League of Legends general - /lolg/

I wanna be Lulu's cat edition!

OT: eyosongive.us



>Autofill guy autolocks a different role becuase he doesn't want to fill
>Nothing you can do but lose the match
Fix this

He's the best!
I almost finished a book today!

>Nothing you can do
dodge queue

what are you reading, gumi?

>no Janna girlfriend to wake up to

I don't know why I keep going.

Lulu is my STAR!

>The Great Burning Trash Heap formerly known as DIG

>implying dig was ever anything else

>can read

>implying Scarra, Kiwi, and QT Dig weren't good.

well they were also the kings of baron throws

Neither of those players are all that great, I mean they're challenger soloq ya, but considering they've been playing the game for like 8 years they should not be dying the ways they find to die

>DIG trying to learn English and play LCS at the same time

My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult
It's really good so far.
Reading is fun, FUN!

>picked veigar instead of an adc.


why was adc ever a thing to begin with though

only for tower killing, right?
but there's lich bane, so AP carries can do that just as well

old habits die hard

>in promos

>game 1
>first game Gnar goes AFK for 15 minutes, leaving top lane empty
>when he logs back in, he proceeds to feed Darius 9 kills, going 1/13 in total
>Vi afks permanently after 10 minutes
>lose the game

>game 2
>first pick as bot lane
>go comfort pick
>proceed to notice that the other 3 members on my team are squishies, one being a Yasuo and another an autofill Lux support
>meanwhile the enemy team has 3 tank picks so far
>last pick on our team is jungler
>everyone else on the team telling him to go a tank
>decides nope fuck that, goes fucking Kha'Zix
>our Yasuo is useless while Kha proceeds to do nothing but feed his ass off throughout the entire fucking game
>we get overwhelmed late game because we can't handle the tanks when they actually get tanky

Why the fuck does this shit always happen in promos.

I was silver last season; JFC I want to get out of this bronze hellhole there are literal IDIOTS in this division that are IMPOSSIBLE to carry.

Gotta find some dudes to climb with