Lol british engineering

lol british engineering

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What? The key hole has a cap on it which can be removed. As is shown in pic

Most vehicles that use push to start remotes are like this now, dumb ass.

yeas, here's the implication. why would be removed if everything was working perfectly? Something malfunctioned, either the car's keyless entry or the plastic cover has flown off.

>cap on keyhole

Whats stoping some random asshole from just stealing those?

nothing. Honor.

What's stopping some asshole from stealing the emblems from your car? Or the mirrors? Or the wheels?

Lol American enginneering

Step your game up, hit the tea fuckers where they live.

Not living around niggers.

safety lug nuts

I've worked with brand new Range Rovers and the build quality is truly awful.
While we were working on a 2017 Range Rover Sport the key hole cap like in the pic kept coming off.
Plastic bits in the engine bay were not holding properly and kept falling apart
While washing the car (preparation for polishing) the T letter in ''SPORT'' came off by itself, like what the fuck.

Aw, it's so cute you think they do a fucking thing.

>lol Indian engineering

Get it right, you are talking about a Tata


They just deal with the finances. JLR engineering is 100% British, top to bottom.

>the T letter in ''SPORT'' came off by itself

First of all, range rover sport is pleb tier.
Second off, that's a glottal stop now. You're officially a chav, innit?

by niggers do you mean it in a racist way, or do you mean it like anyone can be niggers. because Ive dealt with living in white neighborhoods and young (white) teens who steal shit even though they come from a middle class background

german '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''engineering'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

The thing is stealing wheels is a crime of opportunity, just like stealing cars. If someone wants to get your shit, they will. No matter what you do.

If you make it a pain in the ass for the average crackhead though, they'll just move on to the next car. No need to spend 15 minutes hammering in sockets to get shit out, just steal the other car's wheels that don't have this shit.

Smart crack heads break the window, steal the key and leave the car sitting on the ground. At least that's what they did in my home city lol.

in all seriousness though city SUVs shouldn't be representative of any one company's engineering since they're designed to be money grabbing pieces of shit targeted towards low IQ mongoloids, poor people trying to appear rich and middle class soccer moms

Battery in the key fob died?
Do I sense a recall? kek
