Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1000: We are a single light Edition

Happy 1000th thread! From the group that started it all!
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JP: EliPana ChaFes
EN: Nico MedFes

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We did it reddit

Umi is love


Nice OP

I want my own Nico-chan.

i prefer this thread, i am putting peace on it. no bullying allowed.

Who doesn't?


Welcome Rice Queen. It's better here.

I like this OP

I'm enjoying this new trending post.

Have a cute Nico for celebrating the event with

>Fuujo already has 3 posts in my thread
I feel ashamed of myself.

Please don't die on me, /llsifg/. I'll be off to play for Nico.

Sorry, meant to reply to not myself

>No Aqours
Good thread


Man if you hate this General so much why don't you just fuck off?

Reminder you chose Fuuko over rintard.
Let that sink in.

reminder that all the raibus are olev

Thank you.

Are you guys tiering for Nico? T1 here.

I know it took 999 threads but we all agree Kanan is best Aqours now right?

Don't worry, I'll protect /llsifg/ even if it takes my life!

Not on my watch.

This thread absolutely reeks of Fuuko and his samefagging.

Cumming inside Anchan~!

It's time to celebrate reaching 1000 with pyonposting!

Going for T1. Starting tonight, had my phone in for repairs so I can't start until tomorrow though

As much as I love Rinfag, the thread was early and frankly he keeps pushing my buttons with the Emitsun memes.

Just like every thread since around crhistmas I think?

we made it girls

through thick and thin

with scabs on our shins

we went through fighting

but we only get tighter

so raise a toast to love live

here's to another 1000

OP here, don't call me Fuuko please it's pretty rude and offending. Didn't want him here either.

Get out the festivities.

Kill yourself, Fuuko.

kys honktard

Two pyons dressed up to perform.

lol who cares? lmao just deal with it rintard



im glad you didn't choose my thread

an overwhelming sense of guilt washes over me when i post emitsun propaganda

>1000 threads
Cheers to another 1000


Go away Japan. Just because she makes you horny =/= she's a good or even decent character.


A pyon about to pyonpyon like crazy with Honk and Birb

I wanna marry Nozomi.

Good thing you weren't banned.



Cumming inside Ruby-chan~~


Cute childhood friends

A cute Nico with background HonoUmi

Hug Umi

We know Nico


mods are joining our revelry

how kanan is this?



I didn't remember how early on Maki was getting harassed by both Honoka and Nozomi. She's in fact the first person we see Nozomi grope. When one factors in Tsubasa flirting with her in the movie, two questions present themselves: what is it about miss Maki Nishikino that drives those dykes wild, and did she end up liking Nico because she was an older girl who gave her attention that wasn't sexual?

kys crackshitter



sunrise confirmed for bros

Don't mind me, I just want to be able to say that I made a post in thread number 1000.

Umi is best girl


congratulations /llsifg/ ~

Honoka, sniff Umi

Nice pic, I'm saving this

Lick Umi

I know, it feels good.

What's your oldest picture from these threads that you still have?


ed edd n eddy

instead of jawbreakers i guess they like big bowls of rice

You are not part of this.



Reppin Aqours

You are part of this, Fuukospam-sama!



Nico and Maki a cute.

>through thick and thin

oddly appropriate considering how often the thread gets deleted

sorry for the no OP

Love Umi

Umi, lick Honoka

Happy Umi makes me happy

Friendly reminder that spam and image dumps are against the rules.


I love these two. Reppin' magnets!


goodjob op



I love my wife Kotori Minami!

Love theses babes.

>guys stop having fun REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Get out.

Umi and Honoka, kiss each other in celebration of 1000 threads

We know Phantom Thief Eli

Okay I lied. Oh, Love & Peace was available on b-sides.




Spam is not fun.

So, who's doing the word cloud?

We know, Umi.