I was thinking about replacing my car battery with homemade panasonic 18650 battery.Anyone ever tried it...

I was thinking about replacing my car battery with homemade panasonic 18650 battery.Anyone ever tried it?Red pill on Li-ion batteries,what are drawbacks of using them?!

VARTA cells are way better for homemade car batteries.
Otherwise I can't see why it wouldn't work, my 1993 Bronco has been running with a homemade battery for 6 months already (i am too poor)

Pull the A123 cells out of older DeWalt battery packs. They're LiFePo4 so they won't explode in your face.

those look like a fucking green dildo

Is this for real?

Are you fucking telling me that you can power your fucking car by filling up a box with normal sized batteries?

they're lithim ion batteries

he's retarded.

the drawbacks are:
>If you park your car outside, the batteries will cook and explode
>lithium ions will not last the amount of time a normal battery would
>lithium ions perform worse than lead acid

in the cold***

you'll have to do a dual battery setup or else they WILL explode because alternator voltage going up at high revs will turn them into a giant fireball but then in order to make that sensible you'd need a giant diode or something so you can start the car without the car exploding and a kind of charger that will charge the pack without you needing to take it apart

so basically you need, i don't know, an electrical engineer like me and some money to pay him and a bunch of parts and you know what the EE is going to tell you?

Go to walmart, plop $50 on the counter, get a 'never start' brand battery and drop it in.

You people make me sick. What is so wrong with lead acid batteries? They're hardy as fuck, they can handle being way overcharged and way undercharged, they're durable, they are powerful, and they are pretty rock solid reliable. The only disadvantage is weight, which YOU DONT CARE ABOUT BECAUSE YOU ARE IN A CAR

so, why improve on a good thing? It works mang.

The entire competitive motorsports scene would like a word with you.

the majority of the civilian population would like a word with you.

>because alternator voltage going up at high revs
Does your car not have a voltage regulator?

>I'm on Veeky Forums, but I don't want my car to be as fast as possible

>i'm on Veeky Forums and I want my car to be slightly faster but as a result, less suitable for DD and more unreliable in general.

>The only disadvantage is weight, which YOU DONT CARE ABOUT BECAUSE YOU ARE IN A CAR
Yeah who cares about better performance and mileage,it's only your stupid time and money you are wasting [spoiler]LEAVE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[/spoiler]

>he doesn't have a DD and a fun car


yeah, the voltage regulators on cars with alternators are absolute shit, because they are designed for high current not tight regulation, which is why you see the voltage going from 12v to 14, 15v when the rpm's change

pic related

If your voltage regulator worked properly, it would rock solid at 14V all the time. Maybe you should get that fixed.

I don't doubt that race cars have batteries, I just think that "Hurr durr its a car u don't care about weight" is a stupid argument.

>Are you fucking telling me that you can power your fucking car by filling up a box with normal sized batteries?

wait until you see what's inside of a tesla battery pack

you obviously have absolutely no idea how unclean the power in a car is do you.

i'm tired of this. Lead acid batteries are literally the best solution for reliable, intermittent duty batteries used to charge balance and power a DC system for long periods of time in extreme environs...


yes, you can do other shit, but you will be making crazy tradeoffs, risking major fires, and in general just pissing money down a hole.

So go ahead, piss money down a hole.

A bank of Supercapacitors with a AA rechargeable backup pack is better than straight 18650's.

These are LITERALLY vape batteries. I have three in my rx200s right now

teslas use banks of 18650s mate

>Lead acid batteries are literally the best solution for reliable, intermittent duty batteries used to charge balance and power a DC system for long periods of time in extreme environs...
Nope. Lithium ferrophosphate is. The drawbacks are the extremely high price and the fact that they can't handle being drained dead. The solutions are to stop being a poorfag and to not forget to turn your headlights off.

>15lbs will make a noticeable performance difference in my shitbox!
Commit suicide

Every little bit helps my dude.

>I want to build a battery that will contain as much stored energy as a small bomb without any knowledge of battery design, using a charging system designed for a different type of battery, and no protection circuitry

Then go work out and take a shit before you drive, don't put a fucking homemade incendiary device under your hood.

You are literally physically incapable of noticing the difference made by 15lbs of sprung weight.

It all adds up. I sometimes worry that parking next to a soccermum car somehow transfers weight to my car.

>It all adds up.
Shave your head and wear lighter clothes then. I suggest a loin cloth since it would suit your intelligence.

I've been wearing a dhoti and shaving my entire body regularly in the hopes of getting rid of a few more grams. I've considered cutting off my penis and balls since they increase my weight and I don't use them anyway.

they're too delicate and unstable. get an AGM and call it a day

had to google dhoti.
that new knowledge didn't improve life one bit.

>that new knowledge didn't improve life one bit.
Welcome to Veeky Forums

>I was thinking about replacing my car battery with homemade panasonic 18650 battery
I can see no problem with this at all.
OP should do it right away.

Not him but Stock cars are not really the most weight conscious of motorsports, by regulation all cars need to be 3300lbs which is more than double what an F1 Car weighs.

you're just proving his point even more by posting a stock car with the battery mounted right inside the wheel-well. It's almost certainly there for weight distribution purposes, safety or the like. If they're moving the battery around, they obviously care about its weight and the effect it poses on the vehicle

car batteries are very weak. in fact your laptop or phone has a better one.

nigga u dum

>your laptop or phone

Can't produce 500 cold cranking amps. Sure, you could series-parallel enough Li-ion cells to get to that level. But you can't charge that from an automobile's system without a charge controller. And you probably can't put that battery under the hood in the engine compartment due to Li-ion's thermal sensitivity.

look up "lithium pros", this is already a thing