Have any of you ever failed? How did you recover?

Have any of you ever failed? How did you recover?

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Realize that life is just a series of dice rolls
Eventually you'll hit 7
Only the ones that stop rolling never make it

>eventually you'll hit a 7

I fail every single day.

traditionally there are two six sided die rolled. funny reaction though

Never, not even once. If you've ever failed at anything then you have no hopes to the types of success I have in mind. You can still get rich and whatever, but you won't be close to my level

True but it is annoying seeing people way worse than you succeed in your industry due to bullshit reasons, connections, nepotism etc. They did not roll a 7 while we all have to.

Who cares what's annoying? focus on yourself

do what you need to become successful

One year living with my parents working a shitty job while getting food bank so I could build up my money faster.

You just move on. That's about it. It takes alot out of you though. And each time you try you attack the problem smarter, but less bold, and slightly defeated.

I think the difference between Successful and Unsuccessful people is Failure.

Successful people fail... ALL THE TIME. They fail every single day, they fail more in a year than many will fail in a lifetime.

Failure is the ultimate check of where you were short. Unsuccessful people never fail, because they're so risk averse they only go down the short and narrow - the "guaranteed" path. But improvement in anything requires failure.

If you don't fail, how could you possibly know what your maximum potential is?

If you never fail, you never learn.
If you never learn, you never succeed.
Failure is part of the road to success.

I flunked out out collage and lost my scholarship my freshman year. I had to work my way through college after that, on probation for a year. It took me 7 years for a BS, but my GPA my last 3 years was a 3.5, in chemistry. While working.

I've fucked up in other ways too. There is no rewind on life. Just play and fast forward.

yes the successive failures are killer. that is when you realize you are trying to achieve what is impossible.

try nothing is impossible

And some people never learn from their failures they just keep doing the same shit over and over again. Those people will never realize that they simply don't have the drive, discipline and motivation to be successful at their pursuit.

[someone who's never played Craps detected]


People who give up in their 20's are the ones who are 40 years old and will tell you "Don't follow your dreams, it doesn't work kid." and they're completely miserable.
Don't listen to them

My life up to this point has been an overall and undeniable failure.

6 and 8 are bets for people who don't mind being losers.

just keep swimming

you fail because you try the wrong things
realize your place in life

Bubba, dreams are for suckers. Extremely few people ever make it rich by doing what they love, they make it by finding something they can tolerate and becoming good at it then spending their free time pursuing their love as a hobby with all the capital they acquired.