What the fuck is it with FCA and hamfisting their shit in every single comic book movie nowadays?

What the fuck is it with FCA and hamfisting their shit in every single comic book movie nowadays?

Watched Logan last night, the '16 500x was the worst offender, it was beaten up and shit, implying any Fiat would even survive that long (2029) kek

Also main character bought pic related for 10k in a scene, ya right lmao.

It's just advertising. It's no different than all the GM vehicles in the Matrix and Transformer movies...

Can't be as bad as Jurassic World.

Which used a fucking bad ass car

>lmao he bought a 10+ year old truck for 10k in beat up shape
Ayylmao so inaccurate

>why do corporations pay for advertisement?!


anyone notice the excursion with a 2008-2010 converted front end? looked bretty good, sometimes I wonder who makes the prop cars for these movies and how to get into that scene. seems comfy AF.


>What the fuck is it with product placement to earn companies more money?

welcome to the film industry

>Being poor

The truth is that Chrysler has always been friendly to the film industry, that's why they're so common.

>Buying german and italian shit dressed in American clothing


>Films aimed at millennials and young people
>Advertise items unattainable to them without entering crippling debts to do so

>not having daddies money
I'm keking at your life

That truck looks really scared

It just got pushed off the road by an autonomous semi. I'd be a bit scared too.

>scared dodge being chased at incredibly high speed

scubby killmer is based

that custom excursion was pretty sweet indeed

There was also this shit movie that i think a few of you are aware of, it was a January movie called Monster Trucks and almost every truck in that movie is Dodge/RAM, like some sort of product placement movie. Same goes for the new Fast and Furious movies.

Chrysler has always been trigger happy with lending cars.
Remember that Dukes of Hazard remake? it was basically a Dodge advertisement.

I did enjoy the commando sprinters.

Here it does annoy me because instead of getting a nice mix of cars, we just get huge ass slow autoboxes. But desu, it stopped being a car movie and more of an action movie past tokyo dorito.