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ikr everyone I know who has any real money did so by crime. (fraud, drugs, forcing an old person to change their will then killing them to get all their assets etc)

There really is no legit way to be wealthy.




HELP! !!!!!!!!!!

We should post about it on a Thailand basket weaving anime website.

don't hate the playa my man

They're fucking illiterate and yet making money


So, you're just sitting at home doing literally nothing and complaining that you're not getting anywhere?

Maybe if you got off your ass and did SOMETHING, you'd have something to show for your time.

don't hate the players, hate the game.

Okay, so criminals everywhere are making money.

Name 5 of them.

there is a way. inherit your parent's fraudulent millions and then claim you made it all by gambling and playing poker, brag about it on instagram and get even more money. dumb waggies will believe you.

You know someone who murdered an old person?

Burner laptop > windows 7 or linux >veracypt > vmware > mounted windows 7 or linux > Vpn> RDP> socks5

Registry cleaner
Dns flush

Step 2.
Ecommerce under fullz
Using step 1 to "buy" your products. Bank drop

Blam you rich nigga

Still waiting for those 5 names. Not famous criminals, local criminals you know nearby.

I can wait.

Criminals who commit crime, they take risk and part of getting rich is taking risk. Especially huge risk involved illegal business and breaking rules. Thats why they're rich

Faggot who doesnt want to take risk and just shitpost on animal board will stay poor for the rest of (You) life

Trade the market, and don't be autistic doing it. There you go.

Gonna have to explain this more... I got all until the ecommerce part

Ecommerce under fullz(another persons info)

Adding a payment processor plugin (stripe...etc)

Buying your product with cc

Attaching your payment processor to a bank drop

Cahout bank drop before its burned from charge backs

Set up takes 2-3 days average. Chargebacks normally take a week/2. 2000 a week if being lazy.

High risk high reward faggot.

Yes, all criminals are rich. right.

Most criminals are broke as fuck. Unless you're some member in a cartels inner circle your barely getting by.

Most successful criminals have an alternate source of income. Usually people on disability that want a second source of income.

Vast majority of career criminals eventiually end up in prison. Even the smart ones. Prisons are teeming with people for a reason.



Also how to cashout bank drop

So you make a website selling whatever, then buy stolen cc/paypal, and use them to buy your own product (and I suppose keep the money without proceeding with the actual sale), so it looks like you sold it to someone else, and that this person used the stolen stuff to buy from you.
Am I correct?

How can you do this more than once without raising suspicions?
The first transaction will have the police knowing a fraudolent purchase was made on your store, and when they see it happen again they'll investigate you just to be sure it's just a coincidence.

Or am I missing somethign here?

Not him, but I grew up in a bad neighborhood and used to know a ton of them.
They weren't obviously high profile criminals making millions, but I can assure you they made a living doing all kinds of criminal activities (from dealing on the street to armed bank robberies).

Does it sound so far fetched to you that criminals are making money?
Where do you live that you can't believe something so mundane like this?

Maybe you're talking about criminals getting rich committing crimes. In that case you're right, they're way rarer (never met one), but they obviously exist and we hear about them in the news all the time.

This exact same post was on /g/ and it's an NSA honeypot

Besides I'm just replying because you should be ashamed of yourselves or I'm wondering wtf I'm doing with a bunch of lunatics

Also, nobody mentioned white collar crime which just shows how out of touch everyone is on this biz board

How to fraud guides? Give me break and get a life you fucks, don't expect recognition or respect

B-But my get rich or die tryin! Actually I'm ashamed in reading all this crap in cheating and defrauding the system; the worst part this isn't even copy pasta and you sincerely think its last resort behind 13 proxies, this biz not fucking theft and not all biz is theft just travel the world and life is tough and sometimes better opportunities show up /rant

he could just make up names and you would not know any better

Where to buy fulls


You sound like a fucking normie dude

Veeky Forums used to have so many /fraud/ and shit threads. Hell we had one eith several people talking indepth about this stuff from their own experience.

Tippin my pepperoni to you mr NSA

Why dont you become a criminal yourself and become rich as they do?

Oh wait,
It requires you to not be a complete pussy to do so.

Dan bilzerian pls

>There really is no legit way to be wealthy
1/10 bait

you forgot to mention that you still need a fake ID to open the bank drop and when burned you need another fake ID (they ain't cheap)

also 99% of the shit you see on kiddo market sites are teenagers selling you services that are dangerous to cash out.

tldr;you are pretty much helping some noob dump hes illegal shit onto you to take a fall for.

good luck!

Crime pays well in the short term, but in the long term there is usually only prison, violence and never ending paranoia.

Couldn't you just buy bitcoin (or whatever) with their info?

WATCH IT user!

>bank Drop

Why not just get a nigger from CL to Western Union you it?

>99% of the shit on meme sites...

What about sites like lampeduza?

Go home /r9k/. Go home.

How can a website like that be on the clearnet?
Google even gave me its internal links like it does to popular websites (pic related).

Is it a honeypot?

It's been around for many years and is plenty of news

They'd consider you a form of illiterate.

Bud I was a drug dealer for 3 years and only saved like $3000 from it. Crime doesn't pay any better than maccas at the entry level.

>Bud I was a drug dealer for 3 years and only saved like $3000 from it.

How the fuck is that possible?

>Is it a honeypot?

It's been in the news A LOT*

In fact this conference's presentation mentions it quite a few times

Definitely not a honeypot.

I'm not going to condone "/fraud/ and shit" and call it out when I see it otherwise be a passive participant and accomplice. Freedom of thought and speech, sure enough but you need to realize that crime is fucking pathetic and in no means justifiable especially when promoted and discussed on a public forum.

kys normie

Go sell shit on ebay and make a pathetic 5% margin lmao

>need to sell

Fraud is an integral part of business.

That's like saying being clever and smart is the same thing. It's not my problem if you have shitty values or you didn't have enough toys when you were kid and get along by fucking other people over. By any means, I don't judge you but generalizing fraud as an integral part of business is fallacious and black or white thinking. Crime is by any means not justifiable especially when you flaunt it publicly, to each is own but I won't comment on cultural backgrounds and systems where its commonplace, it's just not universal enough. You can think of it as white hats and black hats in the hacker community, it doesn't poison the community in itself.

Fraud is perfectly normal and good.

But only when it's not used against me

>Fraud is an integral part of business
this belief is ultimately why Veeky Forums is far more likely to end up in prison than on millionaire's row.

and presumably the reason so few businessmen hang out here. There are literally millions of successful business owners in the US alone, and what do you get here? 3 or 4 a month?

you are a moron. sadly you're not alone.

I mean...as an ex-criminal myself I see where youre coning from. I stole thousa ds myself as a teen but ultimately it was cause I found a good gravy train to use and make bank from.

However you eventually get tired of the life and realize eventually you will be caught so stop sticking your hand in the cookie jar and try to do things the "good" way.

I started my own company now and making a good amount off that currently and building it from the ground up with the illegal money I was able to get ahold off.

You have to take risk, be smart, and know when to stop. Being a criminal is a business in its own right and one I respect people for. I never loved the system of society and how they tell you right from wrong in the first place.

I was the guy who cheated on every test in school in every subject. Not cause I wasnt smart but because I chose to.

>There are literally millions of successful business owners in the US alone

And they used fraud in whole or in part to get there.

Just because they have a clean suit, a nice haircut and they smile doesn't mean they've lived their life by the word of Jesus Christ.

>and building it from the ground up with the illegal money I was able to get ahold off.

That's the dream.

I intend to make ~$350-500k before i abandon it all and go fully legal. Past that point I think the risk greatly outweighs the marginal practical gain.

How does one even launder that amount of money by themselves. Wouldnt that require an organization?

>And they used fraud in whole or in part to get there.

just bullshit.
If they agreed with you there'd be more of them here. Most millionaires don't have a nice haircut or a suit and almost none of them use fraud to get money.

you're a ridiculous parody of what poor people think.

>If they agreed with you there'd be more of them here. Most millionaires don't have a nice haircut or a suit and almost none of them use fraud to get money.
>you're a ridiculous parody of what poor people think.

Okay it's not THAT Many of them, but still a much larger portion than you think.

The types of mindsets that draw people to crime are generally the same ones that pull people to excel and become millionaires. I'm willing to bet a much higher than most people think portion of High-IQ, future successful people engaged in some sort of illegal activity in College in order to make money.

>Wouldnt that require an organization?
it would require a legal organization. And legal organizations get audited.

lots of businesspeople are former criminals. Almost none last in crime and business together. Because one of those is legally incompatible with the other.

>The types of mindsets that draw people to crime are generally the same ones that pull people to excel and become millionaires.

but when one steps onto one path they have to give up the other.

>but when one steps onto one path they have to give up the other.

Uhhh no shit dude?

I'm not saying it's a long-term career at all. I think you might have misunderstood me and jumped to calling me a poorfag too quickly.

fine then. we agree. but business and fraud are two different things entirely and when you go into business you leave behind fraud.

or you go to prison and can't legally work in business ever again. Which happens, but not to a significant number of successful businesspeople. Because you'd have to be an idiot to try both at the same time. Business pays more and doesn't land you in prison.

Yes but for business you need some startup funds. Which crime is good for.

If you believe that you're not nearly as good at fraud or business as you think.

let me guess, the only businesses you can imagine are brick and mortar retail stores selling to the public?

I used to be an idiot slinging weed too. Get wise.

>If you believe that you're not nearly as good at fraud or business as you think.
>let me guess, the only businesses you can imagine are brick and mortar retail stores selling to the public?

You can obviously start with very little these days but it's much better to start with some actual money so you can afford to spend.
It does make a big difference.

I operate on the principle that a business should pay it's own way PLUS.

that includes startup costs. Protip, you can actually be making money BEFORE you pay for licenses and certifications, it's perfectly legal so long as you get compliant within the fiscal year. In most cases anyways. You pay startup costs AFTER the local government notices your startup.

is that fraud? Nope, a license just has to be bough the same year you made money, and there's no law saying you have to get equipment and insurance BEFORE you get income. People forget you can leverage any asset.

I mean, think about it.
say I want a store selling widgets. I know I can buy widgets for $10 and sell them for $50 and I know I can sell 1000 widgets a month.

do I save up $10,000 so I can buy widgets to sell and then go into business?

or do I go ahead and sell 1000 widgets I don't own, then go to the bank with my $10,000 in sales and ask for a loan of that amount, and then complete the sales and pocket the difference minus fees and overhead after paying off my loan?

Startup costs are procrastination. If you're making money someone will gladly hand you the startup costs. Revenue first, formal business structure follows.

never risk your own money, even on a sure thing.

Ah, didn't know that. Thought they were all on Tor or similar networks.

Are you sure this is the right video?
I watched it from start to end and didn't see it being mentioned (unless it showed screenshots of it that you can recognize if you know it)

you get a 10k line of credit and you buy the widgets using that money as you need them and after you pay off the principle you are left with profit

>t. biznessman

"startup costs" is normie slang for procrastination.

It isn't a crime if it's legal.

You're just playing the game the wrong way.

What about businesses that actually require startup costs to even start (like equipment, employees, etc.)?

Do you suggest trying other kinds of businesses (that can be started for next to nothing, like in your widget example) first to get the funds?
Or to never bother with them and ONLY work with businesses like the widget one?

>Do you suggest trying other kinds of businesses (that can be started for next to nothing, like in your widget example) first to get the funds?
I don't suggest anything except if you have sales in hand any bank will loan you the cost.

selling retail to the public is generally bad policy. Leave it to Walmart and amazon.

I'm not talking about retail. I'm talking in general about all kinds of businesses and investments.

Let's say for example you wanted to open a factory.
How would you start without serious startup money?

a factory requires serious startup money for little margin. I wouldn't do it. Too great a risk.

other people have more balls than me and a few of them will make billions. I will never make billions, but that's the cost of playing it safe.

I respect you if you get major startup capital and produce a yuge business. That's just not me and it's not guaranteed. The vast majority of people with huge startup costs will go out of business. Same is true with 0 startup, but the bet is much smaller, no?

I got you. Thanks for your input.

Obviously if you just open a company because you think it will make you money, you're risking a lot, but if you open it for a specific reason (let's say you have expertise in that field, or you have important connections related to it), then the risk is much smaller and the possibility of huge rewards make the whole thing worth the risk.

When you go into something as a business, like you said, you might as well risk 0 rather than risk thousands/millions, but that's another kind of business (or approach to business) IMO.


my approach will almost never make a person billions.

but it can easily make a person millions. Age is the deciding factor. If you're young, go big. But banks don't like to loan to the young.

And that's precisely why people in this thread are advocating for a short period of crime to get started with big projects (or having a bit of buffer for their endeavors, so that one failure doesn't destroy them, etc.) because there's vitrually no other way for a lot of people.

Unless you're like this guy
who got caught living like a superstar without having a job, then it's not that stupid.
Scummy? Absolutely.
Stupid? Not if done with a brain.

I don't have any problem with crime, like I said I've done it.

but the margins are slim and the risk is huge.

personally I think legit business is much easier, and you can get a bank loan to start. I'm not the only criminal to figure this out.

I agree.
But the matter isn't about choosing between legal business and crime.
It's about choosing between legal business and legal business with a bit of crime as a boost.

If you plan on going full kingpin, then obviously you're almost certainly getting caught, but if you do your homework and don't get too greedy, then it's very possible to make significant amounts of money while minimizing the risks. Especially if you only do it for a short period of time.
This way you get a very good risk/reward ratio, and it's way easier to be successful in your legal businesses.

Even just having a few thousands in cash to use for groceries and small things is a huge plus when you're starting a business and don't want to eat into what should be reinvested, and depending on what kind of business you have, it might as well be the difference between failure and success.
Especially in case you find trouble repaying your loan. That dirty money could easily solve such problems and keep you afloat.

>This way you get a very good risk/reward ratio
>no law enforcement on your side
>no legal recourse when you lose
>no insurance
>guaranteed going to devolve to violence at some point
>failure means time in prison and no chance at future success.

learn fast. That's all I'm saying. Idiots don't survive in either environment, but crime will kill you a lot quicker.

If you try to become a street dealer or some high-risk activity, then sure, but that's not part of "being smart".
There are much safer routes, and with online crime, if you know what you're doing and study everything beforehand, the risk is way smaller because nothing is even tied to you in the first place.
Unless you get too greedy, you'll just be one of millions of small fish, and nobody will put the serious effort needed to catch you (as long as you properly protect yourself).

yes, that can be true.

especially if you commit crime in a country you don't live in and won't extradite.

but to say that's 'business' is a stretch. With real business you don't have to hide when you're done.

Well, if you don't care about being a lowlife scumbag for a short while, then why not both?

already said.
it's not about morals, it's about risk:return

business owners have close to 0 legal risk.

fraud is an idiot's game, no real businessperson would consider it for what it usually pays.

Offer me $10,000,000 of illegal gains and I'll turn it down. Because I'm going to make at least that legally anyways.

Just like you're convinced that you're able to make 8 figures legally, somebody might be convinced that they can make X amount illegally without getting caught.
You both might be right or wrong, but at the end of the day, you're still working on something uncertain.
A confident law-abiding businessman might not make that kind of money (or even at all), and the criminal might get caught.
Obviously the loss of the criminal is greater than the loss of the law-abiding guy, but in both cases you can reduce the risk by playing it safe (the criminal might use multiple layers of protection and stop after a year and the legal guy might do what you talked about with the widget thing).

Some people might actually prefer a small risk of going to jail and having much greater returns, rather than having a way larger risk of failing and being poor, all for smaller returns.
The whole "get rich or die trying" is all about that, no?
And, as I already said, the more you do things carefully and appropriately, the smaller the risk of getting caught gets, without your returns getting as small, while the more you're careful with legal activities, the more your returns get smaller AND the higher the chance of your business failing.

I'm not trying to change your mind, I don't care what other people choose.

Darwin's law of the fittest.

I'm just saying the wise criminal will probably go into legit business because the risk is much smaller and the rewards generally larger.

and most of the risk a criminal takes on isn't from being caught. The real problem is other criminals can fuck you and you can't do anything about it.

You can get rich by trading commodities. Just buy oil now and wait for it to hit $70 mark next year.

I agree with you.
I'm personally not a criminal and let's say my life isn't in order at all right now, so I'd be very dumb to even take a small risk of this kind because I'd be completely finished.
I'm just arguing that it might not be that stupid if you do it properly, and don't plan to make it your life.

>The real problem is other criminals can fuck you and you can't do anything about it.
I know this very well (), but with online crime you're basically entirely detatched from your crimes, and if you protect yourself properly, there isn't a single way I can think of that other criminals might cause you serious problems. Please enlighten me if you know any.

>Please enlighten me if you know any.
I bought pokemon cards for my kid for Christmas. Lots of them, about $900 worth.

so one of the sellers sent me counterfeits. I demanded my money back. But this was on ebay, I could've shut down their operation with a couple reports from different IP's

I have several different IP's so it's not a problem. See my ID if you don't believe.

but I could've just asked the stupid fuck to send me $5,000. Half of what he's made so far. Not to report his fucking stupid ass.

He's vulnerable to other criminals. Even online. Even anonymously.

but I don't care about the little bit of money crime makes.

so I shut him down.
he's probably back at it again, not my problem.

But that's because he was unprotected and working on Ebay.
If you stay away from unprotected activities (like only working on the Tor network, with additional security), how would they trace your online presence back to you?
At most they'll do something to your online accounts, but you can always make new ones and restart from zero.
Depending on what those accounts were, you might lose a bit or a lot of money, but more than that?
It's not like in regular organized crime where they know everything about you and can kill your family.

no, you're right. A smart person could get away with it.

but truly anonymous income leads to money laundering, and money laundering leads to either legit business or prison.

legit business actually pays more than crime, so a wise criminal will quickly learn.

and we're back where we started, only idiots think business is fraud. Presumably the confusion comes from criminals thinking crime pays more than business. If you don't wind up in prison you'll eventually learn better.

Yes, that's precisely what I'm saying.
If you make money off of crime, sooner or later you're obviously either going legal or going to jail.

Just as a side-note:
If the amount you made illegally isn't too big, you don't strictly need to launder it if you have a legal income.
You could spend it cash bit by bit on untraceable things (say groceries and gas paying in cash) while using the legal money for the traceable things (like big expenses and investments).
It'd effectively be like having a pay raise every check until the illegal money runs out.
This way the IRS (or whatever you might have in your country) won't notice anything weird and you didn't even have to launder it (but with the penalty of only getting it a bit at a time).

>This way the IRS (or whatever you might have in your country) won't notice anything weird and you didn't even have to launder it (but with the penalty of only getting it a bit at a time).

all I'm saying is that in time that tiny bit of income starts to look... tiny.

That depends on how much you consider tiny.
$100k in a year or two is far from unheard of.
Using such amount to supplement your legal income (and maybe help your business) would be a huge benefit to almost anybody.
Of course it's going to get tiny in time, and that's why you use it wisely to make your other legal incomes bigger.
It's what almost every criminal-turned-legal-businessman does.

Elite crime > legit business > white collar crime > wageslave > common criminal

Elite crime of course being things like finding out the three skyscrapers you own have massive architectural issues that would necessitate billions in retrofitting or deconstruction, so instead you take out a multi-billion dollar insurance package on the buildings and then orchestrate a terrorist attack with the help of insiders within the government because it aligns with and assists their geopolitical aims.

Several million people die over the course of a decade because of it, but you walk away several billion dollars richer and the government insiders protect you and cover up the crime because they're implicated in it with you and if the truth got out it would topple the current government structure and possibly start a civil war. Many hundreds more are suicided to keep everything a secret and you all laugh your way to the bank, assured that you've gotten away with it and the crime will never come back to bite you in the ass.

Furthermore you are are quite assured that nothing bad will come in the future if only because the law enforcement agencies of your country - even if they became aware of your crime, would put the stability of the government ahead of punishing you, because government instability would cause serious harm to the people of the country, even if you or they have to murder hundreds, thousands, or millions of those people to keep them safe.

Remember: Crime doesn't pay.

quite easy when selling drugs when you also use them.