Whats the best way to destroy a car Veeky Forums?
Whats the best way to destroy a car Veeky Forums?
No oil.
Give it to a woman
In the field of battle
give it to an american and ask them to do anything that is not a quarter mile.
Easymode: a snowflake has fallen
>Find a nice long straight road
>get up to speed, your car should be a manual btw
>get into the highest gear possible and keep accelerating until it wont go any further
Now this bits really important
>keep an eye on the tachometer and downshift into first
>watch the tachometer backflip into oblivion while you tumble through the air and into the oncoming tanker
Drive it on the autobahn and rev the shit out of the engine.
pic related
rope your engine on tree, and then reverse fast.
I should have been more specific but I mean more than just crashing it or hitting it with a bat. Like if you had a nemisis and really wanted to mess with his car without him knowing how would you do it? Preferably with him in it and while hes cruising down the highway? Looking more for things that would do great harm financially and cant be covered by insurance
>Drive it
Driving behind a trailor full of sand or gravel is pretty bad.
Putting any anime waifu lewds on it
1. get a oil filter
2. remove filter material
3. put on nemesis car
4. wait for the engine to lunch itself
You could maybe use sand as well, but that would be too fast.
Drill a hole in the exaust header.
Put battery acid in the cooling system.
remove atleast 3 or 2 bolt from wheel, and luse other bolt, so the wheel runs away
50lbs of tannerite
Saw partway through a front control arm. When he hits a bump hard enough, *snap*.
Whats tannerite and what am I meant to do with it?
thats the dankest meme ever made
also, downshifting in 1st will fuck shit up at any speed above the gear ratio
I think the transmission would just shatter before anything else
It's ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder and you shoot it with a rifle
A guy tried to do this and the whole front end fucking collapsed on him
No idea why my phone quoted on the end there
Start the car and have your feet flooring the accelerator. Do it a multiple amount of times.
big kaboom
Is there a special formula or amount?
just google it
Scrap it properly. Dismantle it, melt the metal down to make cans, burn the plastics and seats for warmth.
This. It's how my redneck relatives get rid of their big appliances like fridges and washing machines. They drive it to the county dump, load it up with tannerite, and start shooting it with high-velocity incendiary rounds.
Other than that:
>Dad owned a powder-blue VW van that he bought in the '70s
>Gave it to my uncle around the time I was born
>Van probably had 200,000 miles on it at that point
>Uncle took it on a road trip for spring break
>Got it stuck in the sand on the beach
>Overheated the engine so bad trying to get it unstuck that it caught on fire
There's a picture in one of my grandmother's photo albums of the van engulfed in flames on the beach at sunset.
Best answer so far
Fun fact: attempting this will result in absolutely nothing happening except some loud whirring because the input shaft tries to spin into another dimension to catch up with the output shaft speed, never able to achieve it
Here's what you do OP...
Stop being a little faggot and don't fuck with someone's shit.
Let a high schooler with a brand new license have it
Drive it in Russia
Sugar in the gas tank
F A C T it never snows in america
Makes sense,but not gonna try.
in the US you can usually find it at sporting goods stores , it's binary so it's not regulated like most explosive compounds.
Some dickhead pickup driver mowed down a roastie from my town here in germany on exchange in the US Florida.
Some friends of mine are upset. Who of you cunts was it, Veeky Forums ?
Why the fuck wasn't this the first post? If you hate them that much be a fucking man about it and confront them in person. Fucking with someone's car is the absolute lowest of the low.
>yfw the car OP is trying to wreck is an RX-7 and all that does is cut the fuel when the engine starts to de-flood it
>Overheated the engine so bad trying to get it unstuck that it caught on fire
It's not like that was uncommon, old VW vans caught fire literally just driving down the road.
looks better than jew york's roads
Car colliding with something heavier that it is at a high rate of speed
drive it into the ocean maybe
Drain oil, replace with sodium silicate. Rev in neutral for a couple minutes.
Drive a old volvo into it.
Well even if you try, nothing bad is going to happen unless you release the clutch. I mean..The 1st synchro is not going to like your attempt at engaging at highway speed, but it's not going to explode.
Btw I tried when I first got my license in one of those stupid "what if" moments.
Basically you can't physically engage first gear anymore past 3rd or 4th gear, the input shaft would have to turn too fast and it can't spin that fast. I guess the oil drags it down or something, you can clearly hear the noise the shaft makes as it tries to reach warp speed
park it in downtown Detriot.
sodium silicate, thats how they killed cars in cash for clunker, killed im in 5 mins
Excellent bait
Does it seize it or something?
it basically turns into ball bearing at high temp, so yeah i guess you could say it siezes it similar to how getting shot in the face siezes your heart
He's right tho
Most every fuel injected car does that.
I drive tow truck, I de-flood cars constantly when it gets cold because people think if they press the gas pedal it will start better in the cold.