League of legends general /lolg/

OLD:comfy bfs edition


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Lulu is my STAR!

Xth for Katarina
best girl

reminder that Talon and Ezreal are both playas that pound vaginas on the regular

LPL camille literally 2v1ed the gank

Lulu is for jews.


xth for Syndra

*second best

shekel shekel?

I gave that image last thread an appropriate file name.

can a drawfag redraw this picture but with Nocturne,Soraka and Graves with Graves talking about Twisted Fate

is it just me or is irelia succ now


>white nidalee

purge this filth

holy fuck that's catchy

>Kled on Rekenton Action

>you will never have qt korean grills cheering for you while you get paid to play video games

Just find yourself a korean gf, then ask her to cheer for you while you play a vidya game, then give a bro some money to throw at you

Easy to cross that one off your bucket list m8

wow I just LOVE my region

Lulu is the cutest!

care to translate, chink?

on what basis do you think I speak chink cunt

Post Foxgirls!

I want to mating press you!

He's the best!
waah im sick again...
goodnight /lolg/

>que for ranked match
>lulufag convinces my team into a dance party
Kill me

go away gumi

i just said im going to bed user
can you read or

Which champ has the best recall spam

nami if you do it slowly

Pool party renekton

Pool Party Croc

>no indicator of what region you're talking about

Championship Shyvana but only while ulted

literally says in the filename what region it is

sleep well

bad santa veigar

FACT: Lulu is the best girl!
Just look at this image for evidence!
Informative post!

and then there's the model

The model is also cute, plebeian!

>gold player with garbage kdas and cs
>feeds, calls people higher rank than him bad
>claims he's diamond
why do these people bother?
a 10 year old could see they're just bullshitting.

no it isn't
vu when?

When you suck my cock

>tfw after 10 games you have yet to get a champ to mastery level 2

i...i may be losing but im having f-fun

Hey Sona where is my room?

>wait 5 minutes for gimp to start
>only to do this

It's ok, you'll make it out of silver one of these days.

>LCK takes 30 minutes to get to the second match

holy fuck i cant fucking win a single fuckjing game jesus christ

I will never understand why shitters think they're good on assassins, like if you fall behind on pretty much any assassin you need to play it safe till you get more items, but no, instead we'll go 1-5 10 minutes into the game

You can do it

>last game i need to win for series
>get que
>someone dodges
>get que
>someone dodges
>get put on support
>no one dodges
Good lord riot why,

when someone dodge and you are not auto-fill protected, quit the game matching, because you will still be in the same game but the support dodged so you have more chances to be support

fought against riven in top while getting camped by vi
being cc'd to death is fucking dumb

How the fuck do I play or build jhin and what lane should I take him in?

what in the fuck is your build holy shit

Why are you asking this guy out of all people?

step 1
dont take him top, its not worth it
step 2
capitalize on shooting them with ad much damage as you can deal
step 3
dont die
step 4 - the most important
dont be me

i had an item set that for some reason doesnt work or exist in the new client but its basically heres what i do
>buy bf sword
>buy zeal
>buy boots (then mobi if i have extra money)
>drop starting item
>farm, get kills
>get runaan's
>kill and farm more
>get essence reaver
>buy agility cloak and another zeal (youre not getting a ton of sustain and 90% crit)
>finish rapidfire cannon
>then ie
>then regards
>drop boots

this. do not take advice from me

Fucking shit like, Gold elo isn't hard but why do they not ever listen until five pings later

The build Jhin was intended to have.

Before Lethalitymemes overtook the ADC role.

no, it is a song that's like a pop song and the guy has some chorus where he sings like he is yodeling, i think he says something about wanting to fly, i couldn't hear it well because of the faggots donating and sneaky talking but the melody is awesome.

Is it this one?

heres the best part
the rune page i used


also, buying lethality in a match is fuckin dumb. just put it on your runes and call it a day

How do I play eve? I have her mastery 5 from playing her in mememodes and deleting squishies left and right, but how do you play her on normal SR games?

>Played the fuck out of Draft mode yesterday on EUNE
>it's already gone

nooooo Rito why are you doing this?!

>not doing both and having your abilities do true damage?
nigga what

thats the whole reason you buy regards
just deplete all their hp and have armor pen on it, plus a fuckton of damage

think of it this way, i can take out an alistar going full tank with ease frum just basic attacks since each shit is
>a crit
>dealing 1700 each shot
>plus bonus damage from regards
>plus whatever buffs i have (elder and this can crit 3k if i do it well enough)

just think about that. instead of buying lethality, im already dealing fucktons of damage where lethality wouldnt do shit

>4 minutes into the game enemy bot lane has gotten a double
>top got first blooded
>mid died as well
>nobody on the team says a single word
>we just use pings
>first tower
>first dragon
Feels like it's been ages since I've had this happen.

we are approaching the promised land of 7kda.

>that win/loss

grindmonkey at work

teach me how to play nami and how to suck dick the most efficient way pls?

Heal people, bubble enemies, buff autoattackers, tidal wave to peel or engage, build redemption and ardent. Don't get caught. Win.

I should've listen to you. but thanks for the tip ill use it next time
>my main support gets banned out
>they take my back up support
>adc is brain dead
>lost match

nami is dom

Hooray i finally got a team that wasnt retarded!

Why not play a jungler that can actually carry if you want to win and climb? And if you play Ivern because he's fun, why complain when you lose?

just get the fucking jungler item with built in sightstone

>he builds jungle item on Ivern
>he whines about losing normals


Lulu is CUTE!

im bored of this game

i dont jungle. at all.

it shows

so what should i have built, fuckface?

Stop playing then.


then this guy says no.

more so he is comment on enchanting the jungle item and going red smite

so red is ok but go the ward one instead?


No you aren't supposed to build a jungle item on him at all

Just go talisman and then first item Lucidities then follow up with Redemption and the other shit. If you like you can go Ruby just for more actives tho

Dunkmaster illaoi skin when?

>every lane and jungle is winning super hard
>score is 10-1
>our autofilled support throws a tantrum that the ADC didn't heal him fast enough and died
>afks, then comes back and starts running down mid
haha wow i love the players in this game

fuck which one

>rengar named gasjews69 ragequits immediately after dying to enemy ekko like idiot
>leona leaves shortly after when team agrees to ff at 20

love me some league guys

screenshot the name and make a ticket about it if your really triggered about it

hey you fags complaining about autofill, do you know that once you fill or support you get one of your roles guaranteed?

then the faggot yasuo threatens to feed and instalocks when he gets support

>forced to play support or get autofilled

really makes u thikng

but did YOU know that if that autofill protected game is dodged you are no longer protected?

Thanks for letting me be your support, Anons!