Throw 15 grand into a car that will "decimate all" @ RaceWars

>Throw 15 grand into a car that will "decimate all" @ RaceWars
> Don't race it

What was the point of this movie again?

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Being free for those ten seconds or less.

mi familia

Ball bearing turbos and titanium valve springs.

More than you can afford, pal.

Tuna, no crust.

DVD players.

Didn't Brian give Dom the Supra at the end of the first movie and Dom drives it away? Does it ever explain what happened to the Supra?

It inadvertently became one of the funniest and most quotable movies for modern car enthusiasts. The definition of a 'so bad it's good' movie.

I'M in your face!


It becomes Slapjack's Supra in 2 Fast.

nigga, who the fuck is slapjack

>It only costs $15k to fix and improve this heap

Are you fucking retarded, dawg? The only Supra in the movie.

Is this confirmed canon or just a theory because it happens to be an orange Supra?

nooooooo, monicaaaaa!

Its the same car reused from the original movie out of universe, but it's not cannon that it's the same car.

no that's actually the same car IRL

It's not orange, FYI.

It's literally the same car, but there is no canon explanation as to what happens to the Nickelodeon Supra.

It's actually a really hard color to replicate and pinpoint. In some photos it can look copper, brown, tan, bronze, or gold.

Move your car


In the short film they did to bridge the first movie to the second, Brian reads a newspaper headline that sort of implies Dom ditched the Supra (which makes sense, cops would be on the look out for it and it's not exactly a discreet car)

There's actually like four in the garage scramble scene if you look close enough

Fug, need a high res screenshot of that. Favorite scene of the movie, and still think it's the greatest stunt in the franchise.

>that leather wrist band
>hiding cuts from Mia's rejection

I'd get off to her security photos too, pal


Shid, almost thought the red TRD was a Ridox.

>not just taking the 2jz out and putting it into a clean shell
i never understood this.

No it's not. Dom ditched the Supra and it was found abandoned.

No it's not. They're two different Supras. The one used in the original movie was a 1994 and the one used in 2F2F was a 1993.


>ridox supra
>being in a F&F movie

yeah right

Can somebody show me a list of all the movies a Supra has featured in? I've seen one in a couple, notably Grandma's Boy.

if only their was a site dedi to this

>What was the point of this movie again?

Living life a quarter mile at a time.

In 2001? Yes.

yet it only takes 100 grand to build the engine for a Honda


It was two weeks before racewars. The engines had to be stolen and smuggled into the country. Duh.

15-20 grand with overnight parts from Japan.


The real star.

in the movies defense the S2k was still new as shit

wow been awhile since ive seen that picture, do you have the others?


left is luda, and second is that one guy from Joy Ride. Who are the other two?

How do you know? Not saying I don't believe you, just interested because this is the first I've heard of this.

>tfw I thought I said this already
>mfw someone beat me to ejecto seato, cuz


how did they get away with this?

Luda, Paul, Dom, Roman?


How did this nigger get this?

They didn't. It was "double cheeseburger and fries for 2.95, faggot" faggot.




you are an example to us all

I thought everyone knew about that site.

I love this site purely because they managed to ID all the fucking lawnmowers in Maximum Overdrive

I've wasted so many hours on imcdb it's actually sad

Vin Diesel and the black guy who's obsessed with money and girls.

Like I said, we hongry.

it was a different time.

Seems like an inefficient way to wax your headlights imo, you could damage the bumper. I don't see whats wrong with just standing next to the car.

I like the tuna here.


wew lad



And nostalgia, I remember staying up late at night watching this on VHS with my friends so many years ago. It is stupid, but who cares. Its fun

The thing that perplexes me the most about this is why is the gas flap blue?


I like how for the TV version they replaced every "shit" with "shoot"
I don't know why but I found that fucking hilarious every time some grown man said "shoot"

its the gapfiller episode that introduces 2f2f. its on the dvds, i dont know if they showed it in cinemas

Tokyo Sean's (?) malibu was probably faster than all the cars at race wars

Holy fuck I remember that

The first time I watched 2F2F when I was a kid I distinctly remembered that and every other cut I watched to the present day it was just muted. I knew I wasn't crazy when I never saw it again

Make your own goddamn popcorn

doubt it

it could only run 12s lmao


No supra ricer tax pre-F&F.

Dear Heavenly Spirit,
Thank you. Thank you for providing us with the direct-port nitrous... uh... injection, four-core intercoolers, an' ball-bearing turbos, and... um... titanium valve springs. Thank you.

Titanium valve springs.

Can somebody explain to me why I love fast and the furious? the early ones that is, something about it I can't put my finger on it

You were a young adult and didn't know any better.
There were no parts, no tuning, no real-world links. Just scene and brodrama.

Sounds condescendingly wrong.

Street closed pizza boy, find another way home!

RIP, Big Bird.


They were just cheesy fun. Not like the new ones where they try to have a super serious narrative(which is shit).

I'm hongry cuz

Pizza boy got the last laugh



I honestly don't see how you could spend 100 grand on any engine. Even in 2001 you could buy a custom billet block and head for a (substantial) fraction of that. Did he have an F1 engine or something?

R&D for parts that didn't exist yet was crazy expensive. The amount of money spent on Mid Night Club cars is a good testimate to this. No one needs to spend this kind of money anymore since the hard work's been done

quite easy actually