League of Legends general - /lolg/

OT: Lulu is the cutest, most adorable Lady and i wanna cuddle and protect her until the end of times!

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xth for breast metal waifu

ADC and Marksmen are terms loosely used interchangeably to refer to the same position in bot lane with the later being a less defining of what the requirement to fit the role entails.

Everyone understands thats and has moved on with the discussion but mister autism is still fucking stuck on the semantics of what a ADC is and has completely missed the fucking point that was being addressed.

cutest bfs~

what the fuck is your major malfunction

you even admit it's too early to make the thread

what's the fucking hurry? you really have to make another lulu post? i bet you've been waiting all day for this

help me understand

>No one's considered DoT comp featuring:
Darius Top
Malzahar Jungle
Cassiopia Mid
Twitch ADC
Brand Support

Everyone takes DFT. AP champions build Liandries, Everyone except the jungler takes corrupting potion. Everyone but the jungler takes ignite and Morellos/Mortal Reminder is built on respective damage sources

If I take ziggs in bot lane he IS a adc so suck my fat flaccid cock


>attack damage carry
Here's your (You), now move along

>Be GP
>ult bot lane twice and take first tower of the game
>Jungle tells me to get some map presence
>meanwhile our mid is 0/4/0 and hasn't done anything for the team

She's a cute girl and praising her makes me happy

>pedophilia edition


>Attack damage carry

You're an idiot.

>Poppy runs at us with a million health
>Gets melted down by all of the DoTs
>Darius can provide that last 20% execute as well

Eat shit
The role is called adc
Ziggs is in that role instead of other adcs
Ziggs adc

I think it's hella applicable though, maybe enough to invalidate this entire discussion.

Ziggs bot revolves around his passive ability damaging turrets. He is replacing other "turret pokers" due to the damage from his ability.

the role is called marksman

adc mean attack damage carry

ziggs is not an adc

The role is actually called "bot" (See: draft champ select)

the role is called "ADC" because the champs in that role hyper scale using items that do physical damage. Ziggs does magic damage, hence "APC"

Xth for WALL

Thanks for all the (You)s

Lulu is my STAR!

I dunno how Riot managed to do it but 7.2 is so much fucking worse than 7.1

>Jayce went from ban worthy to supremo cancer tier along side Camille
>Rengar and Khazix who were already supercancer in the jungle getting buffed indirectly with the lethality changes.
>Sweeping jungle nerfs effect weaker junglers far more than than already prevalent meta cancer like Lee Sin. Graves is now god tier because he takes no fucking damage in his clear and can just waltz into the enemy's jungle to either take their camps while they're backing or kill them outright
>ADCs still a complete and utter joke
>CotC may as well be removed with how fucking useless it is. Back to Fervor/Grasp for all top laners/Junglers

Is there a champ that both ap and ad is viable?

The term ADC and Bot are interchangeable within the community and have the essentially same meaning as one another. So calling Ziggs, Ziggs ADC to differentiate him from his intended mid lane role is not wrong.

Ziggs ADC

>You will never transform into Lux

i don't think i have ever seen this skin before have i been living under a rock

Sex king

not just a champ but The Champ

how long until the cancerfilters start being added to /lolg/ ops?


You know what?

Lulu is actually mine.

Or you know just call Ziggs bot

>7.3 PBE
>Rengar W no longer has 1.5 seconds of cc immunity

crki, ezrl

Wow rude

What the fuck this is just for a normal

How many of you play normals alone?

Corki, Ez, Kayle, basically any hybrid champ.

You'll want to build them ad most of the time.

I said most of the time, don't shoot up a mall on me.

Kayle? Jax? Akali? Pretty much any champion with dual scalings.
Are your vowels broken?

Blame Supports.


What would happen if I crushed Lulu between my galactic thighs and banished her into the cosmos never to be seen again

what it do.

i hate q'ing with people i don't know, because they're 12 - 16 most of the time. most of the people i know irl are real people with jobs and i am, by contrast, a pathetic waste of space so i just q normals in a shitty video game all day.

>not playing blind pick
this is your fault in every way


You'd wake up from your fever dream, probably.

So is Ziggs an adc? Is it okay to call him an adc?

>crushed Lulu between my galactic thighs and banished her into the cosmos never to be seen again

>playing blind pick
Enjoy the cancer

Didn't get an answer when I asked before

Does anyone know what happened to Rush?

I know he canceled his contract with C9, but what is he doing now? Did he say why he stopped streaming?

Taliyah visual update when?

>implying draft is any better

There is nothing wrong with Taliyah, leave her alone. There are so many generic looking girls like kat in League already. Leave Taliyah alone.

I wanna go dancing with Lulu!

He wants to get to High Challenger so that he can get on a team in KR so he's moving away from streaming for now so he can concentrate on climbing

He is probably just burnt out on this shitty game and too ashamed to admit it.

He played Lee Sin so well that the other bad lee sin players made sure he would never see the light of day again.


Yet another thread with the autistic screecher who says ziggs isnt a adc.


is there a chart for best bulges and muscles?

Problem is Lee Sin and Nidalee are literally all the champs he could play.

I can't even begin to imagine how shit Rush would be with 10 bans in comp


Ziggs is an ADC? Is this new meta? How do you build an ADC Ziggs?

>this was colorized before being translated

Not until she gets a nose job and remove the big eyebrows.

Did Rito just give anyone else a bunch of free icons?
Fuck do I need a TSM icon for baka


trinity into crit. rapid fire second is usually best since the crit from ie is garbage by itself and has synergy with his passive on turrets

Reminder to ALWAYS bully the scuttle crab!

Go away, she is cute in her own right.

Daily reminder that Jarvan IV gets to plow that scaly pussy and suck on those dragon tits every night.

Lulu a shit

Poppy the best

Should I use abilities while auto attacking?

Riot needs to change her face.

>Jarvan IV gets to plow that scaly pussy and suck on those dragon tits every night

He's committing a taboo act. Replace that heretic with Garen.

Hell to the yes.




Did these retards just say Lee Sin
was out of Mana?

These are the same illiterate dumbasses who thought Twitch's ult was called Spray and Pray for 2 fucking years

Jarvan is a paranoid loser with no friends. Taric and Garen best bro ship.

this new game mode though

>hunt stupid khalista ghost
>kill a kabuki rift herald
>turn into a "demon" where u run sanic fast and are invisible

pretty shit mode but the map looks pretty cool atleast

colour me impressed

Dont listen to those retards.
You rush Lost Chapter and build Lich Bane. You can get RFC if you want but not before completing Morello and Lich.

>Ziggs' ability casts reduce [Short Fuse]'s cooldown by 4 seconds
Yes, yes you cast abilities.

Theyre distributing icons for gifting people during Snowdown

Why is she so darn cute?

>assassins only
Fuck that noise

Not anymore since Taric got banish.

im sorry my friendo but i need to see it for myself

>taboo act
Nothing wrong with love. He can declare her his wife and queen of demacia anyway.
Isn't Garen also plowing Katarina?

Demacian guys are pretty much the Chads of League and every other girl wants to bounce on their dicks.

"Huhi, he's outta mana"

how much work would it be for them to release a chroma that literally just turns sion green

how much work could that possibly be

they should take suggestions

spare none
even if its not worth it

because you have a thing for children.

I want to go to sleep hugging those tails.

Taric hates Jarvan because Jarvan is an asshole who deserves no happiness. Taric still feels royal to Demacia and considers Garen a very good friend.

No Garen is plowing Lux

They accidentally gave a fuckton of people (mostly in NA) an old TSM icon

energy is basically mana. it's a fast restoring mana that has a cap of 200.

That's all it is.

How are you fags building warwick? I tried the generic bloodrazor>titanic>tank but i felt too squishy to do warwick things

But I don't like Lulu

And regenerates whenever Lee Sin autos someone.

My bad, I didn't hear the first half of Huhi's name

Jarvan Thunderspear
Garen Bigblade


>players actually believe damage creep has occurred
Champions die about as fast as they always have. Maybe like 2 or 3 percent faster than previous seasons because of damage keystones but certainly not to a point where it's negatively affecting the game.