League of Legends general - /lolg/

Cute and adorable edition!

First for happy 4:20 you fucking degenerates

>cute and adorable edition

I finally have a reason to post this picture.

thought on MSI this year and the new seeding?

korea wins who cares

The cuckold fox of many tails!

compare the detail of their tits to ahri's knee and sona's foot/mouth


Just pee in your bed, it'll feel really good.

There is only one girl in the whole League that is worthy.

Holding it in isn't good for you user. Just get up now before you piss the bed.

And Lulu is her name!

Just let it go and enjoy the warmness.

It's nice to actually see more games at the event, but I don't think it changes the result of the teams participating in group stage, or the team that even wins the event.

I kinda don't get Riot's reasoning for putting EU over NA. They said that they performed better at MSI 2015 and Worlds 2015. Which is most definitely true, but they're actually wrong when they said they performed better at worlds 2016. And conveniently left MSI 2016 out of the equation. I don't really mind though, it just raised a bit of a question mark.

shush and start lewdposting, slow threads aint fun


I never understood this.

If the average player is Silver 2 in terms of skill level. Why is only Diamond 1+ considered above average?

It always came off as people who're Diamond just call everyone below them trash because they're salty they can't climb any higher.

i dont want to get into the whole "na vs eu lul xd " faggotry here but eu has consistently provided better results in international competitons, and it consists of multiple countries whereas na is only one so I can understand

> It is this much easier when you're not building some shitty Catalyst item on Singed

>be this late
>try to start threadwars

Hey, they're your sheets.

fucking sickos
not my thread btw

No fox!
Caitlyn is worst girl just like Leona and Taliyah.

yeah basically. it's all coming from salt or self-esteem boosting

people (especially shitters) love to point at normal, human mistakes and say "SEE HIGH ELO IS THE SAME I DESERVE PLAT/DIAMOND/MASTER"

every league is just a different level of game understanding

there are obvious exceptions like people who play janna or singed and just get carried often enough to have a positive winrate and make it to high elo

what's your build order?

what matchups do you like/dislike? i tried singed for a while and it felt like certain lanes were just impossible and i was stuck being useless, while other lanes i was an untouchable god

Shit taste

But Caity's boring though

Is Xerath enjoyable? He seems comfy

he is fun and not that hard

he blows in the lategame though if they have any assassins your stun isn't really enough to get a rengar off your ass and he's about as durable as wet 1-ply toilet paper

ZZ'Rot > Rylais > GA > FH (usually) > Liandries

I don't like any ranged lane. Insanely cowardly to bring something like Jayce top lane but ZZ'Rot and sometimes proxying compensate.

Im very low elo. Is he good against ad mid cancer?

depending on what you call low elo and depending on your experience on mages, they might either rape you or get raped by you

>Jin Air getting back into the game literally because lmao infernals

Guess this is the punishment for not having good drag control. Despite KT crushing Jin Air everywhere else on the map.

Depends if you can properly take advantage of your range.
Otherwise if you wanna counter AD mids, you can always pick a tanky sustained mid, like swain or cho.

>trannyjannies delete the thread that follows the rules rather than the thread that broke the rules

eh if you are low elo i might pick something that's less reliant on team peel and aiming skillshots like swain, annie, or malzahar

>blaming their comeback on the infernals and not the ace and near ace by their flanking and the bad vision/positioning by KT

cmon senpai

>tell mundo if he doesn't gank me in 1 minute i will afk
>30 seconds...
>i just afk
feels good. fuck shitty junglers.

get owned bitch nigga

why do you care so much about the content of an OP when you dont even have to look at it for more than a second

it couldn't possibly be the no-late-game combo of jayce and elise vs maokai khazix

kts comp sucks

>degeneracy wins yet again

>get owned bitch nigga
>why do you care so much about the content of an OP when you dont even have to look at it for more than a second

because this kind of shit leads to threads being made at 600 posts, because they want to be before the people that make it at 650, and those want to be before the people that make it at 700, and those want to be before the people who make it at 725

Have fun not climbing frogshitter

>being a babby

except that isn't happening

you would have a valid case if anyone was making threads at 700 or earlier

>taking your nonzero chance of victory and turning it into a zero chance of victory

dumb frogposter

>lose elo because you're a special snowflake faggot
>feels good

>implying it hasn't happened before
>implying it won't happen again

is lulufag going to edit all his pictures he spams of lulu to have 4 fingers? It's not actually her if she has 5.

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

Rito is non-canon


How are these pro games always decided so early?

you should get shot with a cannon

then those threads will be deleted for being too early

you're crusading against something that literally doesn't fucking matter and you're the only one who cares about it

all your protest threads have 1/5th the ips of the real ones and you think you're fighting some valiant battle against a man who likes lulu

they actually know what to do, instead of acing then jacking off farming jungle creeps

who is that character?

>700 is too early but 720 isn't
what about 710?
or 705?

>falling for the "never surrender never afk" meme
you guys are the shitters

its lulu before a brutal torture ritual performed by rito in which they cut off 2 of her fingers, as you can see shes still optimistic and happy here

it sort of looks like lulu but that can't be her

>rito nerfing all the #sickcity malz plays you can make blocking skillshots with your zerglings

high fucking lel. there goes my freelo

>Afking and throwing the game singlehandedly
Yea you're that kind of faggot

>falling for the "my lane is lost = the game is lost" meme
btw it's only logical to surrender if you see you'll just lose time by not doing it
get fucked frogposter :v)

i want to look EXACTLY like irelia!

I wanna cuddle Jinx


I want to look EXACTLY like Braum, go on great journeys and help people!

I want to become Cho'Gath so I can eat this gay Earth already

>Rito literally being this retarded

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

ok bandlebro

this is entirely possible however
it'll require a long time of dedication and hard work however, and possibly hair implants to get that moustache & thick brows

who is that artist? can you commission more irelia butt?

Is that "icy heart" phrase a subtle hint towards a canon OTP of braum and lissandra?

>mundo jg
>0/5 chink bot laner
>an autofilled support main playing anything but support
>actually thinking every game is winnable

what the fuck does low spec mode do? the client looks the exact same

or sej

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>getting defensive when the majority agrees you're a dumbass
you're a dumbass

>asking for ganks from a mundo.

What do you expect him to do? Throw a cleaver and then leave? Mundo has pre-6 diana tier ganks.

the textures (even HUD) are all low
it looks horrbile trust me

>>an autofilled support main
>implying this can happen


>dodge jhin shots 1-3
>last one hits me at 50% hp
>kills me
Sure do love this game

>the majority of league players are like gold elo
>taking a gold elo's input seriously

nobody answered yesterday so i will ask again

How many babies can you put inside diana?

There's only one canon otp for braum

i get that youre buttblasted but of all the ultimates out there jhins one is one of the more fair ones

I wanna go swimming WITH lulu!


jhin needs to be removed or gutted asap he is disgustingly op

I've noticed that the people that whine for ganks tend to be the people that are extremely hard to gank

if you're packing CC, you can easily get a kill with a mundo jungler, but most likely user was playing some useless shit or had pushed the lane or some retarded shit

None. She ain't getting any of my seeds.
>Muscular woman
Just no.


My heart and actions are utterly unclouded...!
They are all those of 『in』.

i'm not saying i like it, but it is pretty much confirmed

stop that

He's too great for that woman. He needs a better woman.

Im not him but I never tell my jungle what to do. I feed him info and let him make choices based off that.

Why don't more of you nerds take this approach? In my ranked games people are constantly giving out information and it makes the games so much smoother.

I've even brought the habit to my normal games with friends and they've picked up on it. I have silver/bronze friends who are calling shit out now. It's glorious.

I love each one of you anons!

ok bandlebro

>not liking muscular women
It's okay to have bad taste, user.

I love Elise!

Fuck off, shieldslut!
Literally who?

Is Kha'Zix still good?