League of Legends General - /lolg/

thank your support edition


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>not a lulufag or a gay thread

holy SHIT
why are vi players so fucking dumb?

>Lethality immediately grants 40% ⇒ 60% of its value as flat armor penetration. The remainder scales with enemy champion level.

*sips tea*

What are you guys playing right now?

Damn this almost looks like the canon art

based pirate slut of biggest bust



The Philosophical question of our generation

Can an ass be too fat?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

> Search results for: lolg

4 results.

hmm.. lolbabs?

why edge second over cleaver?

what runes are you running

because edge is better for the flat leathality bonus plus the active is really useful mid game due to bs mid spells,

you get cleaver 3rd cuz then they started to build armor but its pree much over at that point

>Can an ass be too fat?
yes, only niggers or THICC poster will say other wise

>tfw you shit the bed whole game but nobody notices because youre support

>play on an otp account
>call the champion in select
>teammate bans the said champion even though it's a niche pick and never banned
>troll the shit out of the game and surrender in 20 minutes

I don't know why people do this when the outcome for acting like an ass should be pretty obvious, fucking plats man

Diana and leona are just friends right?

where do i subscribe

how much lethality do you take in runes?

>playing Nasus
>top lane is a Yasuo
>keeps poking me and I can't farm for shit
>less than 50 stacks by 10 min,gave him 3 kills
>mid Zed offers a lane switch,I go up against a Lux
>start building magic resist
>Yasuo comes to mid to hunt me,have to hug tower but he dives and runs away with it anyway multiple times
>don't know what to build and consequently keep giving kills to everyone
>enemy jungler is fed too and keeps killing me
>I know I can't split push at this point because no items and no stacks
>I go 1-7 and start to tilt slightly
>miss a minion with q in front of two teammates

> > >(Zed)"Dude,do you even know how to Q farm"


>play orianna supp
>take some cs so I can do damage
>teammate gets mad and flames all game
Hate when people get mad at off meta picks

why am I always getting matched against higher ranked players?. every game I will get matched against gold players in mid lane whilst the rest of my team gets matched against silvers. I don't understand why this happens.

moral of the story,Yasuo is cancer in any lane

Every ass is great, regardless of size.

>make new thread before anyone else
>it gets ignored in favor of one made later

post urs fuccbois

>Playing nasus
>You probably first picked him too
You should be making better decisions user.


Can you guys recommend me a Yter without any shit clickbaits?

you didn't even post it lol

Your thread looks better yes, most people go to the first link from main thread to new thread though. You never posted yours in the old thread :(

You do the meme E max build when laning vs yasuo user

what the fuck

fuck me I've never seen people link in the old thread before. I always bail early and just check catalog :(

What's that as your favorite champion? Don't recognize it.

Muting the ADC is the best decision I've ever made while playing League of Legends.

>tfw Sej didn't let me get the penta

>literally all
lmao I bet you also maxxed Q and not E just leaving the ball on your ADC

I didn't know such a build existed,what items?

Kshaway is pretty comfy


google "quas Nasus"

>not rushing Duskblade every game

>spectating a friend jungling with a friend, giving some feedback
>keep seeing the leblanc consistently whiff snares
>finishing mejais when she has no stacks and is losing lane hard
>well that's kinda bad but at least she isn't as terrible as Caitlyn
>end of the game comes, looking at the scoreboard
>see this

Your Thresh was fucking great, as an aside.

>never seen people link in the old thread before
what the
>bail early and just check catalog
wait so...
when the thread is nearing it's end (whenever you think that is), you just x out of that shit and go to the catalogue and smash the f5 button?

Gorsky is pretty funny tbqh but he's kind of a reddit meme so if you hate reddit as much as *everyone* not on reddit, then not a great choice.

He doesn't actually mention reddit they just really like him iirc

Does Lulu polymorph cancel Malz ult?

corruption pot into two dorans rings maxing E (duh)

good lord just how new are you?

yeah basically.

>inb4 autism

I'm a bard main. I think my autism is pretty apparent.

Thanks anons

Lulu is my STAR!

there are none. Especially not the ones that were mentioned. Those are shitty shitbags of pure shit.


why would you get duskblade when the passive isnt that useful? idk how it procs

No, they're enemies. Formerly of the same tribe of sun worshippers but Diana became a heretic for the moon

Jinx deserves love and cuddling

It's hard to get to that point but its very possible. Everything has its point of over kill,

I love Lissandra!

I hate lissandra!

i SUCK at laning as lissandra versus other mages, though. how do i play safe?

ICU seems okay i guess

But why is there so much shit right now?

I remember the old videos didnt had such titles like: FULL AD "X" 2 PENTAKILLS, CHECK THIS KOREAN BUILD OUT", 100% WINRATE WITH THIS CHAMP???"

Ugh, disgusting tbqh

if you kissed Lissandra on the __lips_ would you get stuck?

because they abuse a broken champion that requires zero mechanics, hence why they usually have bad decision making and overall don't know how to play the game. but, because vi is so busted, they still get fed and win games.

rodent centipede

how do I play Braum in lane?

Should I just play passive unless the other team goes in on us?

camp brushes so if people face check you can stun them easily. patience is key since you are melee, so good engages usually rely on them walking into you or counter-engaging.

>Hit 1 auto
>Le broken stun passive of doom

There u got a kill with this braindead pile of crap

Yet another day... that I want to dance with Orianna.

As a supp you should max E (Command Protect) leave the ball on the ADC for the passive armor and MR and play like Janna until you get a chalice to solve the mana issues.

Don't waste mana on harass. Do not specifically use W, as it costs too much and it is your ability to use as your ADC's escape tool.

Use the ball to scan bushes.

I use to built utility with ardent censer, redeptions, talisman/FQC, mikaels, locket.

Should you build AP, get morelo first for the CDR.
Last but not least: Do Not take any Farm! This applies unless the ADC has gone to base or unless you need to help in shoving the wave to base.

Save the ult for saving when chased or all-ins.
Hope I helped


Lamb what are you doing.

No stop.

Sonas fat ass is PERFECT!


Delete the furry.

with my penis

>tfw had a vi that was constantly running into 1v3s and farming while team fights were happening
>she then decided taking blue buff was a good idea while the enemy was obviously taking baron, our team was running up to defend and I pinged that I had tp multiple times
>she still shat on the enemy team afterwards and we cleaned up 3 kills and she went to solo drag instead of helping us push
>then a few minutes later after that when we pushing back their baron she thought chasing the MF support with 11 deaths from BOTTOM LANE TO TOP LANE was a good idea while we were trying to get inhib
>eventually our morg ragequit because of vi even though we could probably still win and we lost

>60k viewers

Dead game dead general

can i help?


Lulu is the smuggest! THE SMUGGEST!

Trying to get a Jhin game going so I can try some builds out but he's either picked or banned before I get a shot. This has happened three times.

trying to find an azir adc to meme with in botlane

why not..

Playing against bots because it takes a million years to find a match.

Junglers come in two type on the first are tacticians that will pick meme shit, ivern, a tank or leesin and will take control of the game.
The second type have the mental capacity of an enraged bullshit "Me See, Me Kill" picking shit like leesin vi hecarim yasou and other meta champions

>tfw sjws were up in arms about the new skin Mei got
>because it made her "skinny" and her ass was like a shelf
>Guqin (Gookin) Sona skin
>her ass is like a shelf
>makes her noticeably thinner
>no sjw uproar


That happened? Any screencaps?

yfw its pronounced warrick

Post youre favorite Ahris =^-^=

oh auto correct you complete bitch and fuck touch screens

two types user*
enraged bullshark*

Let me just...

There we go.

Post these and rate others


i wince when people say "war-wick"

Guqin soona came out long before sjws were rampant though.

And besides, sjws were mad because she was skinny, not because her ass was flat.

how do u pronounce him then

Sorry I only post good champs like Darius >.>

The slut must die.
Censor it!


they weren't eve up in arms

the skin was clearly bugged

Some guy made a video about it. Goes by "HarmfulOpinions" screencap shared by some dumb bitch called Thumbcramps on twitter bitching about it.

Sorry I only post good champs like Viktor >.>

Thank you.