't it be hilarious if day9 did a pull next game that gets contested and ends up giving two levels to the offlane?


Learn when to pull
If that's too hard go smoke gank mid

This is a retarded system where account sellers can literally calibrate in 5k and sell that shit

This MM is a joke

what if you can't gank mid because it's a dk?

>didn't teach him about the item of FREE wins

who the fuck is this day9 faggot. holy reddit.

>hey purge this happened
>oh yeah I kind of forgot about that, plenty offlaners arent small pussies they will actually mess with your shit unless your support hero is actually very good at lvl 1/2 trading/kiting

>Purge segment over


There was a game in the last tournament where a rubick lift a dk, threw into tiny who also threw into the venge under the tower, venge stunned while dk took a couple of hits from the tower and got the first blood.

bring more heroes

What are the best supports to zone offlaners so my autistic carry can get farm?

>purge just taught day9 all this shit that does him no good at all unless he is 4k mmr and then throw him right back into 2k where screaming monkeys and 4 cores will miss all their last hits while he's pulling the safelane

This is like teaching someone psychics and telling him to cure diseases

>Viper spammer

nah purge tought him the value of playing all carries is good in 2k
thanks purge

>why do people nominate axe for ban
becuase if you attack axe he wins

hey dont talk shit about our guy

I havent played doter in a long time i heard that ember is now build like caster, why?

How do we fix the MMR problem lads?
Give positive mmr by not dying more than killing/assisting and weighting support items in?
Winning would just give a bonus to the score and performing under your average lowers the mmr again

>Say weaver is actually a pretty good pos 4 when the aghs upgrade came out
>reddit and /d2g/ told me its shit
>people start picking support weaver in tournaments
>Now is literally okay

Why does everyone call something shit until some pro team do it?, I remember getting reported and sent to LP for picking sven support against a slardar and a PA 2 months ago, but if i would do it now it would be literally okay.

How long until they start picking WK support because the aghs and ck support with an actual illusion hero?


But yeah, telling him that neutral creeps give xp 1300 range around them does fuck all. Just say "big range" around them. 1300 could be half the map for all he knows.

because veil and talents

3/4 of embers skills are magical damage

he gets huge spell amplification bonus from his talent tree, 15% if i'm not mistaken.

>+15% Spell Amplification
>15% Cooldown Reduction
>+2s Searing Chains Searing Chains
why indeed

>2.2k mmr
he's the same mmr as me

Why would you let da9 play then talk to him after the game?
How about fucking coach him as he's playing so maybe, just fucking maybe, he'll retain some of what you're trying to teach through actual practice in a live game

I think if I keep watching this shit i'll get a fucking aneurysm

sky is king in terms of dmg he can put out from lvl one, assuming he can use his high range and ms to not take hits from the offlaner since his hp and armor is DOGSHIT
disruptors lvl 1 Q is very good and gives vision
a rhasta can be super scary because lvl 1 shackles lasts for so long so if you have a carry that can hit hard at lvl 1/2 you can force the salve out of the offlaners at lvl 1 very easily, and his nuke deals 130 dmg at lvl 1 on low cd and manacost, but again he is very slow and is squishy and has average/low cast range, so be carefull
there are many more but I'm to tired of think of others
warlock is a pain in the ass too because he is actually surprisingly tanky and has decent right clicks on top of his heal/dot

>Oh and i forgot, but ranking up after you calibrate its actually hard because they would put you in a game where someone is going to be mentally retarded and feed.

are those whiny NA tards going to throw the game to impress day9?

How come one ugly fuck in ODPixel gets to mouthfuck Sheever on a daily basis?

well game is shit

time to kill myself

Ok what do i build on him now. Arcanes, veil into mael?

>WK support
been done
mostly fails because he is so reliant on blink and his ult is super long cd on lvl 1
have you seen purge coach ingame? he's more of a hinderance than help

barely anyone who plays dota knows this cunt

who is this day 9 guy and why do we care about him?

teaching is hard because someone can coach you and you go 15/2/23 but you are literally just a puppet because they are constantly telling you what to do and wont remember or learn anything

some feedback is good but analysis afterwards is probably the best for learning for most people

they know him. They told him

The first bachelor student of dota 2 in purges university

wait where is purge?

But wk support was done before the aghs came out, now everyone forgot that his aghs is actually pretty fucking strong, just think of a sven that still has his ult up and the bkb on since he got focused by the enemy.

he'll be back after the games

we're waiting for purge to teach him useless/wrong stuff and not focus on simple basics and how to implement them into a 2k players game and how it will evidently fail because purge is a bad teacher

he said "fuck you're stupid" and left

off counting the sheckles he just scammed off some goyim

veil/bots pick up bots first if you're getting good farm veil otherwise

from here you can go any number of items blademail/maelstorm/euls/shivas/blink


did day9 pay purge 50 dollars?

his FPS doesn't look too good

>day9's ogre is actually helpfull
well well

Ok time to call it
in 4-6 months he'll cap at 2.5k

>Oh and i forgot, but in every game people will instant pick cores and tell you are shit when something goes wrong because they want to blame other people for their mistakes
>Yes, this is going to happen in all games you play solo ranked.

oh my god

>first blood
>shitty fps

so this is the famed SC2 skill I've heard about, truly the superior esport

you literally have to have a mental disability if you cannot climb to 4k

I'm slowly climbing my MMR ever since the matchmaking update.
Explain that, dotards.

i'm an engineer and im 1k.
2.4k in unranked tho


>just climb with those four retards who refuse to, or cant even, play support

until volvo decides to change the MMR system, its always, always ALWAYS a better idea to just make a new account to calibrate on

are you even watching this shit?

yes you are braindead

>play one ranked game
>some autistic peruvian feeds from min 2 because he got killed 2 times and blame the supports
>enemy alch get a literal min 9 radiance
>min 11 armlet
>everyone start trashtalking
>cores give up
>lose the game
>-25 mmr

nice ranking system there.

>distracted by pudge ilusion
>missed 3 lasthits

this is like watching a baby in kindergarten


me ooga
team booga
enemy ooga

>2K storm disjoints a viper ult at point blank
what a lief

>you first pick treant stating you'll play support
>your teammates pick bounty hunter and templar assassin

team literally neanderthal

you underestimate 2k

>doesn't even know what bm does
Purge should have taught him that

Is Crystal Maiden poster banned?

>1-3-0 at 9 mins with 40 cs

yeah day9 is definitely the hero /d2g/ needs

picks do not matter in sub4k

even in 4k it doesn't matter as long as people dont play five cores

if a 2k player does something impressive, assume it was not intended

is this 2k?
it looks like 4k

>picks dont matter



wait, please dont tell me he has power threads on his courier



the difference between skilllevels sub 6k is almost nonexistent

>picks do not matter in sub4k
in fact, getting better at picks by itself can get you out of the trench

theres a reason why you are 2k this is one of them

unless you're that one "6k" cuck who spams that he can tell the difference between 3k and 4k games

