Why does Veeky Forums love pop up headlights so much?

Why does Veeky Forums love pop up headlights so much?
>makes you car look old
>fuck with aerodynamics
>brakes down a lot and is hard to fix

cuz they're cool lol

It's cute

Because pop up headlights

they only look good on some cars
the miata is not one of them


>breaks down a lot and is hard to fix
Maybe if you own amerishit cars.

I dont

theyre shit by every objective measure and ruin the looks of every car subjectively

theyre just cringe tier memes like the Twingo and synthwave

O/ is about personal taste and emotions. Not efficiency. Otherwise every thread would be about solar one seaters.

>brakes down

>unironically enjoy synthwave before it becoming a shitty meme because of simple beat and comfy melodies
>get memed on for no reason at all

damn you 2016

>makes your car look old
Probably because old cars have them
>fucks with aerodynamics
Not when they're down
>Break a lot
This is true. But nailed it.

How dare you say that against my waifu

Take that back

The only people who like pop-up headlights are people who don't have them.

don't forget, most of the posters on this board are driving shitbox hatchbacks, if they're even driving.

They pop up

What a retarded comment

Headlights go up, headlights go down. You can't explain that.

because the car in their favorite weeb cartoon has pop ups, their "babby's first sports car" miata has pop ups, and all the cars they used to drive in need for speed had pop ups

i have them and they're cute, so no

the miata is ugly as fuck
only the ND looks good

>unironically makes synthwave music and drives z31 300zx
>gets memed on for music but everybody loves my car
they don't know what to do with me anymore

t. never sat in a car with pop-ups and played with the headlight switch


Fucking tard.

Nobody else has them.

Because normies don't have them and they aren't (((ANGERMY))) looking

Angry headlights are my least favorite thing about new cars other than the nanny features.

Just look at the concerned look on this SW20's face and try and tell me that popups are bad

looks like shit

just look at them ruined lines from those air brakes

>driving a vehicle that isn't a perfect wedge shape
>only 23mm of ground clearance and all wheel wells fully faired over
>being this autistic


wedges arent aerodynamic fucktard

typical you guys are only meme kiddos who know nothing

That is some shit taste you have there, user.

superior aesthetics

This. I have an AE86 and both motors work flawlessly. They're certainly not new either.

oh baby...


They're just better

If you're going to drive some old shit, might as well have pop ups