If I'm 25 and making 55k/yr *after* taxes (and have a 23k emergency fund)...

If I'm 25 and making 55k/yr *after* taxes (and have a 23k emergency fund), how expensive of a car could I reasonably finance without being too risky?

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A civic for less than 10k. You need at least to make 6 (six) figures to afford anything else.


You need to decide what you are going to do with the car. Driving my sports car and putting 15k miles on it killed me inside, so now I have two cars I'm financing.

Sporty DD. 2 seats is not optimal, but fine. Miata-tier storage capacity won't do though, I'd need GT86/Camaro storage capacity at least.

Corvette under 30k

about 36k then add taxes and fees =40k
40k over 5 years = 700/mo
add insurance for a 25yrold +150/mo

and you are at 850/mo about 20% your monthly income

>add up your expenses
>subtract from your after tax income
>you know what you can afford to spend on a car
How fucking stupid are you?

>pre-tax income
Why are you trying to base what you can afford off of income you don't actually have.

Also a newer Z4 3.5i would be nice, that is what I'm looking at getting, but yeah corvette is the obvious best choice.

i dunno, what's the rest of your finances like?
Debt? Investments?

I hope those are all squared away if you're sitting on 23k of cash instead of putting some of that into capital


Put the rest into RSP's



You should have a minimum of 30% of your income not committed to obligatory bills (mortgage, utilities, health insurance, car insurance, car payment, etc.).

Just money that you can put towards whatever you want every month (emergencies, fun money, vacations, savings, etc).

You should have 5-15% going towards savings/retirement alone.

So, $55k after taxes...
Maximum of 70% towards bills is $38,500 a year, that's $3,200 a month.
Minimum of side money is $16,500 a year, that's $1,375 a month.

Subtract your monthly bills from your $3,200 (or different number based on your % comfort level), then take into account the monthly payment, insurance premiums, fuel efficiency, and repair costs of a desired vehicle.

>So, $55k after taxes...
>Maximum of 70% towards bills is $38,500 a year, that's $3,200 a month.
lel that 3200 is about what 55k is after taxes a month.
how are yall so shit at math

Hail Thoth

OP says in the initial post it's 55k AFTER taxes


This guy understands adulthood

>what am i doing?

>Storage capacity
Sure, it's got a lot of space on paper, but you have to be able to fit shit through the tiny porthole. The ND Miata has a much more practical trunk.

What items would you be trying to fit in a Camaro that would make it's trunk less practical than a Miata?

a gun case

Miata can still fit two duffel bags and a briefcase, and it's got a larger opening than the Camaro.

The guy in the video said you could fit a large case with a couple weeks worth of clothes typically rolled on plane rides along with 2 suitcases.

I'm not sure what gun you'd be taking or how long gun cases can be but his golf equipment which he also said was specially made for his height (being 2 inches longer than the average golfing equipment) still fit there's also the car ramps he fit in there although i guess you couldn't take a sniper rifle but maybe an assault riffle?

>The guy in the video said you could fit a large case with a couple weeks worth of clothes typically rolled on plane rides along with 2 suitcases.
That's about what you can fit in a Miata, as well.

>sniper rifle but maybe an assault riffle?
Please stop posting before you embarrass yourself more.

>sniper rifle but maybe an assault riffle?
>Please stop posting before you embarrass yourself more.

>That's about what you can fit in a Miata, as well.
This what people who haven't owned roadsters/current camaro owners don't understand. It's not the size of the trunk, it the geometry of how large of a package you can fit in there. And the Camaro has no fucking excuse.

Haha! Don't stress it. It took me a long time to figure this out from different financial advisors and personal experience. The military even offers free financial advising that I think everyone who wears a uniform should take advantage of.

This. I've owned 4 miatas. 2 of which were my only mode of transportation at the time.

I personally wouldn't recommend a small sports car as your only vehicle. I'd have a wagon or sedan aswell. So, maybe a an ND Miata + a 90's beater, or you can reverse the equation and get a NC miata and a more expensive/comfortable daily.

They key is to do a lot of mental math to figure out what your budget can handle. If at the end of the day my payment, insurance, and upkeep equals out to $600 a month for a brand new car, I could get a slightly used one + a beater and spend the same or less.

With the introduction of a second practical car, you can be much more impractical with your "fun car".

How much does your housing cost?
Is your job solid and if you get fired, are you able to get a new job right away?
Do you have any other debt?