[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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>/dbt/ map

>Matarcycle Erganamics Simulatar

>Noob? Read this:
>Webbums with sound
>Previously on /dbt/

Other urls found in this thread:

google.it/maps/dir/Bolzano, BZ/Camping Via Claudiasee, Rauth 714, 6542 Pfunds, Austria/@46.6788995,10.5987098,9z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x47829c2b419e7049:0x652b694f348b432a!2m2!1d11.3547582!2d46.4982953!1m5!1m1!1s0x47833325bc6282bd:0xd1dbcf353661a8b!2m2!1d10.512338!2d46.953404

Good for you, that's half of my paycheck and a fourth of my motorcycle.

What are some good, protective boots that don't make you look like a street racer tryhard on a Shadow? Was looking at the Icon 1000 Elsinores or the 1000 Preps, any other suggestions?

Most boots with that sort of aesthetic seem to only offer their leather construction as their rigidity/ankle protection


post bike porn

no rules, everything you like

No, just saying leather pants are actually cheaper that good textiles.



>generic looking bike #1, 2 & 3


dont be a faggot and post pics u like then

>no two strokes

you fags prefer to guzzle semen or chug it?


this better?

is this some bosozuku type exhaust? i like the design of the bike but wtf is that exhaust

yeah, it's bosozoku. No Future Krew out of Tokyo. Always identifiable by the swastikas lol

thats just an expansion chamber without a silencer on it and an extra long bleed on it to keep it from spooging all over the bike

itd be alright minus the wannabe nigger graffiti splashed all over it

That expansion chamber will make love with some speedbump.


July 29th - August 1st
Pfunds, Austria
Sign up to reserve a spot (unnecessary if you already voted on the location): docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfz1zJFToLpjuudibNQZlfC47TVY5ZVFqa0lSLFG9nwz9MXbA/viewform
Camp site: camping-pfunds.at/

How do I get myself onto the DBT map?

gotta suck a tripfags cock

odd i ride to gym

evens i drive to gym.

if evens the first roll, i roll again to get odds to ride to gym

good luck

I dunno. I always thought the airbrushed skulls, flames, and women looks way more niggerish than stickers. Stickers to me just means like "i don't give a fuck so ill just put stickers all over my bike."

Gonna go take a look in the next days since I finally got the license.

round 2 now

thank you

>mfw i live in austria but its like a 10 hour drive and im not experienced

thats suicide for me

Nice, take pics if you can.

Of course.

>those sneakers


is that just some kind of fisheye lens or

>mfw i live in austria but its like a 10 hour drive and im not experienced

I'm 900km away and it would only take 8,5 hours.

Just split the ride there into 2 days, I was a complete noob at the first SEM and had to ride over 12 hours. Sought out twisties on purpose and worked on gitting gud.
And don't be worried about being 2slo4us on group rides, I'm thinking about kicking back and purposefully going slow at the back of the group to make sure noone gets lost or left behind, enjoying the scenery instead of risking my neck.
>be first SEM
>be riding at back of group
>suddenly people on the road in the middle of a corner
>R65 lowsided because he got cheeky
>keep riding with some of the others to tell the guys in front
>approach long left bend followed by tight right corner
>all downhill so I can see the tight corner
>there's someone standing there
>he's wearing all black
>oh fuck it's FKG isn't it, but where is his bike?
>Dutch Bimmer user and R6 guy aren't there
>one of my two compatriots goes back to bring the news to the group with R65
>one stays with FKG
>I'm tasked with catching up with Bimmer and R6
>in the rain
>on an unfamiliar road
>after not even 6 months of riding and no previous twisties experience
Was shitting my pants 2bh

well its 650km for me, 7 hours. i was exaggerating a little

never forget

you guys dont use spotting to keep together?
at any intersection each rider stops till the next one arrives and on long stretches you regroup every so often so you dont leave guys way the fuck behind

google.it/maps/dir/Bolzano, BZ/Camping Via Claudiasee, Rauth 714, 6542 Pfunds, Austria/@46.6788995,10.5987098,9z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x47829c2b419e7049:0x652b694f348b432a!2m2!1d11.3547582!2d46.4982953!1m5!1m1!1s0x47833325bc6282bd:0xd1dbcf353661a8b!2m2!1d10.512338!2d46.953404

There were no intersections there. Bimmer and R6 stopped around 15 minutes from where FKG fell and I caught up with them.

The weather was shit, we just wanted to get of that fucking mountain.

I was checking my mirrors at first down hill, but never saw FKG fall, even though he was right behind me.
When I noticed I tried to signal R6, but he didn't see it. I eventually found a spot to stop, were drop-user found me. R6 stop somewhere up ahead.

Finnish Katana Guy rode all the way from fucking Helsinki to Southern Bavaria, and back, on a bike he threw 10 m down a mountain.
Then he rode it to Slovenia and back the year after.
You'll be fine.

Yeah, this is exactly why I don't like the idea of riding with other people. They don't give a shit and keep going.


I gave a shit, but on a small down hill road with no places to stop you just keep on going.
I thought FKG had just slowed down, as the condition was just piss poor.

Like I said, I was checking my mirrors, but I stopped that after some near-misses against or off the mountain.

I'm not the one complaining. I'm even going to take a detour to that place, 2 months early though.

This is exactly what we should have done when we kept getting separated at SEM2.0.
It's ok though, live (hopefully) and learn. This is /dbt/ after all, who do you take us for, good riders?

Bullshit, also read my post from a few minutes ago. I'm volunteering to be the safety car, so to speak. Maybe if someone else wants to share that responsibility I can also go fast but that's not a huge priority for me.

Yeah, linked the wrong post. Leave us a crate of beer and some vodka, will you?

>tfw just bought a fan membership at the nw200

Now I'm getting hyped again, too

>Leave us a crate of beer and some vodka, will you?
Was planning on doing that.

I'll basically be a riding bar, everyone from here I meet on my trip can have a drink.

some of us arent shit m8, but i cant speak for euros.


Cheers bruh.

Post yfw keybangers

We don't need to ride well, we have the power of memes instead.


>have dainese pants that are tight on the ankles
>also have shin protections
>don't fit well with tall boots
>only have tall boots

Not sure if I should change pants or get a pair of low boots.
Or maybe change both and get these Do you know of any riding pants that come with knee protections and fit with tall boots?

I love you wombat I don't like cc81 tho

>can pull the lever
>pushes it instead

why dont you like cc81?

Fishbike: Basking Shark edition

Get pants that fit with tall boots

I don't know any that do though, except for klim and rukka.

>remembered I never checked my gopro footage from SEM2.0
>check folder on server
>SD cart I used is somewhere in a deep hole never to be seen again

Boot cut jeans
>Inb4 atgatt
Just don't crash

If you want to stick with Dainese, just get the ones with the expansion zip section a the ankles/shins (open for under boots, closed for over boots).

>too windy for a windmill
And these things are supposed to save the world?

Instead of asking why I like you, you were only thinking of CC this is why you're better, so selfless, bless.

Well the ones I have do have a zip, but it works like shit.

>open zip
>while riding zip gets pushed open all the way exposing my leg
It's fucking stupid, really.

As someone who knows shit about windmills, wind is their nemesis.
Every storm we are just waiting for one to fail.

>I gave a shit, but on a small down hill road with no places to stop you just keep on going.
Yeah, no.
>Like I said, I was checking my mirrors, but I stopped that after some near-misses against or off the mountain.
If only you had a device on your motorcycle to regulate the speed...
>someone describes what happened
>complain about it
So you're negating his reconstruction of the events?

Keep us informed about your trip and I'll tell you if we can meet.

still doesn't answer m question as to why you don't like him. hes probably one of the nicest trips here

No, they have a second zip with a leather gusset behind it. You open the one zip to open up the lower leg as normal for putting the trousers on, the other zip you can either open or close while still having full coverage.

>No, they have a second zip with a leather gusset behind it.
Oh yeah that would work better, but the zip on my pants is there for the same purpose, it just doesn't work.

rip sef




Don't be a pussy

>Not riding in the rain
Good call, it fucking sucks if the rain is cold. If warm rain, grow a nut sack

>warm rain

Nigga, what?

Have you never been to the tropics?

lol, weird, didn't notice that. Yeah I guess so.

No, I like to stay in places with humane temperatures

In the summer the rain is warm.

I'm not riding for fun in the rain, if I have somewhere to go it's no problem.

There is no warm rain in England.

I bet the only warm rain shit kat ever experienced was when a fat Mexican chick dribbled piss all over his Jewish cuck face.

So I bought my first motorcycle finally. I'm not really a Harley person, but my dad insisted I start on one. Sadly I think I over paid.
I digress from my point here though, my goal with this bike is to truly turn it into something I do love, and mod the fuck out of it. I was going to turn it into either a Cafe Racer or Bobber. First changes will probably be with the seat and handlebars and I'll go from there.
Do you guys know some forums that'd be good to browse for information/self education on modifying my first motorcycle/vehicle.
>Pic entirely related

How is warm weather less humane than cold weather? There's a reason all your great x10000049848 ancestors were born in Mudville, Africa

No, in the summer the rain is cold and wet. Just like any other time of the year.

That was way back. There was a reason mine left that shithole.

What kind of homosexually distorted mind do you have to have to come up with shit like this?

Kit Kat is probably one of the biggest faggots to walk this fine earth, but atleast he is not a gay faggot like you

wait a year before modding it. use that time to build skills and decide if thats really the bike you want to keep.
itll save you a lot of money and bobbed and chopped up bikes arent worth much.

He literally does have a fetish for fat greasers though.
>gay faggot
is redundant.

Captcha: mexico leon

Humans live everywhere. We are a virus of the earth.

I feel it mayne. Oregon was like that.

My ex was quite thin, a bad coke habit does that to people

This is strong b8.

Not here. Not mention that even if it were true you'd still bless it with 35°.
Yeah, those cucks were expelled because they were too weak to hunt dinosaurs.

Why do you care about his fetishes? That's some gay shit. Also you hear warm rain and you automatically think of some dude getting pissed on? That's Suzuki level gayness

>newfag doesn't know what faggot means
>We are a virus of the earth.
Truer words were never spoken. Finally a kike that admits it.

>even if it were true you'd still bless it with 35°.
With 35°C I call in sick and sit in a bathtub filled with ice the rest of the day

I meant humans as a whole. The ecology was going just fine before we arrived