League of Legends General - /lolg/

Braum x Illaoi edition

Every time I pick Draven my team picks ad top/mid/jgl. Fucking hate the monkeys that play this game. Time to start inting.






Another day, another thread.

His voice lines hint at it heavily yes. He turns into a babbling pile of goop like most anime males around their crushes

No one plays Kled, yet he's broken! Sad!

Patch 5.13

The "balanced patch"

No singular champion was so overbearing and almost everything was meta, then everything change when the juggernaut update attacked.

Only the Morello, master of balance could protect us from the Soraka/Tahm and extensive amount of healing in 5.14+, but when League of Legends needed him most, he vanished.

I can't think of the rest of it to make.

I wanna cuddle Jinx
good night lolg, I hope you have pleasant dreams

One of the few times where picking Teemo is acceptable.

Only if there's an episode where they switch roles and it ends with a MATING PRESS! Too bad it's the wrong girl.

The hell is your problem?

I wouldn't bitch if people didn't report other people for stupid reasons in a fucking normal game of all things.

Can I get someone for 3vs3 Tree? Please? I just want someone with a little brains, anyone.

Wasn't Runeglaive Ezreal fucking busted that patch. He was easily some of the most busted shit in league's history.

>Fizz flanking a lost fight
>Uses ult
>"An ally has been slain"

I still hold a grudge. Fucker singlehandedly got Purple Smite removed from the game.

>Report == Ban

Kek. That's funny.
This fucking relationship web is getting TOO anime.
Anime protagonist Ekko, his crush the pretty elfy Janna, and the shy modest Taliyah lusting after him from afar. Now all he needs to do is meet a fucking rival and go to school and we have 13 episodes.

I have so many butts,I simply cannot be stopped. I can't help myself

Well, he DID warn you.

Honestly, every time Riot adds a new item centered to mages but is still advantageous to casters, Ezreal always finds a way to ruin it.

H'se absolutely useless against the holy trinity of tank cancer in top lane in Naut/Maokai/Poppy. He's pretty good against everyone else carries like Irelia/Camille/Fiora though.

>Purple Smite
I almost forgot about that, was good on crap like Pantheon and jungles with weak clears.

I think you just farm and never attack the enemy if they gank you run away or die, then you just split push the objetive is to end 0/0/0

Alright I haven't played League since the end of last season, should I dive back into it now or wait till the next patch?

That's like, what, the third item Ez broke?


What is the most respectable champion in the game in your opinion?

A report leads to penalizing, which leads to bans.

Iceborn gauntlet, with those 3 item he was unstoppable everyone was spaming him

Sona, she's a classy lady.

Cammy butt 1/4

>plat last season
>go half/half in placements this season
>silver 4

What the fuck? Is riot retarded? They dropped me TWO FUCKING LEAGUES for a 5/5 placement?

Do i unlock it or? is this lucky too?

If I'm ever outplayed by any of these champions I never really rage just show some respect:


Shut your whining ass up I had to climb from bronze 3 to plat
Get over it

>the objective is to end 0/0/0
uh no it's to do 0 damage

you will die a lot


I never feel cheated whenever I play against a Jarvan or Sion desu.

>robot ass
For what purpose

xerath is up there

anything thats basically just a harder version of another champion i can respect

>tfw I'm working on MMR before I do placements so I get a better ranking


>against Naut
Maokai I'll give you, but he can hold his own with Poppy despite the bad matchup. Nautilus he just shits on.

Mordekaiser mains.

Then i confuse this one with another Trynda meme, i think the 0/0/0 is call peacemaker Trynda or some shit like that

The problem with most of her stuff is that its all low quality shit

Why is chogath allowed to exist?



>bitching about Cho'Gath

What's your elo?

So cho'gath mains can feel entitled "That they aren't cancer" and totally playing a balanced champion meanwhile they cost their team the game because their champion is so fucking bad becuase its Cho'gath


>Tank that requires hard cc to apply hard cc

Didn't Kayle join the league so she could watch Morg get killed over and over again?


comfy bfs~

as a character Id say Kayle, shes an angel afterall

as a champion Id say Mordekaiser, the shit those guys have been through and still play their main, gotta have respect for that

I literally cannot think of a single champion I don't hate in some aspect

the what?

Why is Zyra so hot?


Someone picked her Wildfire skin

idk, something about a character who shouldnt have human sex organs but does that just works


She's got ero-doll compatibility installed, I'm sure she just keeps it secret ^^

It fucking is. Searching for decent lewds on her is rough right now.

>"gg I'm afk"
>stays until the end of the game

this should be a 28d ban: 14d for negative attitude, and an extra for being a weak dick that doesn't even respect his own words


I want to be tied up by Zyra's stranglethorns

If he doesn't get stupidly fed in the laning phase the enemy team just stands behind him and they blow him up.

He's not a champ you can just pick blindly, you've got to have the right comp with him. He's essentially the bruiser version of Sivir

fuck the retcon

>slap her ass
>break hand on metal plating

I want to tie her up on her own stranglethorns

god I love this image, fills my need for thiqq high test girls AND my want for ez to be treated equally as a waifu

agreed, they made shit so complicated after the removal of the institute

>be matched with autofills and secondaries
>be matched against autofills and secondaries

low-population hours in high elo is a litteral roulette

dont worry, riot thinks he is a porblem and is reworking him along with swain and mundo

fuck riot

Did that fucking Spider Waifu poster write this shit or something?

>autofill on oce 24/7
brand support literally every game.

I love this image

>Play Azir ADC
>Dumb Sonafag support dies twice for no reason because she just HAS to get her tribute gold
>Stay safe and farm up
>They can't hit my tower at all because I'm mother fucking Azir
>They can't harass me because I'm csing a thousand lightyears away from them because I'm mother fucking Azir
>Suddenly have more cs than him despite him pushing care free the whole time
>Buy rabadons
>Can 1v2 him and his support now
I never knew why people Azir so much but now I understand. This is some fun shit.

This is how bot lane was meant to be played. The meta is changing.

>That Feeling when I know who made this because I was in that thread

First off No, secondly I'm not going to tell you who made it

if you think an autofilled brand support is bad, wait until you see a shaco OTP forced to adc, that picks ezreal

I want to marry Sona and have MF as a mistress!

Why people post Azir so much*

mundo and swain already got their mini-reworks, all theyre getting next is a visual update thats welcome in my book

>want to play mid or top
>get first pick

every single fucking time jesus christ

i wish, its been confirmed they are getting kit updates

Me too, really wish there was more to it. Or just bodysuit related stuff for league girls

autofill was a mistake

What does each champ do on their day off?

He's the best!
I feel like I'm forgetting something...

oh shit really? well at least you can be glad its probably gonna be buffs

I wanna see kayle updated or something soon, I really like her as a character but I hate her playstyle

I can also relate to your first pick problems, as a TF main Ive played the yas/fizz/LB matchup so much I know the matchups more than anything else

azir is the coolest champion in the game thats why

Talon and Ezreal go on dates~

Bodysuits are the best. They're literally my kryptonite

Mundo has no days off, Mundo is very busy doctor.

The Pilties mostly just play Overwatch.

Ahri bitches on Youtube and Twitter about various Korean girl groups that are not SNSD and writes smutty fanfics about her Bias, probably in BTS or SHINee Unless she's a piece of shit GDTOP shipper. Would she have Fujo tendencies?

Bard saves the world.
Y'know, the usual.


>if you think an autofilled brand support is bad, wait until you see a shaco OTP forced to adc, that picks ezreal
Hey i know that guy EUW?

Ezreal is confirmed for dating Lux though. I think they did break up and he's with another slut now but, I mean, cmon man.

lux might be an undiscovered treasure, but Garen has a deadly curse to put on him and getting laid has preposterous odds against you

>tfw nobody cute to ERP with

the last time it happened to me it was ShadowClone

the only thing Ive seen confirmed was the jinx x lux ship


Bard is the kind of dude who saved the world once and would never stop talking about it

He be all like jing jing jin jinggling jing at a party and the person who's he's talking to is like "Ok Bard yeah yeah we get it, you saved the world so did everyone else in this room"


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