This was my '83 Mercedes station wagon...

This was my '83 Mercedes station wagon. It was parked in front of my house late at night when a drunk driver slammed into it at 80 mph.

And nothing of value was lost

Goodnight sweet prince

get well soon lag wagon.

That looked like a nice car. If you speak the truth I am sorry for your loss. Nothing in this world can save you from other people.

now you have a hatchback.


Sleep tight, Benzie

the driver was probably also uninsured, right?

wow that thing held up well to the impact if they were actually doing 80.. im guessing they were actually doing 35 based on the damage

Yes, and he gave a fake adress to the cops. Typical.

so what happens in this situation?
sorry about your carro

I'm not surprised at all

Hiding a Connecticut license plate from us....Onion is that you?

I truly am sorry for your loss. Hope the fucker gets caught and you get restitution.
Any hopes in getting insurance to payout for uninsured driver shit?

I'll still get paid by my insurance company but i'm not gonna wait around. I'm currently looking for another wagon.

fuck drunk drivers. they're scum. it's always only a matter of time before a drunk driver damages property or kills someone. usually they're shitty cowards as well who try to run from the scene.
an acquaintance of mine once told me how he lost his best friend when a drunk driver slammed into her motorcycle at a stoplight. the driver got off easy in court as well and probably eventually continued his drunk driving activities.

Likely won't get anything from insurance unless OP had collision. I was run off the road by a presumably drunk driver a few months ago. He left and I got nothing. I didn't have collision because my car was 30 years old and I wouldn't have gotten anything from them anyway.
I don't have a running car anymore. I'm working on parting out the wrecked one.

>an acquaintance of mine once told me how he lost his best friend when a drunk driver slammed into her motorcycle at a stoplight. the driver got off easy in court as well and probably eventually continued his drunk driving activities.
I concur, I nearly lost my grandfather to a drunk driver. He was riding home from work (less than 2 months from his scheduled retirement, and less than 6 months after open-heart surgery) came to a stop in an industrial area, a drunk motherfucker came flying up behind him and sent him airborne, the bike was found 3 blocks away from where he was hit. This was the time before cellphones so I remember getting a call at 3am from my Grandmother, saying that he was in the ICU.
They never found the drunk motherfucker, my Grandfather even 10 years later still can't woodwork in his basement shop, shoot straight, ride a bike, or perform anything moderately fine grained that needs his right hand due to the injuries.
A DUI should carry attempted murder charges and assault with a deadly weapon along with special plates for anyone that manages to get out of prison and behind the wheel again.

That held up pretty well, though probably not well enough. Sorry for your loss, OP. It was a shitbox, but it was your shitbox.

>A DUI should carry attempted murder charges and assault with a deadly weapon along with special plates for anyone that manages to get out of prison and behind the wheel again.
I totally agree with that. here in Yuropoor, the police can confiscate the vehicle the drunk was driving, but they only do that after numerous DUI offenses so it's not that common. a drunk driver kills someone, he gets 2-4 years for manslaughter. it's a disgrace, but then again leftists just love to pamper criminals.

Are you lying?

>he gave a fake adress to the cops. Typical.

That isn't typical at all. I'm not sure how it's even possible. You know drunk driving is illegal, right? If they arrested him they would have looked at his ID and verified his identity so he can be processed and charged. It's not like criminals can get out of being prosecuted by just giving a fake address to the cops and leaving. Are you implying that a drunk driver smashed into a parked car at 80 mph and the cops just let him go with a warning or something?