Who are the target buyers of cars that look like this...

Who are the target buyers of cars that look like this? I mean it looks cool and all but who would actually want to buy it? Are they for people in the tuner culture?
I remember some advertising mobile game for pic related presented the car like some sort of party car to take your friends around with at night.
But it's still pretty weird looking and I don't get how these cars managed to go from the concept stage into actual production. What would make people pick this car over an average hatchback?
Are these cars succesful in the market?

>target buyer

My mom got one of these. 2010 model i think, not sure. She thought it was cute. She also thought the juke was cute, so actually it could have been worse.

When i took it in to the dealer for some maintenance shit a sales guy came up to me and wanted to know if i wanted to trade it in, offered me 9k for it. Considering she paid 14k for it 5 years previously, thats not much of a drop. Sales guy said that they were very easy to sell, so i guess there is a market. Fuck me if i know why, everything that it does theres something else that does it better

Probably old people, like the similar-looking Scion box.

>Looks cool
Stop right there

>target buyer

People with absolutely no taste.

>OMG I'm so quirky and fun XD if only there were an affordable shitbox that reflected my grating personality!

I know a few people who like that type of car. They are pretty roomy but have a manageable size while still getting decent gas mileage. I wouldn't buy one though because SUVs and their degenerate offshoots like this are a cancer on the auto industry. Normally an average buyer in the market for a car like this would have to buy a compact car like a civic or corolla but stupid cunts that hate cars need to have a "truck" to feel secure while driving.

my 50 year old father has one for some reason

it's like a reverse midlife crisis because he's minted and has always been into cars, he's owned a few great motors over the years too

no idea what he was thinking with this tho

>I wouldn't buy one though because SUVs and their degenerate offshoots like this are a cancer on the auto industry.
But the Cube isn't a CUV. It's a hatchback. It's literally just a boxier version of the first gen Versa.

>practical vehicles are cancer
Oh you


When you live in a crowded area with small as fuck parking spaces, it IS practical, and more roomy than a small hatchback.

ie, in most European and Asian cities.
ie, not in America.

People that live in a city and need a small car for that reason.
Or it is a kei-car wich has massive tax advantages in Japan.

Name a more practical shape.

The hood is too long, it could be more boxy.

Can't put cargo in front of the drivers face.

Why would you do that when you coul more cargo behind the driver?

I see people use this car for advertising all the time. My old boss turned his blue one into a driving billboard sign. Actually worked too. Personally i would never drive own one.

Your wish is my command.

>My mom got one of these. 2010 model i think, not sure. She thought it was cute.
>i guess there is a market. Fuck me if i know why
great ratio of cargo space to vehicle length is the big thing. rear visibility is also pretty good. i can't recommend anything nissan in good conscience, but it's better than just about anything else of theirs.

its for people who want a car but say "its just a car lol"