My boyfriend is in the hopsital because a car battery exploded in his face when he tried to jump start his car...

My boyfriend is in the hopsital because a car battery exploded in his face when he tried to jump start his car. I told him not to ground it on the battery but he said I don't know shit because I am just a girl even though I am a mechanical engineer and a woman in tech and his stupid ass stocks shelves at the local grocery. The doctor told me he might lose his vision and I think I may leave him if that's the case because I just can't deal with this anymore.

Lol you dumb bitch

you'd look like a monumental cunt even though he's a retard and thinks you don't know shit because you're a girl

pic oddly related

what are you doing with a guy like him desu

big dik

The tightest pussy in the world isn't going to keep me around a girl if she a retard.

I've boosted, have been boosted and witnessed boosting hundreds of times and I've yet to see anyone ground on anything other than the terminal.

What the fuck do you mean ground it to the battery? You're not grounding anything, you hook negative to the negative and positive to the positive, that's it.

Probably meant ground on engine and positive on the post

Who even grounds during a jump start? Do jumper leads even come with ground clamps anymore?
Red to red, black to black. Done.

Black is the ground retard. It always has been

>when white people accidentally order spicy food at popeyes.

then put it on the negative!
how could people be so stupid.

the boyfriend probably did the old post to post like a newfag and didnt place the negative on a strut tower nut or some shit. probably sparked the negative post and ignited some hydrogen gas

Do you actually directly link the posts with jumper cables when jump starting a car?

You don't do that to the car being jumped. Retard

Always. Red to red, black to black. Problem?

busriders can't fake knowing how to jump start a car


the only problem will be your scar tissue you fucktard

cables go on the donor car's battery, positive on the dead cars positive post and ground is clamped to ground on the dead car, such as a strut tower nut, or engine hook, anything but the negative terminal of the dead car's battery. if the dead battery is leaking etc, then the gas could ignite

inb4 b8ed i aint even mad


The problem is extra resistance in the cables between battery negative and engine block.

>Posative to posative

>Negative of charged battery to engine block of car with flat battery

Added bonus no sparks near battery.

This thread just proves what insurance companies already knew: women are smarter and safer drivers than men. Most men don't even read their car's manual.

7/10 for effort.

You earned your (You).

I've been driving for 28 years. I've jump started more cars than you've seen naked breasts. As you children like to say, deal with it.

red to red, black on "good" battery and vehicle with "bad" battery ground it to the body somewhere

discharged batteries can vent gas and create a fun explosion hazard

I hadn't heard of this either but apparently it is the correct way to do it.

Ah so you're a shallow whore who doesn't care at all about the integrity of an individual, their personal interests or overall well-being. You definitely should leave him, his quality of life will improve massively from not having a self centered libidinous bitch as yourself constantly berating him about trivial matters (which anyone with any degree of intelligence can tell you do.) on a day to day basis.

women like you need to be removed from the gene-pool

sage because this is obviously bait, but still posting in the event it's not

>tfw I realize I've bump started more cars than I've seen naked breasts
>And I'm American, where manuals are rare and exotic
Well, shit.

>28 years

Is that all.


Holy shit look at this r9k perma virgin rage!

I made that post btw im not OP :^)

>visible saging to make sure everyone knows youre mad
top kekk

oh you salty virgin
she's not intending to leave him because he got injured
she's intending to leave him because he's a massive retard who doesn't trust her

>discharged batteries can vent gas and create a fun explosion hazard
I'm going to assume that the vast majority of people have been getting away with doing it wrong because modern batteries are considerably better sealed than their predecessors.

Why did you downsage the thread, please?

I know you're trolling but I've talked to plenty of women (and some beta men) who didn't even know the year or make of their vehicle.

Did you even read my post? She should leave him, he'd be better off. He's actually relatively well reasoned. Women are not to be trusted. You're quite clearly a cuck.
>salty virgin
nice buzzwords friendo

not even him but it really doesn't matter who made the post still raises a point bait or not

Little dick betafag virgin detected

I find this greatly amusing

>All these grounds

It's actually a common.

There is no ground especially since the vehicle is insulated.

Tits or gtfo


fuck this board is full of underage virgin aspies

>tfw I've only jump started a car once
>it's still more than the amount of naked breasts I've seen

go back to fucking reddit

>Trivial matters, such as whether he is blind or not.
Fuck him. Retards who can't match colors deserve to be blind and removed from the gene pool. You don't have to know jack shit about cars to see that the black and red go to black and red respectively. Or you could just keep him around while cucking him and get his disability money (He's blind so he won't see the other man in your house).

Fucking newfags I swear

This is old pasta

How old are you user if you don't mind me asking?

>My boyfriend is in the hospital because a car battery exploded
>I may leave him

You probably should. The purpose of being in a relationship is to test the waters if things work out despite each other having flaws. If it is not enough to go to the next step of living together and then to the next step of an engagement, then it's time to move on.

Too many people waste their lives. All the successful marriages I've seen, and almost all the cases in my neighborhood are successful, have both partners well suited to each other. The ability to move on to find a good partner is essential. Otherwise, you end up in an unhappy marriage.

OP i have a big dick and a phd in biblical hebrew. come fuck on some REAL kosher man meat.

okay turbovirgin.
Keep riding the bus with a body pillow

>I am a mechanical engineer and a woman in tech and his stupid ass stocks shelves at the local grocery.

Why are you with this beta loser?

The big problem, which I learned with my truck, of that if the electrolyte does evaporate or turn into gas, putting a charge it kid on the battery can cause an internal spark that causes a bang

Why not just red to red and black to black? Why this grounding bullshit?

>Why not just red to red and black to black? Why this grounding bullshit?

Connecting the red end from the good battery to the red connector of the bad battery is typical. The grounding method then has the black end from the good battery connect to the good point on the negatively grounded chassis of the car a distance from the bad battery. Thus any sparks that occur from completing the final connection are far away from the bad battery vapors. Also, if the bad battery decides to explode, at least the person is a distance away and misses most of the acid hopefully.

Because generic advice was intended to be made to work in all situations. As said, it is possible the battery is outgassing a lot or has run low on liquid and thus has a large air gap space above and around the plates.

Of course, the other method is to make the connections at the bad battery first and then make the final connections at the good battery. But there are different comments about that.

U gay senpai? A bf/gf is there for the look. Nothing else. Take care of yourself

Batteries are no joke nyukka

big dik

as a person who specializes in electrical it astounds me how people talk about electricity like they have any clue when they are just so hopelessly inept

its like people dont understand that you can die in an instant if you dont know what your doing

as a guy who opened a microwave to remove the high voltage transformer for a licthenburg figure device I'd agree with this statement. Capacitors,man.

tl;dr? Your battery could fucking explode if you make a spark near it. Doing the last connect and first disconnect somewhere other than right on top of the thing will keep sparks away from the boombox.

>you can die in an instant if you don't know what you're doing.
That goes for many things, not just electricity. It's sometimes hard to see the potential energy in a system and how it could kill you if misapplied. Heavy shit, big springs and anything explosive are a few other areas where humans are generally bad at estimating the risk of an action.

>What the fuck do you mean ground it to the battery?
>mechanical engineer

Give her a break. She's an ME and might not get the electrical terminology right. But I know what she means. And she was correct. You make the last connection to the car frame so your head isn't right over the battery if it blows. And sparks don't light the H2 gas venting from it.

You should leave him asap.

Mechanic here. It's not the gasses coming out of the battery that ignite on the terminal spark. A battery set to blow ignites because the acid in the battery has run low so the lead plates are exposed to the hydrogen which is usually pressurised in most batteries (90% it's a pressure release valve, there is a pressure of hydrogen in the cells. When a current is drawn from the batteries, an arc jumps from the exposed lead plate to the copper wire the leads to the next lead plate and that ignites the hydrogen in the battery.

Your battery is going to blow whether you connect the negative to the terminal or a grounding point. This is why a cheap battery box is always useful. In case of a boom it keeps most of the acid from spraying out.

But why would his face be near the dead battery when the current is applied? You connect the leads to the dead battery first and then the live one. Sounds like a fake story.

EE here, your info is wrong. I was going to do a writeup about dielectric breakdown and the voltage gradient across bonded copper and lead, but in the end there's no way you'd understand it, so I'll make it quick.

There is no way a spark could be generated inside a lead acid battery unless you applied hundreds of volts across the terminals. Go do a test sometime: Get an older battery and put like 16V on it. Let the electrolyte boil off. It'll boil all the way down to just about dry and won't ever explode. I know this works because I've seen the results of such a thing on many occasions when retards charge batteries.

What is this, real retard hours? How could you be sure he hooked up the dead battery first? Your ritual is bullshit anyway. It doesn't matter what order you do, as long as a negative to the car body is the last connection and first disconnection.

Get ready to be instantly hated by all of your friends, his friends, his family and probably you own family.

hook the negative cable to both batteries first, you fucking gigantic pile of retards

ding ding ding

still tho this is an exceedingly rare thing to have occur, but hey, shit happens.

>grounding on battery

to be honest I didn't realise this is a issue, I noticed that people would ground (the car needed to jump started) would ground on the car not the battery. I've never had a battery explode in my face, and I've been grounding on battery for a while.. I am glad I haven't lost my vision.

>I am just a girl even though I am a mechanical engineer and a woman in tech

y'all are retarded to not immediately see this as bait

It's not that big a deal. This kind of thing is very rare even if you're doing it all wrong. The body-frame-as-last-connection discipline is just a precaution for the 1% chance the battery is venting enough hydrogen to cause a problem.

I think it's pretty obvious most people knew it was bait considering the majority of the discussion is center on people not knowing that you're suppose to ground the jumpee's set of cables on the body of the car.

Proper procedure:
1. Plug red on good battery positive
2. Plug red on bad on bad battery negative
3. Plug black on good battery negative
4. Attach other black end to your exhaust
5. Rev up your engine at 4000 RPM

>Batteries are no joke
I went back to read my battery charger instructions. As expected, with the charger unplugged, connect to the battery first. Then plug in the charger and select the proper battery settings.

This makes sure the user is a distance from the battery being charged in case it is one of those few that decides to blow up.

good thing most teens and children are retards, otherwise you might have said that differently

>drive a manual
>don't have to worry about this
what a world we live in.

>you'd look like a monumental cunt
She's neither married nor engaged to him. Without that, she's basically a sex friend.
So it's fine that she finds someone else that appreciates her more as a person.

Common is the term for a feed to a switch, not a negative

>I think I may leave him if that's the case because I just can't deal with this anymore.


A dead battery won't be giving enough hydrogen gas to start an explosion. Batteries only give off hydrogen when they're charging. It's the car with the good battery being charged that you need to worry about.

This 9001x



>the vehicle is insulated

The entire fucking car is a pathway for electrons. It's a great conductor.

Maybe you should have dated someone with ambitions beyond stocking shelves. Also, I've grounded jumper cables on the battery literally hundreds of times. There's already a ground cable going to the battery as part of the vehicles electrical system, it's basically the exact same thing as hooking it to the battery minus a tiny bit of negligible resistance.