Would you buy a tesla as a daily driver if you had the money?

Would you buy a tesla as a daily driver if you had the money?

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No. IKEA tier interior and hideously unreliable. Also energy costs here relate in a way that makes a good diesel hybrid very nearly as cheap to fill up. Mabye I'd buy one as a collectible if I were a millionaire.

The fastest car money can buy

yes because it is the superior automobile for the modern professional on the move, friend

No because there is no rational reason to do so.

nah, I prefer physical controls. touch screen crap doesn't belong in a car.

its an atrocious car, if you can even call it that


A. Have an 8" long, 6.5" circumference cock but shoot your load after one thrust, two at most on a good day.

B. Have a 5" long, 4" circumference cock that will let you plow away until you want to cum.

the bottom one obviously

but seriously, the tesla gets around 300+ miles of range. can't say that for most sports cars

Yeah no kidding that shit is not the future.

Touch screens control panels must be significantly cheaper to produce than proper ones because I don't see how anyone except a beancounter could sit in a touch screen car and enjoy any part of driving it.

It would just be something I'd use to and from work, to drive friends or get groceries - and even then I dont think it would be cope with the worst weather that can be thrown at me in my parts

I couldn't justify having one car for just those things


The only Supercharger station in the area is 30 miles away and my house was built in the 70s so it has shit-tier aluminum wiring that would probably explode if I rigged up a 240v charging station to the mains.

Now? No.
In 3-5 years when there's a record of reliability and more infrastructure to charge them? Yes.

thats not how wiring works, so I'd go ahead and try it.

No. Looks dated AF.
I'd go for aesthetic vaporshit like Lucid/FF/NIO/HybridKinetic

I stay hard after I cum and my flaccid dick is probably at the same size as B so I could just soft serve.

>if you had the money

Wholesale auction for base model S is about 26k USD

>no rational reason to do so
There is no rational reason to buy any vehicle except a base model Corolla, truck, or van.


>shit interior
>shit reliability
>retarded proprietary software you cannot modify without bricking the car
>big daddy helstra killed aftermarket

Its a good idea for a EV car but its WAY too similar to the current iphone and apples bullshit walled garden crap.

>Waaaaaaaah its OUR technology YOUR not ALLOWED to modify it
>Shit Battery Life

Only if you drive like a pansy. If you put your foot down it'll drain half the battery in a 0-60 run. Where as a normal sports car can go all day. Don't get me wrong, I respect its ability to accelerate insanely fast, but its just not quite up to what a ICE can do.

no. a prius isnt worth the money when you consider that there ar cars that do better fuel econ than a prius and were designed to do the job from day one.

>Tesla had remote access to "your" car because the return of the feudal system is the future
>Touchscreen everything because FUTURE

No. Production EVs are good tech in the hands of shitty people.

I'm waiting for someone who doesn't want the mythical millennial audience to make one, for those of us who did not grow up in the suburbs or take any social sciences for hs/uni

Other people have faster vehicles and can legally bully you on the road
Social status
You forgot wagons
Corollas kind of suck at everything except being a meme

no way dude

I hate that entire company too, but the car is trash.

Here's an actual oil sand mine.
Idk what you're trying to shill, but a single oil pump is not how they mine oil sands.

No. I don't like the interior with its minimalistic nothing, I don't want a touch screen to control all functions of the car because it's cold and I want to wear gloves, no place to charge it, the facelift made it look like ass and it has always looked like a Ford.

damn straight


It's ugly

It has a horrible
>giant ipad becuz muh gadgits

It has proven to be of questionable reliability

It will have shite resale value

Actual oil sands worker here

The drilling rig is an extraction technique called SAGD, it involves injecting super-heated water and steam in a manner similar to fracking. The pit mines are in the northern part of the region where the layer of bitumen (the geologic term for oil sand) is closer to the surface.

But the mines are more profitable and currently more productive than the other method. Both methods have problems though--apparently the high number of roads and pipelines associated with SAGD cause issues with wildlife and forest structure or something like that, plus it uses a shitload of natural gas. SAGD is cleaner though, and it's the only possible way to extract oil from areas that could have future development.

>normal sports car you can drive all day
>driving like a madman
fuck off

>tesla cant accelerate like what ICE can do
it does it better

No. If I have $140k laying around I'd build my own electric death machine or buy something like this. I don't want my cars interior to look like George Jetsons BSDM dungeon just because it's electric.

Not since they discontinued the roadster.

I seriously hope you guys aren't dumb enough to fall for this.
The top picture is actually a copper mine.

just look at that pile of shit l m a o

No. It would be a Chevy SS and supercharged or a CTS-V Wagon. Both in manual of course.

I do, and no.

Good thing copper is non-conductive and not needed for electrical motors.

>plus it uses a shitload of natural gas

What ever happened to the idea of using small nuclear reactors to produce the steam?

if I lived in a big city


only low test beta cucks care about pleasing the woman

I wouldn't buy, only lease

buying an electric car is probably one of the worst investments you can make

>t. Gets cheated on

only low test beta cucks worry about being cheated on.

probably not, disgusting interior and questionable build "quality" and reliability

I'd rather get an S-class

>t. high test alpha cuck

yes, but also because trying to have proper physical controls for the huge infotainment systems in modern cars is a problem.

you can have a million buttons like previous Audis, or use some sort of joystick/jogwheel like merc and bmw.


where can you possibly live where electricity is so horribly expensive and diesel fuel cheap?

Nope. If I had the money for that, id be driving a 50+ year old classic thats been restomodded.

nah because i live in croatia and i wouldn't be able to charge it anywhere

Germany. Electricity is $.032/kWh average. Diesel was $4.50/gal today. A Tesla will use as much money in electricity as a diesel or diesel hybrid getting 46 mpg.

Oh, and both prices are after taxes, no hidden costs.

you know your electricity prices are artificially high because Fuhrer Merkle is propping up the solar industry?

I would buy an electric car for my daily commuting if I had the money (and if electric cars were looking more conventionnal).
I consider fossil-fueled cars as a hobby and electric cars just as a tool for commuting.

My plan is the following: commute by using an electric car, keep the petrol cars for hobbies, track days or week-ends.

I know that my hobby is polluting, but I can fix that by reducing my C02 emissions when going to work. Just be responsible so we don't have to deal with the death of species, global warming, and worst above all the dictatorship of ecologists.

Yeah. Doesn't change anything about the cost comparison.

If that was ever an idea then I've never heard it. It sounds like the plot of a retarded 1950s sci-fi B-film.

Good thing copper is not needed for virtually everything that allows a modern society to function

Germany's EV incentives are weak. They also seem to be designed to discriminate against Tesla.

We already only use half as much energy per household as the burgers, we don't have to whitewash our conscience with "environmentally friendly" cars.

diesel emissions are awful. just look at how smoggy paris is.

german cities wanting to ban cars from downtown, or congestion fees.

Traffic is terrible anyway, electric cars would only make it cleaner, not better. I know it's impossible to make an argument for public transport against the Veeky Forums mindset so I'm not even going to attempt it.

i used to live in japan. I'm all for massive rail based mass transit and walking.

rail based mass transit is for low test cuck weaboos. There's a reason Japanese people are slowly going extinct.

No. If I'd ever shell out that kind of cash on a car I would get one that I can actually own.

There is a direct correlation between the decline of rail and the cultural decay of the United States

mah negroid

No, there is nowhere to charge it.

>accelerate twice
>battery dead

But it was worth ?

i dont usually like american cars but that wagon looks great
yes please

Fuck yes. I would have a Tesla Model S P100D over any other car in the world.

>expensive, fast and "luxury"
>electric vehicle
pick one.
I would daily a cheap electric car as a beater, so i could still buy a real car and keep it in the garage. But i would never expend that kind of money in a EV

>All these people acting like they wouldn't be excited af to drive a tesla

What is it about electric motors and a battery that has less value than an ICE to you?

>Actual oil sands worker here
>The drilling rig is an extraction technique called SAGD, it involves injecting super-heated water and steam in a manner similar to fracking. The pit mines are in the northern part of the region where the layer of bitumen (the geologic term for oil sand) is closer to the surface.
>But the mines are more profitable and currently more productive than the other method. Both methods have problems though--apparently the high number of roads and pipelines associated with SAGD cause issues with wildlife and forest structure or something like that, plus it uses a shitload of natural gas. SAGD is cleaner though, and it's the only possible way to extract oil from areas that could have future development.
Thats exactly how modern nuclear power plants work.Nuclear energy originates from the splitting of uranium atoms – a process called fission. This generates heat to produce steam, which is used by a turbine generator to generate electricity. Because nuclear power plants do not burn fuel, they do not produce greenhouse gas emissions.

That's not true. An electric car can recoup 50% of the power used to accelerate through regenerative braking.


>bully on road
I wouldn't merge a 4500 diesel monster into a tailgating Corolla. How would they bully you outside of not letting you merge? I used to drive a crown vic and some people wouldn't let that even merge until I forced it.

Yes, I'm aware that's how nuclear plants work. Two astoundingly stupid problems with the suggestion to use nuclear plants in oil sands production:

1. SAGD generates the steam by burning the natural gas that is a byproduct of all oil extraction. So, instead of using a free byproduct of what we're already doing...we should use a super-dangerous astronomically expensive material under tight international controls? And have to completely re-engineer what's an already expensive extraction process?

2. We inject the steam into the motherfucking ground to get the oil out. Can you imagine how many people worldwide would want to use potentially radioactive petroleum products?

i'd buy a used panamera hybrid for 100k

Not necessarily. I'd rather drive a hybrid or something as a DD in the future, but not now. I DD a Z32 and it's fun and shit but the gas mileage is terrible, which is fine since I don't go very far for school and work.

I'd buy one to DD from home to work and that's it. Anything else I'll have a more fun car to drive.

while i was driving around where i live in florida i saw a Model S from Ontario with a tow hitch, it was fuckin weird. wonder what that guy would tow.

It probably has the power to tow the biggest class 3 trailers available today, but the suspension couldn't handle the high tongue weight of most. If the tongue weight was low, and speed was also kept low, I bet it could tow a 10,000+ pound trailer with ease.

I meant class 5.

>Land Rover

It's like they enjoy taking their cars to the dealership

>I bet it could tow a 10,000+ pound trailer with ease.

Yeahhhhh no. Not with those blender motors. It overheats after multiple 0-60 runs, There's no way it's handle a 10k lb trailer anywhere except for maybe a flat shithole. The only way you can get away with towing with a single gear ratio is running a big ass traction motor half the size of that smart car like a locomotive. Unless you get the motors to "no load" It's just going to use a fuckload of amps in the Tesla and overheat.

Model X is a towing monster. The S can't tow a lot because it wasn't designed for a hitch, only aftermarket companies make them.


>implying the battery wasn't dead and overheated after that. Towing a light trailer down a drag strip and a 10k lb trailer over a mountain range are completely different things.

My company just installed a shitload of EV chargers at the office so that aspect would be cool for me but my commute is like 4 miles. It's not worth it to me to have a dedicated commuter anymore. I just DD my truck.

No, its not very efficient, its REALLY heavy and there are few if not no electric stations near me

jesus christ the range on these things must be heavily reduced because of the weight

this is what happens when you shutter your nuclear plants, kids


God Damn the CTS V wagon looks amazing.

>still hasn't completed a lap at Nurburgring without over heating.

Have fun with your 120,000 corrolla. Except corrolla can go all the way around.

I would never want to daily drive what would be the fastest accelerating car on the road. I only daily drive cars based on their nurburgring lap times.

>except for maybe a flat shithole
Welcome to Ontario!

Of course
Instant torque
Environmentally friendly
Supporting an american company that's leading us into the future

too bad i'm broke

No, because electric cars aren't manuél.

>Environmentally friendly

>This is a commonly held opinion in America, including the fucking president

>buying gimmick car only because the rest of the sheep do it
No, I wouldn't. The only reason to buy one is free charging and tax deductions. My country has neither, so Teslas are just poorly build gimmicks on wheels. It's probably not even eco, if you take into account the whole process of building batteries and energy conversion from power plants.

CTS-V wagon is kind of cool tho. Are negro hood rats driving those in the US of A? In slavland "chavz" prefer sedans.