I want (YOU) to wear gloves while working on cars or else youll end up looking like me

I want (YOU) to wear gloves while working on cars or else youll end up looking like me

t-thanks for the advice I guess

i'll start looking like a faggot if i don't wear gloves?

oh no ..

Thanks for tip user

cheers boys

Bitch mittens only last 3 or 4 hours on a busy day. The only time I really pull them out is on a nasty job like a wheel seal.

Wash your hands?

Fuck gloves.

I wear glasses and earplugs tho.




Fuck gloves goooooojo is the life

This shit is fucking garbage. If you don't need mineral spirits to wash your hand then you aren't even really dirty.

I use Dawn, or brake cleaner, or both.

This shit is 10 times better than any liquid soap.

I use crushed walnut hulls and air compressor. I rub in some Dove hand lotion afterwards.

t. manly men

>gloves break
>hands get dirty anyway

this shit works awesome
haven't tried this yet

>t. pussy

I put on moisturizer and fill my gloves with fresh basil so when I am done f-ing with my car and can finger my girlfriend.

we're all going to die anyway, why give two fucks about dry crunchy hands?

>wear gloves
>always get shredded up
Almost every shop has that shit. Gets rid of most of the dirt.
Walnut infused soaps work very well, better than pumice Gojo

was that poor boy raped by a mechanic?

he was raped by a swarthy looking Onion

Never gonna finger a girl with hands like that lads

Haggard Garage released a video today in which one of them used a grinder equipped with a cutting wheel but no guard and it put me right on the fucking edge

ya but spark plug holes on the other hand

>actually wanting to finger grills

What are you fucking 12 or some shit?

Haggard is a dead meme, no one cares

It's a matter of time before someone at haggard loses a body part.

Unless I'm messing with fluids, paints, etc, I usually don't wear them, but I use these and they hold up really well

You eat ass?

pic related

buy some gloves if you donĀ“t want somebody realize you worked

What are you, a grill?


with a butane tank stuck up his ass.

Holy shit user your hands are moderately dirty you must be a master mechanic would you like to fuck my wife?

That's clean.

whenever i put on nitrile gloves i sing the lunch lady song by adam sandler.

i like to work on my car, then jack off so i can get a nice black bull dick

>changing the oil filter plate o-rings on my shitbox
>no gloves, hands covered in grease and oil
>eventually get the plate off and start cleaning it with some Zep Fast 505 degreaser
>get some on my hands while cleaning it
>the dirt and oil just slides off
>"hey that actually works really well"
>soak my hands in the stuff and start scrubbing
>drench my hands in it multiple times to make sure I get out the really hard stuff off
>squeaky clean
>pick up the bottle to put it away and notice a nice big "CORROSIVE" warning on it
>it was really fucking corrosive
>skin is really red, dry and irritated for the next week
>clean as fuck though

Next time the orange pumice stuff will do.

Stop using garbage Walmart gloves

>not lubing your girl up with axle grease

what's the point.

I've done this. I work at a restaurant and shop and I was coming into the restaurant after working on a car and I sprayed the degreaser that we use on the trash cans and stuff on my hands and it cleaned all the grease off.
Didn't really hurt me.

Dry skin as a result of too much exposure to petroleum products is shit... if you're worried that people will call you a pussy for being careful and using gloves they dont know shit

I wasn't careful, and my hands are now extremely slow to recover their natural fats after I've used degreasers, most types of soap, wore gloves for a longer time (I work outside so thats pretty much every day) and when I've been working outside without them in dry air. This means I'll have to use moisturizer every time after doing one of those to prevent the hands from the feeling of dryness, which is to the point where touching paper and similar products physically "hurts"

Pic related is what I look like after I've been wrenching or had a shower

Was it the exact same product? The degreasers I've used in foodservice jobs in the past typically weren't too bad, which is why I didn't hesitate to soak my hands in the Zep stuff. It was a different beast though.

Not sure if it's Self but it says Fast 505 on the bottle



who is this

>work in machine shop
>carbide tool rips pricey gloves

Don't wear gloves in the machine shop user.